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"Vučić must be the culprit": Croats wrote more texts about me than about Plenković and Milanović combined

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, answered questions from journalists after the session of the extended collegium of the Chief of General Staff at the "Banjica 2" barracks and spoke about new attacks from Croatia due to the adoption of the resolution.

Izvor: B92.net

"Vučić must be the culprit": Croats wrote more texts about me than about Plenković and Milanović combined


"Whenever Serbia would raise its head, whenever Serbia would not be humiliated, whenever Serbia would not agree to serve other people's interests, but to carry out self-punishment, to agree to the phantasmagorical cataclysms that it has to go through due to allegedly criminal behavior, whenever Serbia rises economically, it would represent a political factor that is not insignificant, and if the politicians would not say "sorry for killing us", they would write more articles about me than about their president and prime minister together. This speaks of their obsession, but it also speaks of to me, not doing so badly fighiting for our country," said the President of Serbia.

"The culprit must be Vučić, who else. I have a specific question, if it's me, I see that the Montenegrin leadership is saying that the resolution on Jasenovac was brought under pressure from Belgrade, they are not saying my name because it would be an outright lie, but it is obvious. My question is, the President of Montenegro and the Prime Minister of Montenegro, did I ever call them on the phone to ask if a resolution on Jasenovac was my idea, or was it your idea to explain to the people of Montenegro that you are going to find something to get away with it. When I asked Spajić, he said that they will adopt the resolution. "I never called them, not even Mandić. However, they have to find the culprit," Vučić said.

"I ask them if they are ashamed of the resolution they passed, I don't think it's bad, as the previous one you passed, and I don't see you being ashamed for it. As for Croatia, I want many more texts, the more they write, the more confident I will be that I am doing a good job for my country. I'm proud that I have enough strength, energy and courage to stand up to them."

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