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Neuropsychiatric examination of the killer boy and family members of the murdered ordered

High Court in Belgrade ordered, as part of the civil proceedings, a neuropsychiatric examination of the boy who killed nine students and a guard of Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar on May 3, 2023, and wounded five more students and a history teacher.

Izvor: Tanjug

Neuropsychiatric examination of the killer boy and family members of the murdered ordered


K.K. will be exposed to an expert examination on the circumstance of sanity at the time of the crime. The court also ordered a neuropsychiatric examination of all the plaintiffs in this civil proceeding, that is, the family members of the murdered.

Due to the volume of expert testimony, the trial is scheduled to continue on October 24.

Former employees of that school, psychologist Lidija Maksić, pedagogue Jelena Vujičić and the boy's teacher Vesna Belavin, were questioned in the courtroom earlier today. Before the testimony of the witness, Kecmanović's lawyer, Marina Ivelja, informed the court that she was withdrawing her proposal to hear Miljana Kecmanović in this proceeding, and the judge annulled the ruling on her hearing.

All witnesses said that minor K.K.'s behaviour was not different compared to the behavior of other students, and Maksić stated that she did not see any warning signs when she tested him for school enrollment.

In response to the questions, she stated that the absences of K.K. were justified mainly by the medical justification of the private clinic. Vujičić emphasized that she did not notice anything unusual about him and that no one pointed out to her that she had a problem with him, while when asked if she would have reacted if she had known he was going to the shooting range, she said that she would have.

Belavin, who was K.K.'s teacher for four years, also said that he was an excellent student, that his friends liked to listen to him retelling his books to them, and that he was having good manners, and used to say good morning, thank you, and sorry.

She also stated that he was particularly meticulous, but that he was no different from other children, while talking about his parents, she said that she did not have the impression that they expected much from him, that is, that they were demanding.

This lawsuit was filed by 27 family members of the murdered boy against the boy, his parents and the school where the massacre took place. Kecmanović's defense attorney said during the second civil proceedings, since there are five of them in total, that the boy's mother will not defend herself in the civil proceedings, and it is uncertain whether she will attend the trial today.

In addition to the civil proceedings, there is also a criminal proceeding, which is closed to the public, and in which, as we learn, both the father and the mother denied guilt. The boy K.K., who at the time of the crime was not yet 14 years old and therefore not criminally responsible, shot his friends with two of his father's pistols. He took the pistols on May 1, and on the fateful day he put them in his backpack, went to school and during the first lesson killed 10 people and wounded five more children and a history teacher.


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