"I will not disclose the name of the 14th state set to revoke Kosovo's recognition"

The list of countries recognizing Kosovo's independence shrinks, Ivica Dacic stated, adding that he won't reveal the identity of the 14th state due to Pristina

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 26.07.2019.


Foto: Tanjug/Zoran Žestiæ

"I will not disclose the name of the 14th state set to revoke Kosovo's recognition"

Dacic refused to reveal the identity of that country until Belgrade gets official note on this, he explained.

"Now, Pristina is not sure who to contact", Dacic added on a press conference, after the meeting with the Foreign Affairs Minister of Nicaragua, Denis Moncada.

"As soon as official note reaches the Ministry, I will announce the name of that country, it will happen soon. This is 14th state that revoked Kosovo's recognition and Pristina has to take it off the list of the states that recognized Kosovo's independence", Dacic claimed.

This list is melting, and it will continue to melt, Dacic said, adding jokingly that "those are the climate changes that everyone talked about".

He also explained what he meant by saying that Serbia is running out of patience. Namely, he referred to the field of Foreign Affairs Ministry, relating to diplomatic activities, aiming at reducing the number of states that recognized Kosovo's independence, which international community requested Serbia to dismiss, while in the same time encouraging Pristina to submit membership requests to numerous international institutions and organizations...

"We will continue with our activities, as we have to defend ourselves, preventing Pristina from entering into organizations such as INTERPOL UNESCO", Dacic concluded.

He ended the statement by saying that Serbia had to strengthen its activities in encouraging the countries that hadn't recognized Kosovo to remain strong and determined in that position.

This stance was provoked by the statement of the Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Behgjet Pacolli who mentioned spreading of diplomatic network of Kosovo, announcing Congo's forthcoming recognition of Kosovo's independence.

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