"I have to bow to them - Partizan BC fans are the best fans in the world" VIDEO

By winning against Bayern 82:71 in the 24th round of the Euro League, Partizan retained the opportunity to qualify for the playoffs.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 10.02.2023.


Foto: Profimedia/xkolbert-press/UlrichxGamelx

"I have to bow to them - Partizan BC fans are the best fans in the world" VIDEO

The match in Munich was marked by an atmosphere uncharacteristic of European basketball - the guest team had better support from the stands than the home team.

Several thousand Partizan fans created the atmosphere of the Belgrade Arena with their non-stop song.

Bayern's coach Andrea Trinchieri, who led Partizan to two Korać Cup trophies from 2018 to 2020, was also impressed by the support of the famous "Grobari".

"I know what this means to Partizan and its fans. We also played in the Arena in front of them, so we were not surprised by what they prepared here. They are the best fans in the world. I have to bow to them because wherever they go, it looks like this," Trinchieri said.

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