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Voting on the budget in the Parliament of Serbia today

Members of the Assembly of Serbia will vote today on all items on the agenda of the Second Session of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly, among which is the Budget Proposal for 2025 with accompanying laws.

Izvor: Tanjug

Voting on the budget in the Parliament of Serbia today


There are a total of 68 items on the agenda, and the session, as announced, should start at 10 a.m.

The President of the Assembly, Ana Brnabić, on Monday, after the incident that happened in the Assembly, ordered a break in the work, after which, since no one came forward to speak, she concluded a joint principled and unified hearing on all items on the agenda of the session.

The budget for 2025, which the MPs will vote on, predicts total revenues of 2,346.2 billion dinars, which is 172.9 billion dinars or eight percent more than the revenues predicted by the budget rebalancing for this year.

The proposed budget foresees total expenses and expenditures in the amount of 2,660.2 billion dinars. Minister of Finance Siniša Mali said earlier that the two main fields of action when it comes to the budget for 2025 are the accelerated growth of citizens' living standards and the continuation of Serbia's growth through large investments.

MPs will also vote on amendments to the Criminal Code, which require stricter penalties for serious offenses against public transport safety and sanctioning attacks on employees in education, health and social protection.

Amendments to the Law on Games of Chance, amendments to the Law on Energy, amendments to the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, as well as proposals for laws on services and strategic environmental impact assessment will also be voted on.

MPs should confirm several international agreements, contracts and memoranda, as well as vote on the Proposal for a decision on the election of members of the Council of the Energy Agency, the list of candidates for the president of the Commission for the Protection of Competition and the list of candidates for members of the Council of the Commission.


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