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Electronic Invoice System with new options available

Users of the System of Electronic Invoices (SEF) can access the demo version of the SEF 3.9 system, with available options for VAT calculation, individual VAT records, and VAT summary.


Electronic Invoice System with new options available


Users can also try uploading Individual and Summary VAT records via the application interface (API, using unchanged technology - JSON files).

New tax categories are available for demonstration: S10, S20, AE10, and AE20, with corresponding codes for the application of tax categories for all electronic invoices (invoice, advance invoice, increase document, and decrease document), both for users who SEF- in accessing via the user interface, as well as for those accessing via the application interface.

Also, the possibility for system users to determine their status in terms of the Value Added Tax Act - whether they are VAT liable or not, and to specify the tax period, if they are VAT liable - is regulated.

Among the most significant improvements of SEF version 3.9 are the changes related to the integration with the system of the Customs Administration, as well as enabling the entry of multiple bank accounts on the subject's profile, and the display of the NBS IPS QR code on the generated external view of the invoice (PDF).

Previously, the Internal Technical Instruction was published and updated, incorporating all necessary explanations and technical specifications of the implemented changes in the system. Amendments to the Internal Technical Manual do not differ in content from previously published documents based on which users and software manufacturers adapted their programs. Also, the "User's Guide" document was published, which follows the implementation of the functionality of Individual and Collective VAT records.

The Ministry invites all interested entities, as well as service providers of business and accounting software development services, which entities use to connect to the so-called SEF, to perform detailed checks of the changes they have made to their software, as well as to familiarize themselves once again with the obligations specified amendments to the Rulebook on electronic invoicing.

As a reminder, the Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on Electronic Invoicing was adopted and published on August 2, 2024, in the "Official Gazette" no. 65/24, with the beginning of application from September 1, except for the provisions related to electronic recording of previous tax (will be applied for tax periods starting after August 31, 2024).

In the previous period, the Ministry of Finance, in several iterations, published instructions and explanations of changes in the SEF, which are available to users on the website.

The Electronic Invoice System has generated over 205 million e-invoices so far.


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