Crime 0



Shock: Accused of murdering little Danka will go free?

If the Appellate Court in Niš accepts the appeals of the two lawyers defending S.J. and D.D., who are accused of the murder of Danka Ilić (2), the two will be released after almost seven months of detention.

Izvor: / Suzana Božinović

Shock: Accused of murdering little Danka will go free?


Namely, after receiving the indictment that the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar delivered to the lawyers of the accused, the lawyers appealed the detention to the Court of Appeal, demanding that their defendants be released because, as they state, there is no longer any legal basis for them to remain behind bars.

Lawyer Živadin Bogdanović, who represents the accused S.J, confirmed for Kurir that he filed a complaint.

"I filed an appeal with the Appellate Court in Nis. The appeal is based on the indictment of the Zaječar Higher Prosecutor's Office. The indictment literally says that my client S.J. is in custody 'so as not to influence the witnesses'. Given that all the witnesses have been heard, the appeal was justifiably invested," says Bogdanović.

However, in the opinion of Zaječar's lawyers, it is unlikely that S.J. and D.D. will be released, given the gravity of the crime they are charged with, as well as the public's anxiety.

Let us remind you that the indictment charges the accused with aggravated murder, which is punishable by life imprisonment. They are accused in the indictment that on March 26, in Banjsko Polje near Bor, they first hit a girl Danka Ilić with a car who was walking alone on the road, after which the accused D.D. strangled her with his hands, and then they threw the body in a landfill.

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