No manpower, no weapons... And Berlin would fall

New German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Monday that Germany's military is not ready to defend the country if it is attacked.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 02.03.2023.


No manpower, no weapons... And Berlin would fall
Foto: Profimedia

No manpower, no weapons... And Berlin would fall

"We do not have armed forces capable of defending the country against a brutal offensive and an aggressive war," he said, during a meeting with members of his Social Democratic Party (SPD).

According to him, Germany's Bundeswehr armed forces are undermanned thanks to decades of neglect by the federal government. Therefore, he believes that Germany will have to invest much more in defense in order to reach NATO standards.

The highest-ranking officer of the Bundeswehr, Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, confirmed Pistorius's words in fact, when he declared that even the 100 billion euros earmarked for the German army by Chancellor Olaf Scholz will not be enough for the Bundeswehr to be capable of waging war.

However, as Russia Today reminds us in English, such a state of the German army did not prevent official Berlin from continuing to equip Ukraine with its weapons.

Armin Papperger, director of "Rheinmetall", Germany's largest military supplier, told the German media that Germany transported to Ukraine two of the most important defense systems intended for the defense of the capital Berlin.

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