Politics 11



Vučić canceled his guest appearance on RTS: He gave the slot to Sava Manojlović

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, canceled tonight's guest appearance in Dnevnik on RTS.

Izvor: Novosti

Vučić canceled his guest appearance on RTS: He gave the slot to Sava Manojlović
Shutterstock/Alexandros Michailidis


As the media reports, he asked Savo Manojlović to be a guest on RTS for the third time in two days.

Just to recall, Savo Manojlović was on the show "Takovska 10" yesterday, today again on RTS.

Last night, RTS broadcast a political duel with three representatives of the opposition against one representative of the SNS, and today Dobrica Veselinović and Savo Manojlović again appeared on RTS.

President of Serbia made a decision that he will not be a guest on RTS until election day. That's how it was yesterday, so it was "three to one", and today it is "two to zero" on RTS.

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