Politics 1



A new blow for Djilas, the SSP Secretary in Niš left the party

The tycoon media hypocritically pushes the narrative of great unity, while Djilas has been abandoned again. The opposition around the coalition Serbia against violence is going through the hardest days ever, according to Novosti.

Izvor: Novosti

A new blow for Djilas, the SSP Secretary in Niš left the party
M. K./ATAImages


The autocracy of Dragan Djilas, who has ruled for years in the ranks of the opposition, is paying its dues and one member is leaving him.

First, the international secretary of the party, Ana Stevanović, left the other day, and yesterday morning, Pavle Grbović flew out of the SSP parliamentary club as if he had never been there, the media added.

Just when the people of Djilas thought that that was all from the dismemberment as far as yesterday was concerned, a cold shower arrived in the evening from the south of Serbia, from Nis.

Namely, a high-ranking member of the Freedom and Justice Party from Niš, the Secretary of the Electoral Headquarters for the city of Niš, Dušan Andjelković, informed the public on social networks that he is leaving Dragan Djilas!

He then revealed to the public that his party colleagues MPs Djilas, Marinika and company did not want to accept the proposal to give up their earnings in favor of the victims of the May tragedies.

The other MPs who received mandates from the Serbia against violence list did not want to accept that proposal either.


He stated that many of his proposals were not accepted, and that he had no other choice but to leave the party.

It seems that the announced election boycott has nothing to do with the election conditions, but now it is becoming clear that there would be no one from the opposition to carry out those elections, since every day Dragan Djilas is being abandoned by yet another member. Some leave of their own free will, like Dušan Andjelković and Ana Stevanović, and some leave the parliamentary group, like Pavle Grbović. The last one to leave Djilas should turn off the light!


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