The Government of Serbia made a decision: End of the school year on June 6

Serbian Government made statement after inspection at the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar" in Vračar, making new decisions related to the school system.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 01.06.2023.


The Government of Serbia made a decision: End of the school year on June 6

The Government of Serbia made a decision: End of the school year on June 6

We are enclosing full statement.

Our educational system was created with the aim of providing adequate support to all students, encouraging them on the way to learning and enabling them to grow into healthy, aware and responsible individuals. At this time, it is more important than ever that we focus on what is best for our children, because they deserve our full support, love and care. Taking this into account, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, due to the tragedies that deeply affected the entire society, made the decision to end the school year on June 6 in all primary and secondary schools in Serbia.

Schools can continue to work until June 20, for students who wish to do so. In that period, supplementary, additional and preparatory classes, classes in nature, as well as other forms of educational work can be implemented, with the aim of encouraging the social and emotional skills of students and activities on the topics of tolerance, empathy, togetherness, support and gratitude. It is important to note that all students who are not satisfied with their grades will have the opportunity to improve their grades at their personal request until June 20. Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School will retain its purpose as an educational facility.

It will be reconstructed and during the reconstruction process, a memorial section will be built in memory of the children and the school guard, who showed excellence every day in that school. After the extraordinary inspection at Vladislav Ribnikar Experimental Elementary School, the findings of the Center for Social Work, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Family Care were confirmed, that there was no peer violence in this school in relation to the minor K.K. This is precisely why we ask all the media to treat this information with due care and not to publish unverified and unconfirmed information, as this continues the process of traumatizing children and parents. We thank parents, teachers and all employees in the education system for their understanding and support.

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