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Apocalyptic scenes from the neighborhood; Citizens warned not to leave their homes VIDEO

The change in weather affected most of Croatia, and the heavy rain caused the most problems in Dalmatia. Streets in Zadar, Makarska, Split and Dubrovnik were flooded.

Izvor: Kurir.rs

Apocalyptic scenes from the neighborhood; Citizens warned not to leave their homes VIDEO


A severe storm with heavy rain and downpours hit the Dubrovnik-Neretva County today and caused flash floods, and the Mayor of Dubrovnik, Mato Franković, called on citizens not to leave their homes during the storm.

County fire chief Stjepan Simović pointed out that the firefighters in Dubrovnik recorded more than thirty interventions by 1 p.m.

"All firefighters are on the ground. We have about twenty interventions in the Neretva valley. This morning we had four interventions in Korcula and Pelješac, and two in the Dubrovnik coast. In Župa Dubrovnik and Konavle, the situation is calmer. This will take time. Heavy rain always creates the problem of flash floods. Driving should be avoided because large crowds are created, making it difficult for us to intervene," said Simović.

Due to the large amount of precipitation in Dubrovnik, Stradun was flooded as well as a number of city roads, and landslides were recorded on the Adriatic highway.

The fact that Stradun is flooded with tourists, and they don't seem to mind, so they walk through deep water, reports the Dubrovnik Herald.

Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Franković called on citizens not to leave their homes on social networks.

"The current extreme amount of precipitation has flooded almost all the streets in the city. All emergency services are on the ground. Unfortunately, this is not all. According to the announcements, in the period from 15 to 23 hours, we expect extreme amounts of precipitation that will cause numerous problems, so I ask all fellow citizens not to go out if they don't have to," Franković pointed out and called on citizens to protect their property.

The on-call services will use their maximum efforts to help pump out water from buildings, but with such extremes, it is not possible to completely solve the problem of torrential floods, he pointed out.

The State Hydrometeorological Institute for the Dubrovnik area has issued an orange warning for thunderstorms with heavy rain and storm surge, which is in effect until midnight.


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