Vučić on TV Prva: "I received huge support; protests have negative impact on tourism"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is hosted on "Jutro" morning program on TV Prva, where he talked about all the current events at the end of the year.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 31.12.2023.


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Printskrin: TV Prva

Vučić on TV Prva: "I received huge support; protests have negative impact on tourism"

At the very beginning, Vučić referred to the elections and the electoral process.

"In the next 10 to 12 days, the election process will end. There is another round at eight polling stations, the elections will be repeated on January 2. We are still calculating the quotient, it seems to us that we are missing 700, 800 votes for another mandate for the list 'Serbia must not stop'. We fight for every vote. Then the deadlines come, when the results are announced we have the opportunity for consultations, and then I talk to the electoral lists," he said.

As he said, the situation is different in Belgrade because the majority is not clear.

"'Serbia must not stop' has 49 mandates, and SPN has 43 mandates. It obviously depends on Nestorović".
"People in Serbia will not tolerate violence. They live that life in whining through several of their media and they will not see that people want to look to the future and live differently. A certain growth has been seen, because I can see it through the polling stations of Nestorović's list and the decline of others. You also have an extremely important party such as the Socialist Party, but such a time comes... I would have liked to have seen many of those people in the SNS, but they have some other parties, such as Milica Djurdjević, who have their own talents. Sometimes, you make mistakes in that struggle. I believe that through maturing and additional learning about economic issues, I believe that this woman and mother will be able to progress in the future".

According to him, due to the behavior of the opposition, there is a noticeable damage to the tourist industry, because the hotels in Belgrade are empty.

He also said that he accidentally mentioned Milica Djurdjević, but that he wants to talk to Dacic first, because he thinks he is a talented man who contributes to stability.

He emphasized once again that the state is not a toy.

"Ana Brnabić and Siniša Mali are the resources of our country. I told the opponents, when you beat me, use my popularity. Once or twice a year, send me to China or the Emirates. I am popular there. Use it, it is a resource of the country. But some people feel only hatred. There are also talented people there, but they have a problem with the future of Serbia," he said.

The biggest salary increase - we're aiming at 1,000 EUR

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced that in a year and a half, the average salary in Serbia will reach 1,000 euros.

"We had 320-330 euros. We used to dream of 500 euros, but now it's going to EUR 1,000," he said as a guest on TV Prva's morning program.

Pressures due to Kosovo and Metohija

Vučić referred to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and pointed out that the bad thing presents the pressure surrounding the so-called Kosovo.

"I expect pressure around Kosovo, because they have to solve the Kosovo problem, before entering into any talks about Ukraine," said Vučić.

About the attempt to break into the City Assembly

Among other things, Vučić spoke about the attempt to break into the City Assembly by supporters of the list gathered around Dragan Djilas and the list "Serbia against violence".

He pointed out that they all knew that it was being prepared.

"An order came from the tycoon's TV, to move the cameras from the entrance so that people can do the work. The whole city is talking about that. And their journalists and politicians. I tell people that I don't believe it, and they tell me that they have a clear report that they are going to do it. Ours is the obligation to protect the institutions, I say okay, you do your job. The political crisis was stopped at the polling stations where the people had their say. You can do everything according to the manual, but you won't succeed if you don't have the people behind you. You can see and feel that. The people that solved that in the elections, by putting ballot papers in the ballot box. This is all just their attempt to avoid their own responsibility for the bad result. Now all of them have united," Vučić said, adding that this year the opposition parties achieved a joint result as far as each of the parties had in the previous elections.

He said that the representatives of ODIHR knew everything in advance.

"How can they lose to us idiots. They are geniuses and elites. They are here so that we all work for them, so that they can live well. Batajnica is a huge place, why shouldn't it decide on the results of the elections... The best thing would be to establish the municipality of 'city core' and that they rule there," said Vučić, following up on Bjelorglic's statement. He added that they were unable to formally congratulate him, but that he had received many congratulations from Europe. "I received letters from 11 or 12 European prime ministers. That means nothing to me, what matters to me is what our people think. Why don't they say what China said, what the Russians said," he pointed out and added:

"This is too serious a country and don't play with it," said Vučić.

About Putin

He also referred to Vladimir Putin's congratulation.

"He congratulated Orban and me on the holidays. Serbia is the only country that did not impose sanctions on him, who else should he congratulate? I don't live for congratulations. In politics, I live for what will be talked about in 20, 30 years. Will anyone like Serbia's position, and what would you like it to be? They used the dirtiest campaign in the region against the list 'Serbia must not stop'".

About violence in front of the ministries of state administration

During the show, he was shown a video of violence in front of the ministries of state administration.

"Those people do their job honestly. This is our fault, and I apologize to the people from the Ministry of State Administration. I allow this kind of behavior towards the citizens of Serbia... Come on, when we have to endure the harassment of an entire city with tents where not even 10 people sleep, we will endure well, but don't harass the others. We will not allow this anymore and any similar attempt will be sanctioned".

Threats of imprisonment and arrest

Vučić was also shown a video in which the opposition threatens prison and arrest, after he and Mali shared a video from a drive in which they sing Lepa Brena's song "Four years".

"Imagine, a dictator in 'Skoda'... Do you know any dictator from 'Skoda'? Let me come back to this, they always comment on us as a duo. Milivojević and this one from G17 learned the information from the newspapers. God bless them all. Marinika listened to me, she ended her hunger strike. They made it all up to play heroes a little, so that the government is to blame a little, it's all ok" he said and added: "As far as the prison is concerned, l could get a little rest in prison from you. I was arrested many times, mainly on football matches when I was younger. You can prosecute me for whatever you want, but you won't scare me. Remember my words, they won't be able to paint those white lines on the roads, let alone on the schools. By the way, the children go to the most modern school in Sjenica, and then they ask me why Bosniaks love me," he said.

"The next four years will be great for Serbia, it was a joke, I apologize if we offended anyone with that song. If that's the only thing they can blame us for..."

At the end, the President of Serbia wished the citizens happy New Year.

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