Politics 3



KFOR: Not true

The KFOR spokesman denied that the mission, in coordination with the Pristina Ministry of Infrastructure, participated in the technical inspection of the bridge on the Ibar in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Izvor: Tanjug

KFOR: Not true


He told Tanjug that this information was incorrect.

When asked how it came to be that the mission in coordination with Pristina is conducting a technical inspection of the bridge, as stated by the Deputy Minister for Infrastructure of the Temporary Pristina Institutions Hisen Durmishi, when they had a different position two days before as stated by the KFOR spokesman:

"We are aware of reports that the ongoing technical inspection of the bridge over the Ibar River in Mitrovica is being carried out in coordination with the KFOR mission led by NATO. This is not true. KFOR was not involved in that activity in any way. Our statement of August 6 was clear - the KFOR commander, Major General Ozkan Ulutash, was informed by the director of the Kosovo police about the first inspection that day, a few hours before it began."

The spokesperson reiterated that KFOR's position on the issue is clear, transparent, and consistent. All decisions regarding the opening of the main bridge over the Ibar River must be made within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of the EU.

"The KFOR mission maintains a permanent, fixed presence on the bridge and continues to conduct regular patrols in the surrounding areas to ensure stability and security, for the benefit of all local communities. We will not hesitate to address any development that may affect the security environment and regional stability, with full respect for our UN mandate," the statement said.

It is also added that KFOR continues to implement its mandate based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 from 1999 - to contribute to a safe and secure environment for all people and communities living in Kosovo and Metohija and freedom of movement, always and impartially.

"KFOR acts as a third security response, in close coordination with the Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), as the first and second security responders," said KFOR.

The main bridge over the Ibar divides Kosovska Mitrovica into the southern part of the city, where Albanians live, and the northern part, where 95 percent of Serbs live.

Albanians repeatedly tried to invade the northern part of the city where Serbs live over that bridge, which led to conflicts, and the bridge is continuously guarded by Italian carabinieri from KFOR.

The authorities in Pristina announce its opening, which is strongly opposed by the EU, OSCE, EULEX, KFOR, and the USA, stating that this topic must be part of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of the EU.


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