Milica Mandic won gold!

Serbian taekwondoka Milica Mandic is an Olympic champion for the second time!

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 27.07.2021.


Milica Mandic won gold!
Foto: Profimedia

Milica Mandic won gold!

Milica Mandic has beaten Dabin Lee 10: 6 in the final to become Olympic Champion for the second time!

Mandic dominantly opened the match with a blow to the Korean's head for the first three points. This was followed by a blow to the body for an additional two and a 5-0 advantage in the first round.

Lee did not give up, so she added two more blows to Mandić's penalty kick by hitting the body of the Serbian competitor.

Taekwondo coach Dragan Jović was angry because of the decision of the judges who did not respect his challenge. However, the same was done when the Koreans asked for a challenge. After the clinch between Mandić and Lee, the Korean got 2 points, but also one penalty for which the challenge was not taken into account.

It soon reached a 6: 6 draw, and that brought uneasiness for Serbia.
It will turn out that there was no reason for fear and that these are the last points that Lee scored, considering that Mandić scored the next four and thus reached the gold.

This is the first gold for Serbia at these Games, after Mikec's silver and bronze, which Bogdanović first took in taekwondo. For Milica, this is the second Olympic gold after the one from London nine years ago.

The bronze medal in the most difficult category in the women's competition was won by the British Bianca Walken, who defeated the Polish Alexandra Kovalchuk 7: 3.

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