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A two-day visit to Egypt began; Vučić spoke from the plane and addressed the youth in Serbia VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, traveled to Egypt, where he began a two-day visit, and this evening he posted an Instagram message from the plane.

Izvor: B92.net

A two-day visit to Egypt began; Vučić spoke from the plane and addressed the youth in Serbia VIDEO


"We, the elderly, cannot live only on the knowledge acquired in schools and universities. We must work hard, but also learn every day in order to survive in the knowledge market of modern society. However, our greatest hope is the young people of Serbia, in whose education the state must invest much more, but I am asking them to avoid the trap of superficiality, to devote themselves to learning and work, because that is how Serbia will surely win," wrote Vučić on Instagram.

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