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Vučić: I've been listening to "You won't be able to sit on two chairs" for 12 years, we only have one chair"

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addresses the nation, discussing on current topics.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić: I've been listening to "You won't be able to sit on two chairs" for 12 years, we only have one chair"


He talked about key political topics and all current events in the world.

At the beginning, the President spoke about the recent visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Belgrade, in order to sign memorandums that will bring investments to Serbia.

"There is one thing by which you can always see if something is good for Serbia or not. Look at the way the media in the region, which have an anti-Serbian attitude, reported. It is clear to you that we have done a great thing," he said at the beginning of his address.

"After the arrival of Scholz, they noted only one thing. In all those Solak and non-Solak media, everyone wrote only one thing, and that was - Vučić wondered, standing uncomfortably while Scholz was in the car. Imagine the terrible blunder and the terrible sentence that I uttered... That I wonder why they stand still. A man sitting in a car, someone was probably late. They reported on how there were 11 demonstrations in Belgrade. I would say that we have it every day, but that was the only news, there was not even a word about the essence and the particularly essential consequences. And that was enough for you to understand how much it hurt them and how much it bothered them", he added.

Vučić on the visit to Scholz: "Look at how the media in the region reported about it, it's clear that we did a great thing"

He adds that the signing of the memorandum is a great opportunity for the entire region.

"In a normal region and a normal environment, they would be satisfied, because they will certainly have it, their companies would be able to work, employ people and so on. They say 'Vučić drew a new card, Vučić overcame the Germans'. What I think it's our big opportunity and the whole region's chance. I want to tell people something that I don't usually say. You see, not all countries were always rich and not all countries were always poor. I don't know if you know that Argentina was almost twice as rich as France and Germany just 70 years ago, South Korea was one of the poorest, today one of the richest," he pointed out.

He said that it is important what kind of decisions are made.

"It is important what kind of decisions are made, that they be timely and that they are made in the interest of the state. We had many missed opportunities in the past," said Vučić.

"We are losing population in Podrinje, on the other side of the Drina, it is even more pronounced. We need to bring people back there, to stay there and survive. And the impact on the GDP is incredible and we will talk about it tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day. We will open the production of Fiant Grande Panda, in two months, we are going to increase salaries and pensions. People understand that better. So, we need to bring people back there they can stay, and not all people think only about moving to Novi Sad and Belgrade," he pointed out.

He said that in Europe they are not worried about what Serbia is actually doing or not.

"Serbia is about the agenda of growth and getting closer to the single market, and it is the first country that has accepted that about the difficult path that it has to go through. It does not worry them. They are worried now, they are not sure, they ask 'do you believe Vučić in the European future'. They are not sure if I believe in it. I think it is important for Serbia to carry out its reform tasks, but I am the president of a super-modern country that has interests in different parts of the world. It does not mean that we are enemies. What I heard in London was, 'we're winning, we're going to trample the Russians'," says Vucic.

"Zelensky is three times more himself than many of the people I was there with. He knows the situation on the field better than many others," he points out.

When asked about the hybrid war against Serbia, Vučić said that there were many conflicts and that the Americans and Germans worked and agreed together.

Vučić on the hybrid war against Serbia: Americans and Germans worked together

"Complicated relations are there. Some in Europe resented me for being with the Germans, some for being with others. We explain that it is with the EU, it is not simple. As for our secret services, we are weak for them, but we have to preserve vital interests, there are hardworking people."

"Wars will be fought, a lot of money is at stake, some countries will become more successful, and some will lag behind, it will be a big pain. All politicians are running to tell their voters, 'we will join the EU tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the year after that, but it is important to be on that path. It depends on the situation in the EU," said Vučić.

In response to Milan Antonijević's statement that people should not make fun of people who are concerned about the environment and that arsenic was found in the soil and that there was pollution even before anything was started, Vučić said that this was learned by heart and that it was always all the same.

