Vučić in a packed hall in Prokuplje: "I will fight for you as long as I live" VIDEO

The list "Aleksandar Vučić - Serbia must not stop" held a pre-election rally in Prokuplje, where the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the crowd.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 11.12.2023.


Vučić in a packed hall in Prokuplje:

Vučić in a packed hall in Prokuplje: "I will fight for you as long as I live" VIDEO

The pre-election rally took place in the "Dr Zoran Djindjić" sports hall.

President of Serbia thanked the people for their trust.

"Here I expect over 60 percent in every municipality. Thank you, ladies, for your great support. Let's beat them more convincingly than ever in the heroic Toplica. Long live Porkuplje, long live Toplica, long live Serbia"!

"They managed to make a Frenchman out of a Serb - Miloš Jovanović, and we made a Serb out of a Frenchman - Arnaud Guyon".
Vučić also referred to the opposition.

"Who are these people? It doesn't occur to me to talk about their parents like they do about mine, or about their children. Let's talk about politics. Have you heard any plan or program from them? They managed to turn a Serb into a Frenchman - Miloš Jovanović, and we from the French Serb - Arnaud Guyon. Both Serbia and France are ashamed of him, and Serbia and France are proud of him."

"They gathered serious people - Jovanović, Obradović, G17 Aleksić... They ask the first one about Kosovo and Metohija, and he says: 'We didn't gather for that, but to overthrow Vučić'. I guess Aleksandar Vučić is another name for Peć, Kosovska Mitrovica... Then they ask Obradović, a Čačak resident, who in the old days would like to become a Belgrade citizen, about KiM, and he would like to 'kill Aleksandar Vučić.' Then Jeremic... And when they were asked about sanctions against Russia, they 'copy and paste' overthrow Vučić".

As he said, citizens will hear many more lies until the end of the campaign.

"They threatened all the people who supported this list. They can't bear for anyone to think differently. And they were never successful in anything. They only saw the faculty on a postcard. But they are here to keep everyone up to date. They can do it because they decided that they are the elite. And for me, you are the elite - the people of Serbia".

"You can break everything except the spirit of freedom in a person. Do you know why they hate me so much? Because I don't have accounts abroad, because unemployment has never been lower"...

"You saw Sergej Trifunović, an actor about whom I don't have the best opinion, but he says: 'Our last meeting was when we went to the U.S. embassy.' They want to see Matthew Palmer, who told them, and I'm quoting, Trifunović: 'You guys are welcome, how can we help you'? Why are they helping them and why are they getting in the way of Vučić. I will continue to bother anyone who wants to destroy a free and libertarian Serbia."

"Speak Serbian so that the whole world understands you"

Arnaud Guyon also addressed the audience and pointed out: "Speak Serbian so that the whole world can understand you".

"Previously, not everyone understood me because I didn't know Serbian, when I first went to Kosovo. And then, when I returned to my native Grenoble, I decided to learn Serbian. But where in Grenoble to learn Serbian? I searched until I found a book on which it was written: 'Learn Serbian without difficulty'. I was young and naive, I thought that I would learn one of the most difficult Indo-European languages without difficulty. That's when I learned that there is nothing without difficulty".

As he said, he is in the party for two months, but, as he stated, together we will set and achieve new goals.

"When we vote, we choose not only the government, but also the future. Everyone united against us in this campaign. They say that they will create a technical government. I don't know what a technical government is, but I know that it would be a technical knockout".

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