Brnabic on the meeting with opposition: I wouldn't go, unless I have to...

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated for Prva TV that she wouldn't like to take part on the next meeting of the Serbian ruling and opposition politicians

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 31.07.2019.


Brnabic on the meeting with opposition: I wouldn't go, unless I have to...
Screenshot/TV Prva

Brnabic on the meeting with opposition: I wouldn't go, unless I have to...

When she was asked to comment on the meeting of the representatives of the ruling party and some of the opposition held on Wednesday at the Faculty of Political Sciences (FPN) behind closed doors, Brnabic assessed that according to her opinion, this meeting was not important or relevant for 90 percent of Serbian citizens.

"News of the day for yesterday was Japanese investment in Serbia. Yesterday's meeting was the meeting with several opposition parties, while other parties were not present, such as the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV). This party refused to come to the meeting as they believe that the right place for such discussion is Parliament, and I agree with them", Prime Minister stated in the Morning program of Prva TV.

According to her, SNS holds different position on this, as they said that they are ready for dialogue and find it purposeful.

"However, as far as I understand, there was talk about changing the democratic achievements that these people left behind, amending the laws allowing them to win in all conditions, changing the media conditions they had set, changing the rules of procedure of the Assembly that they had passed and adopted, as well as a whole set of other laws, all except the electoral roll. It is important to talk about electoral roll, to give them a lesson how to compose the list and what to do to keep it up to date and to make it accurate. They could do it all in 10 years, but they didn't. We did it in two years”, the Prime Minister noted.

She was asked whether she would take part in the future four meetings scheduled between Serbian ruling party and opposition officials, and she responded that she hopes that this would not be necessary.

"We should act seriously and it is a hard thing to do. For me, to discuss media freedom with Djilas or to discuss any democratic attainment with Obradovic is almost impossible. SNS representatives are much more experienced than me, and I believe that they discussed things with the opposition in a serious manner, and I want to commend them on that", Brnabic concluded.

When journalist asked her whether she is entitled to talk to the opposition in her PM capacity, she responded that she talks to the opposition representatives at the Serbian Parliament on a regular basis.

What does this mean? That we can meet on the beach if they decide to go on vacation? This is not in accordance with what they advocate, with the rule of law. They ask for a meeting at a venue they choose, adding that she would not like to take part on the next meeting, but that she will attend it if it's necessary.

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