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Today MPs continue the discussion on the Declaration and other topics

MPs of the Serbian Parliament will continue the discussion today on a total of 60 items on the agenda, among which is the Declaration, adopted at the All-Serbian Assembly on June 8 in Belgrade.

Izvor: Tanjug

Today MPs continue the discussion on the Declaration and other topics


This session of the extraordinary session began last week, on Tuesday, July 23, when Prime Minister Miloš Vučević explained the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People.

Vucevic said, presenting the Declaration to the MPs, that it represents the foundation of national policy, adding that all key factors were involved in its drafting.

The declaration on the voting day, when it is set, will most likely not be voted by consensus because the opposition has expressed its criticism of it.

In front of the MPs are a number of loan agreements, among which is a loan from the Poštanska štedionica bank in the amount of 42 billion dinars for the construction of the national stadium.

MPs should also discuss personnel solutions, i.e. the governor of the NBS will be elected, for which Jorgovanka Tabaković was nominated again, then the president of the Fiscal Council of Serbia, while Blagoje Paunović was nominated for that position instead of Pavle Petrović, whose mandate expired.

The assembly will resume work at 10:00 a.m.


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