Politics 3



The shameful resolution on Srebrenica was adopted; More votes against along with abstentions than "in favor"

In the UN General Assembly, a vote was held on the resolution on Srebrenica, where the same resolution was repealed, which declares Serbia to be genocidal.

Izvor: B92.net

The shameful resolution on Srebrenica was adopted; More votes against along with abstentions than "in favor"


In order for the resolution on Srebrenica to be passed, a simple majority of votes is needed at today's session, which starts at 4 p.m. CET. The voting rule is such that a simple majority of the present member countries of the UN General Assembly is required for the adoption of votes, with abstentions not being counted.

Therefore, if there are more votes for than against, the Resolution on Srebrenica will be voted.

By the way, the UN General Assembly has a total of 193 member countries, with the fact that not all countries are expected to be present at the session.

Voting completed: Resolution adopted

The voting on the resolution in Srebrenica has ended, 84 votes were "in favor", 19 "against" and 68 "abstentions".


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