"Most Serbs in Bosnia would want RS to join Serbia"

A majority of Serbs in the Serb entity (RS) in Bosnia-Herzegovina would vote, if they had a chance in a referendum, in favor of it joining Serbia.

Izvor: N1 BiH

Friday, 16.03.2018.


(screen capture)

"Most Serbs in Bosnia would want RS to join Serbia"

"I don't hide it, I think it's natural, and that in the end this political nature will win. That can't be stopped, that has been stopped until now, until now it had been a taboo," he told TV Pink.

According to Dodik, Bosnia-Herzegovina has been imposed on Serbs as a must by the international factor. He added that the RS, as far as the definition of a state, had all elements of one - a territory, a population, and authorities.

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dodik continued, "has been knocked together based on impossible principles" - and if left to its own devices, "would not last 24 hours."

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Novoizabrani američki predsednik Donald Tramp najavio je da će uvesti sveobuhvatne nove carine na proizvode iz Meksika, Kanade i Kine čim zvanično preuzme dužnost u okviru napora da suzbije ilegalnu imigraciju i trgovinu drogom.



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