The storm is approaching Serbia; It's already causing chaos PHOTO/VIDEO

A strong hailstone the size of a hazelnut hit parts of Croatian Zagorje at around 8:15 this morning.


Tuesday, 31.10.2023.


The storm is approaching Serbia; It's already causing chaos PHOTO/VIDEO

The storm is approaching Serbia; It's already causing chaos PHOTO/VIDEO

The hail fell in the area of Zabok, Veliko Trgovišće, Oroslavje and Sveti Križ Začretje, as well as parts of Krapinske Toplice and Luka, the Zagorje portal reports.

An eyewitness from Zabok said within 24 hours that the wind carried everything before it and that the storm started in a second.

DHMZ announced heavy rain and storm for today in Croatia.

A warning has been issued for heavy rain and sudden gusts of wind. Meanwhile, in Slovenia, heavy rainfall has raised the level of rivers in most of the country, the Sava Bohinjka and Soča have overflowed their upper reaches, and an orange warning has been issued for the northwest and southeast of the country. It will be moderately to mostly cloudy and windy, with occasional rain. In places, there will be more abundant precipitation and more pronounced showers and thunderstorms, especially on the Adriatic and the regions along it. In the second part of the day, the gradual reduction of clouds is the forecast of the State Hydrometeorological Institute for Tuesday, writes

On the Adriatic, strong and stormy southerly winds are expected, turning to the southwest, afternoon and northwesterly winds, which will weaken during the day. The highest daily temperature is usually from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius. The storm is slowly approaching Serbia, and storm warnings have been issued in all surrounding countries. However, for today in Serbia, rain is expected in the afternoon, with stormy winds in the mountainous areas.

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