SNS Electoral Assembly; Vučić: ''As long as I live, I will not leave the party''
The Election Assembly of the Serbian Progressive Party began in Kragujevac today, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is attending the session.
Saturday, 27.05.2023.

SNS Electoral Assembly; Vučić: ''As long as I live, I will not leave the party''
Vučić greeted SNS members and citizens who had gathered to greet him.As Vučić announced after the SNS Presidency session on May 16, at the SNS Assembly, around 4,000 delegates will elect a new leadership and make a decision on the party's entry into a new broader movement - the People's Movement for the State.
He said at the meeting of "Serbia of Hope", which was held yesterday in Belgrade, that he is stepping down from the position of SNS President and that the People's M Movement for the State will be formed from Vidovdan.
Vučić proposed the new SNS President
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, today, at the extraordinary session of the SNS in Kragujevac, proposed that Miloš Vučević be the new president of that party.Miloš Vučević, the current Minister of Defense, was born in 1974 in Novi Sad, he is a Serbian lawyer and politician, he was the mayor of Novi Sad.
He is currently the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Defense.
"Let me present the man whom I will propose as a candidate for the president of the SNS. I will never leave the party, as long as I live. I think that a different approach is needed to unite those who want a successful Serbia, Serbia that will take care of its citizens. I remember when Tomislav handed over the baton for the party to me, and now I am in that position, as someone will be tomorrow. These are normal things in politics. I am proud to have led the party all this time", Vucic said.
"Today, I will not propose any presidency to you as president, but I propose that the new president of the party be Miloš Vučević," said Vučić.
"He has been with us since the beginning, I know he knows what the party is, I know how much he loves SNS, I also knew his father. I believe that together with you, he will be able to work even harder and even stronger," said Vučić.
"We managed to fight the problems bravely"
"From the time of the impossible media blockade, we managed to fight and win the highest trust of the people, and thanks to Tomislav Nikolić, the presidential elections as well. We managed to bravely fight the problems, to make sure that tycoons and criminals do not rule Serbia," he said.Vučić stated that they have restored hope to the Serbs that it is possible to build and work in Serbia as it has never been done before.
As he points out, these are objective results. He adds that today it is possible to travel by trains and the new fastest railways that only a serious country could achieve.
"Also, a serious state coped well with the crisis at the time of the coronavirus epidemic," said Vučić.
Vučić said that people showed yesterday, without a single incident, that they want to show respect for ideas they believe in.
"There is nothing more important than that. This is simply unprecedented. Thank you for that, thank you that it wasn't difficult for you to stand there in the rain, and with that you showed how much you love Serbia and how much you care," said Vučić.
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