38 arrested on suspicion of corruption and financial crime

38 persons have been arrested in several separate operations over the last days aimed at suppressing corruption and financial crime.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 26.11.2018.


38 arrested on suspicion of corruption and financial crime
(Getty Images, illustration)

38 arrested on suspicion of corruption and financial crime

The police worked together with the tax police and public prosecutors, to also file 21 criminal charges under regular procedure, a press release added.

Those under arrest are suspected of perpetrating several criminal acts in 2016, which incurred losses to the state budged, legal entities and persons in the total amount of EUR 1.55 million.

The suspects are charged with giving and receiving bribes, abusing official position, grave acts against health of people, tax evasion, and other crimes.

The operations were carried in the territories of the towns of Belgrade, Zajecar, Jagodina, Kikinda, Kraljevo, Leskovac, Nis, Pancevo, Sombor, and Subotica.

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