"Boeing 737-300" crashed PHOTO

A Boeing 737-300 crashed in Western Australia.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 07.02.2023.


Ilustracija/Foto: Profimedia

"Boeing 737-300" crashed PHOTO

The media say that it is a plane engaged in firefighting.

According to a report by the Australian TV network ABC, the two pilots who were flying the plane managed to escape with only minor injuries.

The downed plane belonged to the "Colson Aviation" company, and was engaged in extinguishing two large fires burning in the "Fitzgerald River" National Park, which is located about 275 miles southwest of Perth.

The "Boeing", as stated, had already completed two flights, but the problem occurred during the third flight in extinguishing the fire. Allegedly, there was a problem during the lifting of the aircraft, which failed to rise to the required height.

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