Vučić: "The fulfillment of the demands was never their goal, but the implementation of the colored revolution"
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the public about the most current topics on the domestic and world political scene.
He began his address by recalling the accident that happened in Novi Sad on November 1,2024.
"That's why the state had to show every kind of responsibility. Just two days after the accident, we faced violent protests in Novi Sad, where an attempt was made to set the City Hall on fire," Vučić began.
He then reminded that after that, the blockaders' protests began throughout Serbia, and that the state looked at their demands very benevolently.
"In mid-December, we realized that fulfilling the demands would not be enough, because that was not their goal, but the goal was to implement a colored revolution in Serbia," he said.
Vučić then mentioned that with their blockades, they are depriving citizens of one of their basic rights, namely the right to free movement, in almost 180 municipalities of Serbia.
"Immediately after the request was established, illegal behavior began without the use of physical violence. That illegal behavior was reflected in the pressure on the prosecutor's office, the courts... Justice was taken over by the plenum and assemblies of informal bodies instead of competent state bodies and institutions," added Vučić.
"It is all the more worrying that when some say that a student edict was passed that calls for respect for institutions and that it is known who must do what and what work in this country, and that all the time, in fact, it seems that the institutions cannot do their work, but that they are being ordered by someone who has nothing to do with it, has no authority, no competence and no authority," he explained.
As he pointed out, when he talks about illegal behavior, I mean the prevention of constitutionally guaranteed freedom of movement for all citizens of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of more than 150 municipalities in the Republic of Serbia.
"Wherever 10, 20 or 500 or 5,000 people appear without any formal agreement with the law and a report submitted to the competent state authorities, one of the basic constitutional rights of people would be denied. We tolerated, suffered, let everything go, and some people probably thought that it was possible that an illegal, illegal state and illegal behavior should last forever."
About assaults on journalists
He adds that journalists from both Informer and RTS were attacked.
"The behavior of the RTS management, who did not defend their employees and their journalists, was shameful," said Vučić.
He also points to the hostage crisis in the RTS, where someone thought he had the right to endanger people's lives and work.
"Of course, the behavior of the management of the Radio Television of Serbia, which did not stand up to defend its employees and its journalists, was shameful. They defended N1, which no one even attacked, more than they dared to speak about their journalists. That's why I, as president, have the right to say whatever I think about RTS, because those journalists are not guilty, they did their job honorably. Whether I like how they do it or not, that's another matter," explained Vučić.
"After the attacks on journalists, at various gatherings, from Autokomanda to many others, they started an even more naked form of violence. That naked form of violence was the hostage crisis, which they caused in Radio-television Serbia, where someone thought they had the right to block people's lives and work," he said.
Vučić pointed out that everything was done without a legal report, bragging about how they carried out a guerilla action.
About the incident at the RTS building
"500 of them knew, and the people in the state of Serbia didn't know it, including our stupid intelligence agencies. It's completely unbelievable, but it's true. In addition to the naked violence against the employees of the Radio Television of Serbia, they also used naked violence against the members of the Serbian police and the members of the Serbian gendarmerie for the first time," said Vučić.
"With a direct attack, of course cowardly from behind, the members of the gendarmerie, who were only there to protect the building, to protect the institution, were attacked with a strict order not to respond to the attacks for one second and not for one moment, nor to intervene in any way. People just had to pave their own way, in order to be able to protect the entrance to the building. They offered elections, to which they said that they did not want elections under any conditions. They reacted the same way to the offer of a referendum", announced the president.
"Every day we offered dialogue to everyone. Every day. We offered it to the opposition political representatives. They returned the shock with bombs, smoke bombs, pepper sprays and the most brutal attacks and the collapse of the reputation of the National Assembly in its history since the establishment of the multi-party system there in the nineties."
"We offered elections, we offered a referendum..."
"We offered elections. They said it can't be done, elections can't be done at any price. We offered a referendum. I understood that at any moment you talk as they say about a man with glasses who terribly lies that Serbia is a successful country, that Serbia has great growth, and we all know that is not true," he said.
"So, we offered a referendum. And I said as an advisory, if it turns out that 50 percent plus 1 citizen said that they do not want to see me as president, although I have no need or obligation to do so, that I will resign on the same day. And they refused. They refused everything. They refused any kind of normal conversation, they refused any kind of rational discussion or approach and they were looking for what they are still looking for today, which is to enter the government without the will of the citizens. It is, call it what you want, a transition to an expert one, one way or another," explains Vučić.
Vučić especially emphasized that he will not allow the street to determine a disastrous future for this country. He added that he does not accept undemocratic methods, plenums, assemblies and everything else.
"And I guess they are thinking as March 15 approaches, that the pressure will be so great on me, that I will be terribly scared and that I will change my attitudes and opinion. I repeat, transitional governments, fraudulent governments, without elections, which the worst people from this country should enter, only because they think they have power on the street. It will not happen as long as I live. I vowed and unequivocally confirmed it to you several times, now I am announcing it to you, just a day before their rally. Just to make it completely clear that I do not agree to blackmail, I do not agree to pressure, I will not allow the street to determine the rule in this country and I will not allow the street to determine a disastrous future for this country.
