Crime 0



Shooting in Belgrade, police on their feet: Attacker on the run VIDEO

There was a fight between several people this evening in Dimitrija Kuturovića Street in the Rakovica neighborhood of Belgrade, in which a man (34) was wounded in the leg, Tanjug learns.

Izvor: Tanjug

Shooting in Belgrade, police on their feet: Attacker on the run VIDEO


Upon admission to the Emergency Center, to which he was transported by private vehicle, he said that he was attacked by several persons and that he was wounded in the leg.

Whirlwind 3 police operation is in force.

As reported by the Belgrade media, M.A. (34), who was shot in the left leg, was brought to the Emergency Center around 7:00 p.m.

The attacker is currently being treated as an unidentified person and is being sought.

People who happened to be nearby and saw the fight and then heard the shooting and immediately called the police.

His wife is rushed to the Emergency Center. According to information, he is already known to the police, and he will be interviewed about the circumstances of the injury.


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