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Vučić: "Attacks on me are a sing of desperation and helplessness. I don't care if my safety is threatened"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was hosted on the show "Prva tema" on TV Prva. Vučić spoke about the most current topics.

Izvor: B92

Vučić: "Attacks on me are a sing of desperation and helplessness. I don't care if my safety is threatened"
Printscreen/Prva Tv


President of Serbia expressed his condolences to the family of the murdered Serbian policeman Nikola Krsmanović.

"The head of the BIA in Loznica informed the police chief. The SAJ reacted in accordance with the law. What is important is that the investigation will show all the motives, there are many strange things in the whole story. We have another person of Serbian nationality from another country in the region. And that is strange, as is the German residence permit," said Vučić.

Vučić pointed out that many things are questionable, but that the competent authorities will do their part.

President of Serbia stated that the killer of the Serbian policeman, Faton Hajrizi, was influenced by various agencies.

"He killed a Russian soldier in 2000, and it's a strange story where he advertises on the networks, then criticizes the representatives of the authorities on the networks. The authorities from Pristina. Who would do that, it's all very strange".

Vučić stated that a new hospital building will be built in Niš, and a new building for GAK Narodni Front in Belgrade.

"I said that the air conditioning issue should be resolved in three days, and Lončar tells me that it is a procedure of four or five months. I said that I am not interested, that it must be done. I say publicly, I am guilty of violating procedures. And now you can see that they don't care about the children and mothers, why should we wait until October? They need air conditioners. I'm proud of being a bulldozer", Vučić said, adding:

"Here, go ahead, prosecute me for the change of air-conditioners in the People's Front Clinic, since you won't find anything else to prosecute me for. They lied to everyone."

Vučić spoke about Djilas's statements about the election process and relations with Germany and stated that there were more difficult issues, such as the Resolution on Srebrenica.

"I said everything I thought, and I was right. I'm interested in Serbia, he's interested in the election process. I don't want to talk about it, it's not even a point of interest to me. Here they say Ćuta said he was going to invade, there wouldn't be Scholz, I just smile".

Vučić believes that Rio Tinto made a mistake and that they should have listened to Kokanović.

"This is a much bigger story, not the story of individuals. This is a story about strategic issues for our country. Come, people, we should talk, instead of putting up barricades. I am ready at any moment to receive Mr. Kokanović and each of these people".

About the Summit in London

President of Serbia spoke about the Summit in London and pointed out that the English organized the meeting very well.

"I used the opportunity to speak with 21 European leaders. I spoke with the Georgian leader on two occasions and I expect him to win the elections. I expect him to come to Serbia for the winter. These are important things that we are offered to discuss with the leaders of major countries", Vucic said.

Vučić stated that coming to the Summit was like coming to a place where everyone should be brave enough to participate in the war.

"For me, Zelensky's speech was strange. It was an unexpectedly strong attack on Orban, and then I expected it to go that way, so that Orban would get a chance to respond, but that didn't happen. The Swiss President spoke, she boasted to the results from Bürgenstock. I thought it was normal for Orban to get the word out. And then Mette Frederiksen came forward, who also spoke strongly against Russia," Vučić said and added:

"I've been hearing for two years that I'm a Russian agent, and that we're going to invade. And no one said sorry. I think a different approach is needed, but I see that no one is interested, I know how small Serbia is," said President of Serbia.

Vučić stated that he also spoke with Macron and Scholz.

"They are smart and educated people. As some people see it, I am even more afraid, and I am even more convinced that we are approaching an even more difficult situation in the world. There is no end to it. I am only glad to see that both in Ukraine and Russia, people are increasingly claiming that they want to negotiate".

Vučić stated that the interest of Serbia is peace.

Vučić also spoke about the introduction of sanctions against Russia and pointed out that we established our position two days after the start of the war, and that we still hold the same position.

"I have nothing bad to say about Ukraine, they did not recognize Kosovo. So, when they attack me because of the meetings with Zelensky, let me tell those smart people what impact it would have now if Ukraine recognized Kosovo," said Vučić.

Vučić on the assassination of Trump: It will happen again; Now he has a great chance to win

President of Serbia, regarding the assassination attempt on Robert Fico, then Donald Trump and regarding the comment that he might be one of the potential "targets" said: "I understand that some people would be happy if I wasn't here," said Vučić and added that he had no fears.

"We can draw three conclusions about the assassination. The most aggressive are those who accuse others of everything, i.e. the leftists, they are always the ones who cultivate hatred. I once said in 1996 that I was overwhelmed by the aggression of those who uttered messages against the SPS, even though I was even a bit aggressive against those who think differently. The conservatives will not do such things. The second conclusion is that it will be repeated''.

"It will become something normal and happening. Imagine you are going to kill the candidate who is expected to win. I think Kamala Haris will be his opponent," said Vučić.

When asked if his security is threatened, the President of Serbia states that he is not interested in it, because, as he said, he has people he trusts. Vučić states that the attacks on him are an expression of despair and helplessness.

"I am silent and I don't say anything to them about those insults. I got out of it, I can no longer even contribute to the party of which I am a member, in terms of fighting against political opponents. Now my interest has waned, I used to be combative, and today, it means nothing," he said.

Vučić states that he warned political opponents that they would do worse in the repeated elections.

"People are only interested in the results at the end. Our people have come to the point where they all sit down at the table together and decide within the family who is better for them and who provides them with better conditions. That's how people sit around the USA and wonder who they will trust''.

"I think it's important for the people. I want to thank the people who had faith in us," said Serbian president.


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