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Swiss media: How the admission of the so-called Kosovo in CoE failed

So-called Kosovo will continue to wait for admission to the Council of Europe, Neue Zircher Zeitung writes, with the assessment that the West is putting pressure on Prime Minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, who lost their trust.

Izvor: Tanjug

Swiss media: How the admission of the so-called Kosovo in CoE failed


As the paper states, in an article dedicated to how the admission of the so-called of Kosovo to the Council of Europe failed, this episode is an example of the loss of Western trust in Pristina.

It is also added that for a long time it seemed that the return of the church land to the Visoki Dečani monastery was the last condition, but then the western countries - Germany, France, Italy - reminded Pristina of the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, writes Deutsche Welle.

Although, according to the NZZ, last week Pristina promised to send its own draft of the CSM statute for verification to the so-called Constitutional Court, the embassies of Western countries responded that this was not enough and demanded concrete steps in the establishment of the CSM, which was agreed upon eleven years ago.

In Western ministries of foreign affairs, NZZ writes, they are convinced that Kurti "acts only under great pressure".

"The Community of Serbian Municipalities actually has nothing to do with the Council of Europe, it is the subject of negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia. There, the West wants progress at all costs. Kurti, on the other hand, has no confidence in that process and is instead trying to bring Serbia to a fait accompli by brazen soloing," NZZ writes.

This includes, it is added, the abolition of the Serbian dinar or the recent ban on Patriarch Porfirije entering Kosovo.

"With this, Kurti not only undermines Belgrade, but regularly also Western allies who, in the end, in the form of KFOR, guarantee the country's security. At the beginning of the year, Washington expressed its frustration with this particularly clearly," adds the respected Swiss newspaper.

The text assesses that such disagreements are a huge problem for Pristina, which is very aware of international support, as well as that by taking a hard line towards Kosovo and the West, it runs the risk of creating the impression that it is measuring by different standards.


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