Crime 0



Police issued a statement: The brother and father of the suspect in the murder of the girl were arrested

Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested R. D. (73) and D. D. (40).


Police issued a statement: The brother and father of the suspect in the murder of the girl were arrested


They were arrested due to the existence of grounds for suspicion that D. D. (50), a suspect in the serious murder of two-year-old Danka Ilić, helped move the girl's body from the landfill in the vicinity of Banjsko polje to a currently unknown location in the territory of the city of Bor, the MIA announced.

"Due to the existence of grounds for suspicion that on March 28 of this year they most likely committed the crime of assisting the perpetrator after the crime had been committed, R.D. and D.D. were detained for up to 48 hours and they will be brought to the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zaječar along with a criminal report," it is sadi in the statement of the Ministry of Interior.

Just to recall, S.J. and D.D. are colleagues from JKP Vodovod and on March 26, they hit the girl with a company's vehicle, and then drove her body to the landfill where they originally dumped it.

The search has been going on since the day before yesterday, and they are examining and searching whether it was transferred from that place.

The suspects for the murder of Danka Ilić were heard last night in the prosecutor's office, and on that occasion one of the suspects confessed to the crime, while the other defended himself by remaining silent.

"The suspects were questioned by the prosecutor's office, during which D.D. fully admitted to the commission of the crime, while J.S. defended himself by remaining silent," the Prosecutor's Office said.

At the proposal of the prosecution, the judge for preliminary proceedings of the High Court in Zaječar ordered the suspects to be detained for up to 30 days.


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