New strike by Kurti's special forces in Banjska: They broke into "Rajska banja" hotel

The Privatization Agency in Pristina today took control of the "Rajska banja" complex in the village of Banjska in Zvečan.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 19.12.2023.


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New strike by Kurti's special forces in Banjska: They broke into "Rajska banja" hotel

This is claimed by the so-called deputy director of the Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elshani.

He told Klan Kosova that the action started at 12 o'clock and is still ongoing.

According to him, the action was initiated because the aforementioned facility allegedly does not have an adequate permit for work.

The agency, with the help of the police, expelled the workers from the facility at the beginning of the operation and changed the locks.

The Rajska banja facility was opened in 2019 and was financed by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

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