"Mr. Antonijević is talking about the situation in our mines, the situation is not good, especially in Resavica. It is a system of mines, a very difficult situation. They should have been shut down in 2014, but at my insistence, they were not shut down. What should you do with the people in Krepoljin, how can these people survive if we shut it down. I was the one who didn't want something like that to happen. As for Bor, the situation there is drastically better, thanks to the investments, they are significantly higher than average the impact on the environment is drastically reduced. This is not comparable to those on whose side Antonijevic is, who have made Bor one of the most polluted cities. It will take us another 5 years to do the big treatment and introduce river purifiers, the first phase will be done by a Chinese company and later by a French company. It will be a billion investments to make the Sava and Danube clean. We are doing these things responsibly, although it is very difficult," says Vučić.

"Of course, institutions and the rule of law are needed, but that has nothing to do with this. Nobody will let us into the EU, they would welcome us if we imposed sanctions on Russia, to recognize independent Kosovo," says Vučić.

"There is a part of people in Serbia who support the collective West, that in fact they protect the interests of Serbia. I listen every evening, from certain members of my family, or on Happy TV, we who are with the Russians, we really love Serbia. I know that many will resent it, I see how the campaign for sanctions against Russia is intensifying. In those conversations, I say "don't tell me what an ambassador told you or what you support. Because when we watch Inter-Milan, we have to split up, like in "Three tickets to Hollywood". The American and Russian sides were there, but there was no Serbian side. I respect all of them, but I want us to have a Serbian policy," said Vučić and stated that he asked the prime minister of a country, "And why does your government even exist?"

"What do you decide? What decisions do you make? What does the state want? That's where we differ, I like to make decisions independently. We managed to endure these two and a half years in terms of sanctions, and maybe the government will make a decision contrary to my wishes, and then the question of my legitimacy will arise," said Vučić.

"I have been to Davos many times. Back in 2014, 2015, they were talking about the market economy. As China began to trample on everything, in 2016 Xi Jinping was invited to Davos. He gives a globalist speech on the market economy, next year America and Europe say - "we don't want a market economy now, because you have defeated us".

The same with the media, when in the West their media worked as a means of propaganda, everything was fine, but when they learned the same, now don't give it to them," he says.

"I don't think that all evil comes from one side. I'm not stupid enough to not do my job and not notice changes. When you talk about falsehoods, I've read a lot of falsehoods in the Russian media. But I've read countless lies in the most widely circulated Western media about this country. How are you waiting for Serbia to attack Bosnia and Herzegovina? A big lie, which is shown every day, about how we are doing politics in the Balkans. They know that they are lying read so many lies about our country, like in the regional media. From Zagreb, Priština, and Belgrade. That can't be compared to anyone's lies. For 12 years, I've killed someone with a sniper that we chased the Ustasha in the Second World War. It turns out that Vučić was also attacked in Srebrenica. It becomes so perverse.

"At the summit, I asked for the other side to be heard. Shall I ask you who is winning and when that person will finally win? I am not saying that the Russians will win, but I am asking you when the others will win. They have emptied half of the European countries, they have no more weapons to give them," says Vučić and points out that it is also in Russia's interest to sign the agreement because their economy is suffering.

"That's why we're heading towards disaster. We're sliding towards disaster, it's my job to make sure that we protect Serbia, that we have as much energy and food as possible'', says Vučić.

The British army is strong, they invest a lot. We invest more than what it says. From what I see, as a continent, we are sliding into disaster. Let us take cover, let me take a pad and a notebook and see how many checks we have. I'm afraid that because of all this passion and intransigence, we are going in the worst direction and there is nothing that can stop it. Wartime governments are created. Out of 20 requests, 10 are related to war. Everything is preparation for war. Look at how the European Commission is composed, point out those who are banned from entering Russia," warns Vučić.

On the assassination attempt on Trump

Speaking about Biden's withdrawal from the campaign, Vučić says that he said it would happen two days ago.

"I talked to people from London and America. I'll tell you a secret, it doesn't look great, but I believe it will be one of the most uncertain elections. I think the decision was made in the Democratic headquarters, to get involved in Michelle Obama's campaign, which means the candidate will be Kamala Harris, and Michelle Obama will carry her. Kamala doesn't have that kind of charisma. That's part of the deal, I'm letting you know. You're going to see her role and it's going to make the election very interesting."

