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Top 3 construction projects in the region: Connecting Europe with traffic

Across Europe, mega-projects are being implemented, which, when completed, will change everything on a continental scale.

Izvor: Investitor

Top 3 construction projects in the region: Connecting Europe with traffic
Depositphotos, AerialBO


The top projects are the two new longest railway tunnels in the world, connecting the railway network between countries and more new roads.

Some large-scale projects are also taking place in the region, indirectly or directly connecting these areas with other parts of Europe. One of them also passes through Montenegro.

The site bauš describes three such projects:

3. Railway line Divača-Koper (Slovenia)

The construction of the second railway track Divača-Koper started in 2019. It is one of the most important infrastructure projects in Slovenia, the main goals of which are to increase the capacity of the existing railway and strengthen the connection between the Port of Koper and the rest of Europe.

This project will significantly contribute to the economy and promote regional competitiveness by reducing travel time and traffic congestion. The project should also benefit the local population.

The tunnel excavation, with the supporting and final concrete lining of 6,100 meters in tunnels T3, T4, T56, and T8, has been completed. The construction period for the project was initially estimated at six years, which means that it could be completed next year, and the value of the work is 1.2 billion euros.

2. Construction of the Adriatic-Ionian Corridor

When the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, announced investments in transport infrastructure worth 3.5 million euros in Croatia at the end of 2023, he also stated the most significant investments planned.

These are state-priority projects, he announced the completion of the corridor to Hungary, the highway to Sisak, and the construction of the Adriatic-Ionian corridor, for which he stated that as much as 1.5 billion euros had been secured. As announced earlier this year, with the activation of two large construction sites, Croatia should finally get a fully built Adriatic-Ionian corridor.

In question are the construction of the Križišće-Žuta lokva and Metković-Dubrovnik highways, for which the Government of the Republic of Croatia has secured the necessary funds. Both highways measure 45 kilometers, and the total cost should be 690 million euros.

The branch of the Adriatic-Ionian highway is planned to continue through Herzegovina, then through Montenegro, and Albania, to Greece.

The Government of Montenegro, under the leadership of Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, has repeatedly cited this project as one of the key ones for the further development of the country, the Investor portal reminds. Financial aid from the European Union is also expected for this route, which starts in Montenegro near Nudo and continues towards Grahovo, after which it should connect with the Bar - Boljare highway.

1. Construction of corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Corridor Vc is a route connecting Hungary, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the stretch Budapest-Osijek-Sarajevo-Ploče. With the completion of the highway on the BiH Corridor, which stretches in the direction of Svilaj-Odžak-Modriča-Doboj-Zenica-Kakanj-Visoko-Sarajevo-Konjic-Mostar-Čapljina-southern border with the Republic of Croatia in the town of Bijača, it aims to define the traffic network in BiH.

The study of the part of the highway route through Bosnia and Herzegovina was started in 1998. with the corresponding project subsequently prepared. The longest part is precisely in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is a 320-kilometer corridor that stretches through the central area inhabited by 50 percent of the entire population.

Although judging by the progress of the highway so far, the deadline is considered premature, the year 2028 was mentioned as the time of completion of the project. A total of EUR 589.5 million in grants was secured for different sections.

The "Hercegovina" bridge, one of the largest construction projects in the region, has just been completed on the Počitelj-Zvirovići section, which is being built on the highway on the pan-European traffic corridor Vc.


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