The Higher Public Prosecution Office sent a strong message: Violence will not be tolerated
On the occasion of the protest to be held in Belgrade on March 15, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade appeals to all protest participants to respect regulations on public order and peace and to exercise their right to peaceful assembly.
On the occasion of the protest to be held in Belgrade on March 15, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade appeals to all protest participants to respect the regulations on public order and peace and to exercise their right to peaceful assembly in accordance with the Constitution and the law.
"Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly, but violence will not be tolerated and all those who resort to it will be prosecuted in accordance with the law, both those who may attack participants in peaceful protests, and all those who may commit violence against other persons, members of the police and representatives of state authorities," they emphasized in the statement.
Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, as during previous protest gatherings, will take all measures and actions within their jurisdiction to ensure that the announced protest gathering takes place peacefully, with dignity and without endangering public order and peace, with the aim of protecting property, physical integrity and tranquility of all citizens.
In a statement, the Prosecutor's Office reminds that violation of the provisions of the Law on Public Order and Peace implies misdemeanor liability, and in the case of committing a criminal offense at a public meeting, also criminal liability.
In this context, they indicate that crimes against public order and peace are prescribed by the Criminal Code, among others: Violent behavior from Article 344, Violent behavior at a sports event or public gathering from Article 344a and Causing panic and disorder from Article 343.
Criminal acts against state authorities are Obstructing an official in the performance of official duties from Article 322, Assaulting an official in the performance of official duties from Article 323 and Participating in a group that prevents an official from performing official duties from Article 324 of the Criminal Code.
Criminal acts against the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Serbia from the Criminal Code, among others, are: Attack on the constitutional order from Article 308 and Calling for violent change of the constitutional order from Article 309.
They also remind that in the group of crimes against life and limb, the Criminal Code also prescribes the following crimes: Serious bodily injury from Article 121, Minor bodily injury from Article 122, and Participating in a fight from Article 123.
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