Danica Grujicic, first on SNS list for the parliamentary elections, Sapic in Belgrade

Sessions of the Presidency and the Main Board of the Serbian Progressive Party, which began today at 11 a.m. in Belgrade "Kombank" Hall, have ended.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 13.02.2022.


Danica Grujicic, first on SNS list for the parliamentary elections, Sapic in Belgrade

Danica Grujicic, first on SNS list for the parliamentary elections, Sapic in Belgrade

Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, addressed the media.

"We have made a decision, we are coming out with the list 'Aleksadnar Vučić - together we can do everything'. This is the message behind which we all stand together", said Brnabić and added:

"Dana Grujicic will be first on the list for the parliamentary elections, while Aleksandar Sapic heads SNS list for Belgrade."

As she pointed out, she is especially proud that we have many famous people who have proven themselves in their fields.

"Besides Dana Grujicic, it is Stojan Radenovic, the most quoted Serbian scientist, then Jelena Begovic, a woman who is the greatest expert in her field, molecular biology. She also helped open the Fire Eye laboratories in Belgrade and Nis," said the Prime Minister.
She added that the list also includes people such as Lazar Ristovski, Dr Marija Zdravković, Professor Zika Bujuklić, table tennis player Borisava Perić Ranković.

"There is also Prof. Dr Dejan Ilic, a man who returned from Germany and who lives for Serbia and our progress. There are also Jovan Kolundzija, Lepomir Ivkovic, Marko Keselj, Ivan Antic, a fighter from Kosare, and many others," Ana Brnabić said.

She pointed out that the elections will be extremely difficult.
According to the media, the list of progressives was adopted at the session of the SNS Main Board.

As "Novosti" unofficially finds out, among others on the list are: Danica Grujicic, Stojan Radenovic, Jelena Begovic, Lazar Ristovski, Zika Bujuklic, Borislava Peric Rankovic, Dejan Ilic, Jovan Kolundzija, Lepomir Ivkovic, Natasa Tasic Knezevic, Marko Keselj, Ivan Antic.

"This is important, this list shows that we are fighting for Serbia. We are not fighting for the party or party interest. The elections will be extremely difficult. We have results that we are presenting to the people," Brnabic said.

She pointed out that the elections will be extremely difficult.

"As President Vučić says, there are no easy elections. Elections are easy only for those who lose. We have results that we present to our people. Infrastructure, roads, we have done a lot for education, we have invested in schools and kindergartens. We have excellent results in culture, we opened the renovated National Theater, the National Museum", she said.

She said that the SNS differs from all other movements and parties because they do not think about functions, when asked whether non-party figures from the SNS list will be highly positioned after the elections.

"We are going to have a majority on our own, because everyone is uniting against us. We will look to put people who have the most knowledge, energy and fighting spirit, to continue on the path we have traced. Positions are not important, but knowledge and a will to fight. Whoever has the most energy to dedicate himself to the job will get the position. We are one team as we have been one team so far. The party is not important, Serbia is important. If you have people who will support you, and none of them needs positions, because they are successful and accomplished people, that's a big deal".

She stated that only the elections were discussed today, and that they hadn't discussed the protests of environmental activists who are camping in front of the Presidency building.

They have the right to protest. Including Sava Manojlovic, whose demands were all met. Not only demands but also whims. As for the people in "We will not give Jadar" and "We will not give Radjevina", they had one request, and we fulfilled that. We put an end to Rio Tinto project. Afterwards we had meetings, and I showed them all the documentation", she said.

Бочне табле
SNS members arrived at the session, and among the first to arrive were Goran Vesić, Tomislav Momirović, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Milenko Jovanov, Siniša Mali, Mladen Šarčević, Maja Gojković, Miloš Vučević, Vladimir Orlić, Petar Petković. At around 11 o'clock, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, arrived.
Earlier today, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced that there would be no major changes in the Serbian Progressive Party, but that there would be certain changes.

"We saw on the referendum issue, half of the party led the campaign for the 'no' option and no one faced any consequences. These are differences that exist and that you must respect," Vucic said.

The president said there would be big changes.

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