"In my heart, I swore to love Serbia and our people and our citizens. And I will not allow anyone to destroy all the good that we have done, and above all I will not allow them to destroy the future of this country. Not even the youth of this country. Even those children that they try to abuse and manipulate. We will protect them too," he said.
About the rally announced for March 15
Vučić pointed out that the gathering on March 15 was illegal and was not registered. The state of Serbia will take all measures to prevent riots, and anyone who even thinks of attacking the demonstrators will be arrested at the same moment.
"As far as tomorrow's rally is concerned, I am inviting all the actors. First of all, I want to tell you that that rally is illegal. Let's be completely clear, since I don't want to flatter anyone. That rally was not reported to the competent state authorities. That doesn't exist anywhere in any country in the world, except here. But we are a very democratic country and instead of the truncheons that would be used in Germany, France and other Western European countries, we will help in every way in securing their rally," he announced.
"So, on the one hand, we have an illegal gathering, on the other hand, I call on all the state authorities of Serbia, including the police, security agencies, to help ensure that the gathering is fully secured and peaceful.
"All responsibility will be borne by the organizers of the illegal assembly, that we will do our best to secure the participants of that assembly, as well as to secure all other people, including those in Pionirski Park, and all other people, but also all other state institutions from the participants of that assembly. Therefore, the state of Serbia will take all necessary measures," Vučić said, emphasizing that the goal is to preserve security.
He urged everyone not to riot.
"To ensure peace. Those who disrupt the peace will be arrested and severely punished. And we invite everyone, anyone who thinks to attack those who demonstrate tomorrow, regardless of the fact that their protest is illegal. Anyone who attacks them will be arrested at the same moment. Anyone of the participants of that great protest, who attacks anyone else or any institution, will be arrested and will answer to the face of justice."
"Our goal is to preserve stability, to ensure security, and we will succeed in this as a country. I call on all of them not to cause riots and disorders, I was very disturbed by the information that the police delivered to us around half past four in the afternoon, that Molotov cocktails, baseball bats and phantoms were found in a car not far from the building of the Radio and Television of Serbia. I don't know any more details, to be completely honest, that's what I remembered. At the corner of Ilija Garašanin St and Starina Novak St," he added.
About the attacks on Republika Srpska
"As far as the Republic of Serbia is concerned, let me answer the British ambassador, who talked about our obligations to respect the Dayton Agreement and the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, he said sovereignty is something else. We have always respected it. Only respected Mr. Ambassador, the very people from Great Britain, who were high representatives like PEDA and EJ, long ago did not respect the Dayton Peace Agreement, but brutally trampled it. They trampled it. They changed it as they like and as it was in accordance with British and some other interests, not the interests of the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina," he explained.
"So, the Republic of Serbia will not deviate from its policy of respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement, but it cannot accept changing the rules just because it is in the interest of certain big powers and because they think they can do what they want and since they can't do anything in Ukraine against Russia, then they will find a small nation and once again the Serbian people to show their strength," concluded Vučić.
"According to past statements, you will always have an ally in Serbia, if you want to preserve peace, principles, international public law, and if you don't want to, we will not enter into conflicts and arguments, but we will always and in every place give you a clear and unambiguous answer. Let me repeat once again, the Republika Srpska is not responsible for the fact that someone tried to steal its property. According to the Dayton Peace Agreement, the issue of property is the responsibility of the entities, and not of the central authorities. And this is clearly stated, because it is only clear what is exempted, everything that is exempted from those enumerated powers that belong to the central authorities, belongs to the entities. The property is not enumerated," he explained.
"And you tried to destroy that. You tried to destroy it all the way to the point of trying to arrest three holders of one entity based on political judgments and a verbal offense. This does not exist in any other country in Europe. It is only allowed against Serbs. And what is worst, you support and respect such decisions", he said.
"Finally, before you ask questions, I call all citizens of Serbia for peace. I ask parents, since we have many signs and many groups that announce violence, if they don't have to, don't take children out into the street. I'm only talking about children, so that no one would say that we are preventing the arrival of other people. And we will certainly make sure and do our best to ensure peace, safety and security for everyone. I warn those who think that by attacking people who think differently, especially the children in Pionirski Park, especially institutions, I am asking them not to do that. Not because I am afraid that they can do something, not in the least. And I am asking you for that, because tomorrow you will beg me for pardon," Vučić concluded.
"Together and united, we can do anything, at least on some key issues that we can agree on, and all our differences and everything that we think differently should be resolved in the parliament, talks, talks with the government, talks with the president, whatever you want, conversations on debate shows, but not on the street. And not by jeopardizing anyone's safety. Therefore, I call on everyone to preserve peace tomorrow, at any cost, if this is not the case, the state will ensure and guarantee security for its citizens."
