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Vučić: "The new hospital in Loznica looks phenomenal. There is nothing more important than people's health"

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, visited the "Loznica" Health Center.

Izvor: B92

Vučić: "The new hospital in Loznica looks phenomenal. There is nothing more important than people's health"


"The new hospital in Loznica already looks phenomenal, it's a great success for Loznica and the whole of Podrinje. This will become a health center for the entire region, and that's why we're working quickly on the completion of the hospital and its complete and state-of-the-art equipment.

I would like to tell the employees that they are doing the most important job in our country. Health is the most important thing for all our people and our whole country. There is nothing more important than people's health, so thank you for your effort and commitment.

At the same time, I would invite everyone over the age of 40, and I will also go, to look at their health. Everything we can find out in time is of crucial importance so that we can save a large number of people and get, literally, life for Serbia," said Vučić.

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