"As for the assassination, it's terrifying. If it had happened somewhere else, how would they keep up with us? I was just questioning which countries are characterized as democratic and which are not. I think it's extremely important that we have good relations We need to have good relations with the USA. This is the policy that has led us to these results we'll see if we can sit on our chair.

"The most aggressive are always those who want to talk about the aggression of others. I was shocked when that happened to Stefanović, and I considered it a blow to democracy, even though he was not a leader in his party either. I didn't notice that you complained when the gendarmes beat me, because I was just walking when Ranko Panić was killed," Vučić said.

"Michelle Obama is the only person who can be measured in terms of popularity with Trump. It is not easy to transfer popularity, people are not stupid, but there will be emotional encounters, common, with different vulnerable groups, I would not raise the importance of going to the polls. There will be very uncertain elections in America," points out Vučić.

"Things are getting complicated in Ukraine, things will get complicated. China will have the highest growth, and as for Trump defeating Russia, I don't think that's his plan. I don't think he's going to enter into conflicts with China, but how to protect America economically. Trump's focus will be on China, and I think he wants to end things as soon as possible, to see how to make peace. I am afraid that I am not far from the truth. Don't you know how difficult the situation will be in Ukraine with electricity. I spoke with Orban and with many other people. That's how it happened at the NATO summit, you see, I'm a veteran. I've been in it for so long and I've had so many meetings. I'm not a big optimist and I hope that someone will understand that a truce must be made and that both sides will understand it," said Vucic.

"Trump knows that this is his last term, 60 percent chance for Trump, 40 percent for Kamala Harris, and that is more than it was until yesterday in the Trump-Biden relationship. Will there be any other big changes in the relationship with Serbia, I don't believe, but it's good that you have better relations. It's important that we work on it. And if you expect everything to change, it's not possible to beat Russia, it's possible if something happens to Putin, but it is very difficult with Putin at the head. Putin wants his political legacy to be the results of Ivan, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great... He thinks in terms of geopolitics, but also in terms of a unifying factor. If he loses, he has nothing of that legacy life, his family's life, from Russia. Do not doubt, they would tear Russia apart, you have already heard from various Scandinavian countries, and that is not their idea. When you have such a motivation, when you say that the West must win, then you have to keep in mind that Russia will be ready to sacrifice 5, 10 million people. In the West, no one is ready for that, they would like to wage war remotely. Is it going to be? I think people who think they won't are mistaken. They are not ready at the moment, but they are preparing for war with Russia, faster than some people want to see. We know this through military preparations for conflicts, I tell you, they are preparing for a military conflict," says Vučić.

Vučić repeated his position that sanctions should not be imposed on Russia, and that there is no reason not to have good relations with Ukraine.

He asked what the state is for if others make decisions for it.

"We don't need a government, we don't need a state. I think that the citizens support this, but more important thing is that it is useful for our country. Serbia was showed great respect with the resolution on Srebrenica. So many votes like Serbia had won, neither America nor Russia can't win at the UN General Assembly. China and Russia helped us with their work, but others didn't help us," said Vučić.

"I hope that we will host Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk before the end of the year. I don't know if there will be any results, but I think Tusk's visit will be very good and important for us," says Vučić.

Speaking about Rio Tinto, Vučić says that instead of coming to an agreement with Kokanović, they are very arrogant and big, so they won't do it.

"Now they behave much better and act differently. How much time and work do you think was needed for the Summit we made, how much time for Kragujevac tomorrow. Ursula von der Leyen was supposed to come, but she couldn't. Everyone else came, the chief director of Mercedes-Benz...  Do you know who is Carlos Tavares from Stellantis, it is a miracle for our country.

"We have started to work on the opportunities for us to increase salaries. Pensioners will have over 10 percent, a big increase, we will see salaries, and education sector will be satisfied, for sure. We will continue our policy of supporting children with rare diseases, those who are most vulnerable, mothers, families, and parental allowances will be higher. We have 10.000 fewer children than last year. Who are we doing this for, if not for our children," said Vučić.


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