Politics 2



Vučić on media attacks from the region: They see how fast Serbia is progressing, that's why hysteria will grow

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, during a tour of the works on the ring road around Kragujevac, commented on the comments of the media from the region.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić on media attacks from the region: They see how fast Serbia is progressing, that's why hysteria will grow


When asked about the attacks from Sarajevo to campaign against the Wahhabis, Vučić says that he never mentioned them.

"We are not running any campaign, I never even mentioned them. People made them up. I never mentioned them, what are people making up? When they found a problem that six policemen were going, they said it was Serbian aggression and everything about the All-Serbian Parliament, you see that you are dealing with those who are not so reasonable. We will take refuge, so there will be no more aggression. They see how fast Serbia is progressing, that's why we have to work not to fall for provocations," says Vučić.

"My goal is not to create a great Serbia, but that is not very important either. Fifteenth text against me in the last two months. Look at these two Montenegrins who write for the media in Zagreb. Thank you, I learned from my mistakes, but I also learned all their tricks. We should all do our own business and I'm proud of these machines. The machines you see are proof of how fast we're making progress, and I don't have a big problem with their lies. Just look at the reaction of those who don't like Serbia, who write against Serbia every day," he pointed out.

"If they don't write 6 texts against me a day, there are no daily wages, there is nothing," the president added, commenting on the media attacks from the region.


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