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Vučić: We do not want to go to war, unlike those who accuse Serbia of it

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addressed the public.

Izvor: B92

Vučić: We do not want to go to war, unlike those who accuse Serbia of it


Vučić pointed out that the week ahead is extremely important.

"I am traveling to London, for the first time I will have a bilateral meeting with the new Dutch prime minister, with the French President. I expect important meetings this week, but I cannot confirm everything yet. We will try and fight by the end of summer, the beginning of autumn, which will mean the accelerated development and further progress of Serbia," Vučić pointed out.

Vučić spoke about the attacks coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"The campaign was expected. As if on command, they did everything as I predicted, both in Sarajevo and Pristina. That will not change, I have nothing against them running that campaign, when you can't brag about the economy, then you have to run such a political campaign. They lie all the time, from snipers to Srebrenica... Let them do their job, we'll do ours. They've been lying for years," said Vučić.

"Serbia is not in any of the judgments in the genocide in Srebrenica. You mentioned certain Mr. Bogdanović. Should I bother to comment on a notorious drug addict? You remember when I was in London, Sandulović was brought to the audience, who said that I was persecuting the biggest Serbian opposition figure. That's how the foreign services work. They blackmail you. It's important that you speak against Vučić. I'm not going to make excuses for a normal thing. Those who are at war would like to accuse Serbia which would not want to go to war," said Vučić.

About conflicts within the SNS

"I can only speak about it as a member of the party. For me, it is inadmissible to talk about it in public. I have never been enthusiastic about those who think it is very important to present such things in public. SNS is one big family. On this day, SNS alone has over 51 percent, as an individual party. People know who they are, and who is the bulldozer, and who is the excavator, and who should carry the shovel," Vučić said.


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