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Vučić addresses the session of the UN Security Council: 11 years have passed, and there is still no CSM

A United Nations Security Council session dedicated to the six-month report of UN Secretary General António Guterres on the work of UNMIK is being held today in New York, and Serbia is represented by President Aleksandar Vučić.

Izvor: B92

Vučić addresses the session of the UN Security Council: 11 years have passed, and there is still no CSM


The regular six-month report on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija will be presented by the special representative of the UN Secretary General and the head of UNMIK, Caroline Zijadeh.

The session was opened by the President of the Security Council for April, Vanessa Frazier.

Vučić's address

The President of Serbia reminded that April 19, 2024 marks exactly 11 years since the Brussels Agreement.

"One of the signatories was the EU. 11 years later, even though the Serbs have fulfilled all the difficult obligations from that agreement, the CSM is nowhere in sight," said Vučić.

Vučić pointed out that the Serbs have 11 years of unfulfilled promises, everyday excuses and untruths, and the accidental or deliberate inability of the EU to move things from a standstill, even though it is the guarantor of that agreement.

"These 11 years are 11 years of unfulfilled promises, everyday excuses and untruths," emphasized Vučić.

"Let me remind you that the emergency session was held at the request of the Republic of Serbia, that the temporary institutions in Kosovo led by Albin Kurti caused tensions. Serbia presented to the UN Security Council everything that happened, legal violence, physical violence and selective targeting of Serbs on Kosovo and Metohija. All members of the UN Security Council assessed that our arguments and complaints were in accordance with the facts," said Vučić.

He pointed to the fact that Pristina creates unbearable conditions for the life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. President of Serbia also pointed out that Pristina abolished the dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, which is the culmination of a prolonged ethnically motivated campaign against Serbs and other non-Albanians.

"The moves of the Priština authorities affect everyone equally, regardless of age and gender, and all within the chauvinistic agenda aimed at the creation of Greater Albania," said Vučić.

Vučić also recalled the ROSA raid on Serbian pharmacies in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok.

"From February 8, 2024 until today, five rounds of talks were held, the only tangible outcome of these efforts was the exposure of the true motives of Pristina. The main negotiator and Kurti's partner in persecution confirmed that their intentions to abolish the dinar are the intentions to completely eradicate the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija. He remained dedicated to Greater Albania and that hegemony. Instead of being sanctioned, Kurti's regime was constantly rewarded," Vučić said, adding:

"At the same time, there is constant repression by the Albanians, there were 16 attacks, shootings, intimidation of the decreasing number of returnees. Forcible removal by the police of signs with names in the Serbian language. Continuous attacks within the campaign of persecution of the Serbs deepened, the persecutors of the Serbs confiscated large amounts of medical supplies in Zubina Potok and Kosovska Mitrovica. UNMIK lacks precision about the events of this period".

Vučić also recalled the illegal expropriation of Serbian land for the construction of military bases in Pristina, the arbitrary arrests of dozens of influential Serbs, the constant presence of police vehicles in peaceful areas, unnecessary shooting, the seizure of the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the plowing and destruction of the Serbian cemetery...

Vučić recalled the attack on Miloš and Stefan Stojanović.

"Instead of being sanctioned, Pristina regime is still being rewarded," Vučić stated and added:

"Another indicator that Albin Kurti lied is when he talked about the alleged introduction of three-month periods when it comes to the introduction of a new currency, which did not happen, and he is constantly rewarded. And this indicates that they never told the truth."

"We expect UNMIK to give a clear and precise report on the situation on the ground, and an objective one," said Vučić.

"Serbian police, provided for in Article 9, have been replaced by Kurti, who threaten, arrest, and no one has taken anything to stop this terror," said Vučić.

President of Serbia commented also on the shameful elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

"The new Albanian municipal authorities were confirmed without any political legitimacy and then they came as occupiers accompanied by heavily armed special forces," emphasized Vučić.

Vučić pointed to the arrest of Srećko Sofronijević, who was wounded at a political protest.

"There can be no reconciliation without the release of all political prisoners," said Vučić and reminded that Kurti publicly refuses to implement the Brussels Agreement, even though the so-called Kosovo Assembly adopted it with a 2/3 majority.

"On the ground, we have continuous and unsanctioned persecution of Serbs in formal peacetime conditions," Vucic said.

Serbia is committed to dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, he added. The fact that Pristina does not implement any agreement is proof that it wants to persecute the Serbs, he explained.

Vučić pointed out that Belgrade fulfilled its obligations a long time ago.

"Serbs have been exposed to open persecution for years, and Pristina has refused to fulfill its obligations," Vučić emphasized.

"It is clear that we urgently need solutions that mean more UNMIK, not less," he said.

President of Serbia reminded of the crimes that were never punished.

"Kurti personally leads his party's campaign in North Macedonia. The most popular politician in Macedonia is not Kurti, but Vučić, who does not have any campaign in Macedonia. Today we will definitely have the opportunity to listen to fairy tales from those who ordered the persecution of Serbs from Kosovo. As the president of Serbia, I don't want to use euphemisms for the real state of things," said Vučić.

Vučić emphasized that by becoming a member of Council of Europe, Kurti would be rewarded with political support for the next "elections" in Kosovo.

"I have to warn you of the danger to which the entire legal order is exposed, if Kosovo's membership is eventually declared. We can easily find ourselves in a situation where the chauvinist regime will be rewarded. For the creation of this detailed system, the regime of Albin Kurti was rewarded for probable membership of the Council of Europe. The world is silent because the development of democracy and multicultural society has been replaced by the politics of consolidation of Kosovo," he said, adding that Kurti would get another victory served on a plate.

"That would be a final and fatal blow to international law. I am almost certain that such destructive plans will not be implemented," he said and added that he wanted to appeal to the countries that supported the membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe.


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