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Vučić from New York: Everything is boiling like a beehive in the UN; We do more than it's realistic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke from New York. He said that representatives of Serbia are doing more than it is realistic in the fight for the interests of their country and that the United Nations is "boiling like a beehive".

Izvor: B92

Vučić from New York: Everything is boiling like a beehive in the UN; We do more than it's realistic


"Mr. Djurić will stay in New York until May 2. He will have meetings with 20 countries, especially in the Pacific, from Palau to Papua New Guinea. There is a lot of work left to try to fight, to go out with our heads held high and let's dedicate ourselves to the further progress of Serbia," said Vučić.

"Many people in the world, no matter how they vote, know that this has little to do with justice and international law, but with politics and geopolitical relations. It is up to us to protect our interests," he added.

"Tonight we had a meeting with 5 European countries, which we consider to be friendly and do not vote as ordered. We will continue to work and as soon as we return to Belgrade I will make a plan for our return or how to act in Belgrade. I want the permanent representatives in Belgrade, African, Asian and Pacific countries to invite them and once again express our views", said the President of Serbia.

"It is not enough to say that we only talked to someone and that they have a positive attitude. That is not enough, what does that mean. We have created a lot of nervousness here for many people, from their journalists to politicians. Someone said from the Asian representatives yesterday that the UN has never been in such a mess that they don't know what's going on before the Resolution on May 2. We managed to complicate things, but we know we can't win. America raises an eyebrow, and then the others jump to vote. But to be fair, they didn't, the main role was taken by the Germans and they are the ones who directly lead the campaign in the UN and outside of all their partners," he said.

"They said that they would not postopone this process. The Germans and Bosnia-Herzegovina were clear about that. But what if BiH does not have a position, but only one part of the country," continued Vučić.

"In the past, once correct countries, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, would have been vehemently against us. But they understand the geopolitical situation now. It's a big game, everything boils over in the UN. We're going today in the afternoon, Marko and Vuk will have a meeting with the Organization of the Islamic Conference. We have already seen them all, but it's good to confirm once again. This morning, I spoke with three other world leaders, asking them for support and help. We are doing more than what is realistic. Americans and Germans met today in Austria and counted votes and made a pressure list."

Vucic recalled the match between Valladolid and Real Madrid.

"The whole Bernabeu showed white handkerchiefs to drive the coach away. In the second half they fought, so even though it was a draw, there were no more white handkerchiefs. It's yours to fight. The one who expects us to beat America, Germany, England... It would be easier for us if the topic was Kosovo. We are not as small as we think we are," said the Serbian president.

"They found the most painful topic for us, if it had been Kosovo, it would have been much easier. We are not as small as we sometimes think of ourselves."

He talked about the entry of raped women.

"In the EU, they launched a mechanism to lift their sanctions, which we haven't even seen. Look at that disgusting trick. The Albanians make an illegal decision, and then when the Serbs don't agree to it, they say there is no readiness for compromise and agreement. I am speechless. For 16 years, a small country has been fighting for its freedom and territory."

"Whenever there is something in our region, whenever you refuse to accept someone's blackmail, you are a factor of destabilization. Whenever you are ready to protect the interests of your people, you are a problem. I am their biggest problem, because I do not allow Serbs to be trampled on. The essence is that they are able to violate Dayton in the most terrible way, and that is why they let the Germans go, because they know that it is a violation of Dayton, because you have to have the consent of all 3 nations and they know that, of course they don't care, but they'll say we didn't do anything or interfere. When you tell them, they put the headlines everywhere: "Dangerous threats from Vučić".

Whatever I do, I will always be a bad guy. And if we give up the Serbian name, the Republic of Srpska,  our independence, I would get three Nobel prizes, I would be beautiful and smart, if I did that," said Vučić.

"We have many of them who cheer against their country in Serbia. It's been like that for decades. They designed the so-called leaders, people who should nurture and protect other people's values, not the values of their own people," said the President of Serbia.


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