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Preliminary results: List around SNS wins most mandates

Local elections in Serbia were held on Sunday in 89 cities and municipalities. According to preliminary results, the SNS list has the most votes in Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad.

Izvor: B92.net

Preliminary results: List around SNS wins most mandates


Based on the preliminary results, Belgrade Tomorrow has 64 mandates, Go - Change 21, and We Chose Belgrade 14 mandates.

The most mandates in New Belgrade were won by a list around the SNS - 25

The preliminary results for 13 Belgrade municipalities show that the most mandates in the municipality of New Belgrade were won by the SNS list, which will have 25 mandates, followed by the "Go-Change" list with 14 mandates, "Biramo Novi Beograd" with nine, and the "Russian Party" which will have one mandate.

The most mandates in the Municipality of Zvezdara were given to the SNS list with 28 councilors, "Biramo Zvezdara" 17 mandates, "Dosta je bilo" three, "Green Zvezdara Dr. Dejan Žujović" three and "We are the people of Zvezdara" two.

In the municipality of Barajevo, the SNS list will have 25 mandates, "Biramo Barajevo" six and "Za zeleno Barajevo - when if not now - Dr. Dejan Žujović" two mandates.

In Surčin, the SNS-based list will have 26 mandates, "Biramo Surčin" five, "We the power of the people" three and "I am Surčin, you are Surčin" one mandate.

In the municipality of Obrenovac, the SNS list will have 38 mandates, "Za naš Obrenovac" nine, and "Biramo Obrenovac" eight mandates.

In Sopot, the SNS list will have 23 mandates, "Together for our Sopot" nine and "Milica Djurdjević Zavetnici" one mandate.

In the municipality of Lazarevac, the SNS list will have 37 councilors, "Go-Change" nine, "Biramo Lazarevac" seven, "We the strength of the people" five, "I am Lazarevac, you are Lazarevac" two and "Russian Party" one mandate.

In Mladenovac, the SNS list will have 38 councilors, "Dogovor za Mladenovac" seven, "Biramo Mladenovac" six and "We Strength of the People" four.

In the municipality of Voždovac, the SNS list will have 33 councilors, "Biramo Voždovac seven", "Go-Change" 13 and "MI glas za Voždovac" two councillors.

"Biramo Stari Grad" will have 23 councilors in the Old Town, the list around the SNS will have 21, "Guardians of the Old Town Marko Bastać" will have 10, "Narodna Lista" will have one and "Za zeleni Stari Grad Dr Dejan Žujović" will also have one councilor.

In Vračar, "Biramo Vračar" will have 28 mandates, the list of SNS around 25, "Vračar to Vračar residents" three, "Zeleni pokret Vračar" two, "Narodna lista key for victory Vračar" two, "Dosta je bilo" two and "We are Vračar" one.

In the municipality of Rakovica, the SNS list will have 30 councilors, "Biramo Rakovica" will have 14, "Rakovica naš kraj" will have two, while "United Opposition of Rakovica" and "Dosta je bilo" will have two councilors each.

In Savski Venac, the list around SNS will have 18 mandates, "Biramo Savski Venac" 16, "Za zeleni Savski Venac Dr. Dejan Žujović" two and "Enough of politics, Savski Venac is ours" one mandate.


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