"As for their reactions and expectations, I am ashamed to comment on otherwise hypocritical announcements coming from the EU and I will have a lot to discuss there on the 24th and 25th with the people from the EU in that matter. There is no problem, we will provide security, not because you are asking for it," Vučić replied to the journalists' questions.
He added that they know very well who are the students in the park who want to study, but they do not know who is in the plenum.
"Because we want to protect those young people and some children who will come to those gatherings. Do you know how many 14- and 15-year-old boys there were last night who came to provoke people in the park? And they didn't do anything to these people. They are locked up there. They didn't attack anyone. They didn't offend anyone. Children aged 14 and 15. Every evening, 200 to 400 of them gather, surround the fence, and start swearing, although they haven't done anything to them. You have war veterans in that park, you also have some farmers who have come to support them. We know perfectly well who the people are in the park," explained Vučić.
"The special issue is what Ana insisted on today, which Miloš also spoke about, and these are the words of Marija Vasić, a teacher from, if I'm not mistaken, the Jovan Jovanović Zmaj school in Novi Sad. She said that the army was expected to go out on the street and that negotiations were held with the independent army union," he said.
He emphasized that he will not introduce a state of emergency or anything like that.
"It's your choice and theirs. But to participate in a coup, because using the military in a coup is called a coup, sorry, it's one of the most serious crimes in our country. So I'm sure the competent state authorities will investigate it. In any case, they do not have to worry about the army or other competent state authorities in Serbia. They will do their job in accordance with the constitution and in accordance with the law," said Vučić.
"As you can see, we neither introduced a state of emergency, nor do we plan to, except for a massive attack on the security forces, which we consider impossible, because we think that we acted preventively very successfully and prevented huge attacks, and now you can always be surprised by someone's violent or thuggish policy. But we believe that we managed to prevent it. So, we are not planning to introduce a state of emergency at this time, or anything like that," Vučić said in response to questions.
About female students in Croatia and Dinko Gruhonjić
"In many countries, this would be reason enough to ban a political party. But I will always be against banning any political party, and certainly not the whole party. It would be a shameful decision regardless of what we could hear, which was shocking and which greatly disturbed the entire public in Serbia. And it is pointless for me to comment on what it is, how it is, the authenticity has been confirmed and there is no great philosophy here. As for Mr. Gruhonjic, I am prepared for the fall from power," he said.
"It is tomorrow, as far as I understand, sometime around this time. I am completely ready for it and absolutely calm. And proud of what I have done in the previous 13 years for this country, if I had acted like Dinko Gruhonjić, I would be ashamed to look in the mirror not because of how I look, because he is certainly much more handsome than me, because of what I did against my country. I fought for my country. I worked the best I could. I worked diligently, worked hard, worked with dignity and as a proud president of Serbia. I did not give in, except for the pardon," added Vučić.
About the expected number at the meeting on March 15
"We expect tomorrow somewhere, as I said, between 60,000 and 80,000 people, that is, we made those estimates, that is a large number of people, a huge number of people, of which there will be around 30,000, to 33,000, if I'm not mistaken, according to our estimate," explained Vučić.
"They bring people from the interior, that is, from all over Serbia, they are rich, they have many people who come by car, and tomorrow we expect an influx of cars from the interior, some will come tonight, some tomorrow, that's fine. When we bring our supporters, they are not rich, we have to pay for the buses. They come, they have dinners and everything else, we have to provide sandwiches."
"So as the president, I have to respect and love everyone and we will protect them all tomorrow, we will take care of everyone, but I am in my heart and I will remain so and I will be proud to say that to Dinko Gruhonjić before tomorrow, and I am also the sandwich maker and Ćaci, it's all me. And I can't explain to you how proud I am to be exactly that. And I will never give that up. I will never give up on that people that they despise," he added.
"You know, that Pogačar, we think the worst of him, he knows how many people were in Novi Sad. Ask him, if he wants to tell you honestly. All these boys and girls know that. They are not naive activists, if it sometimes seems that way. And none of them are stupid. None of them are stupid. So I will tell you, they will tell you that there were 40,000 in Novi Sad. Maybe with everything in between that we failed to count. With the bridges themselves. There were about 33,000 to 34,000 people, especially in Niš. Half of the people in Belgrade were there," he added.
"You know, we have toll booths all over. And compare Saturday to Saturday. Don't compare Saturday to Friday or Saturday to Thursday. Saturday to Saturday, Friday to Friday. And see the difference in the numbers. See how many people came to you because of that gathering. Exact numbers. There are no scams whatsoever. But I don't think it matters. It is important that tomorrow is calm. And I want to encourage everyone to behave responsibly, to behave seriously and to remain calm. Then our quarrels of political nature can continue the day after."
"As the President of the Republic, I do not accept undemocratic methods, plenums and assemblies.
In my heart, I swore to love Serbia and our people and citizens. I will not allow anyone to destroy all the good we have done, and above all, I will not allow them to destroy the future of this country, nor the youth of this country," said Vučić in his speech.
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