Forget about central Serbia - PM tells Pristina

Representatives of the provisional authorities in Pristina have been told stop talking about Presevo, Bujanovac, and Medvedja and keep away from central Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 12.10.2018.


Forget about central Serbia - PM tells Pristina

Forget about central Serbia - PM tells Pristina

This was the prime minister's response to Kosovo President Hashim Thaci's assertion that he received the support of French President Emmanuel Macron for Belgrade and Pristina to "as soon as possible they reached a binding agreement with a real possibility of border correction, which involves the merger of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac to the territory of Kosovo."

Brnabic said that this was unable to particularly comment on that statement - especially since Thaci's statements, as well those from other representatives of the Pristina authorities, are different each day and mutually opposed.

She added that this shows she was telling the truth what she had said that as far the Pristina authorities - "we do not on the other side of the table someone we can talk to, someone who we can expect to do what they say."

"I plead with them to stop talking about Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja because that has nothing to do with real life, and please lets not go further in the territory of central Serbia," Brnabic said.

She said that Serbia is and will be flexible, patient and tolerant, but that everything has its end.

"Please stay away from Central Serbia and let's talk about whether we can have a compromise that can ensure the long-term hmrmonization of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina."

Brabic underlined that Serbia's supreme values ​​are freedom and peace, and that "we will try to keep peace whatever happens, but that the territory of central Serbia should not be further discussed."

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