Politics 3



Implementation of the decision on the abolition of the dinar in Kosovo begins, Prishtina threatens with fines

The transitional period set by the so-called Central Bank in Pristina for the start of the implementation of the decree banning the use of the dinar in Kosovo has expired.

Izvor: Tanjug

Implementation of the decision on the abolition of the dinar in Kosovo begins, Prishtina threatens with fines


In Pristina, they announced that starting today, measures will be taken against all those who use currencies other than the euro for cash transactions in Kosovo, reports RTK.

In the transitional period, no punitive measures were imposed, but citizens were informed about the application of the regulation on cash payments.

Commercial banks operating in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija were instructed to open new branches in the north. As the so-called CBK announced, after May 12, all cash transactions anywhere in the province must be done in euros.

"Currencies other than the euro can be used as value for storage in physical form or in bank accounts in non-euro currencies, for making international payments in non-euro currencies and for foreign exchange activities," the CBK decree states.

Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Albin Kurti, when asked a few days ago about the end of the transitional phase, repeated that the so-called CBK decides on such issues, not the executive power.

Regulation of the so-called CBK banning the use of dinars in cash transactions in Kosovo and Metohija entered into force on February 1.

The government in Pristina then called on the Central Bank to allow a transit period for citizens using dinars in order to adapt to the new regulations.

The seventh consecutive round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held in Brussels next week, during which, as announced by the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petković, the main topic will once again be "the unilateral and illegal decision of Pristina to cancel the dinar and dinar payment transactions in Kosovo and Metohija".

Petković pointed out that the decision to abolish the dinar in Kosovo and Metohija threatens the survival of the Serbian people in the province and calls into question the functioning and existence of all Serbian institutions.

"This will be the seventh consecutive meeting in Brussels regarding Pristina's decision to abolish the dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, but unfortunately all previous meetings have shown that there is no realistic approach, nor the political will of Pristina to solve this problem," Petković emphasized. adding that Belgrade has so far presented a number of specific proposals, which the other side rejected, and that all responsibility for solving this situation lies with Pristina, which is the sole culprit for causing the crisis.


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