Friday, 02.09.2016.


"Montenegro and Kosovo in dispute over Serbian territory"

Montenegro has unfortunately recognized Kosovo as independent, and now Podgorica and Pristina are in dispute over a piece of territory that belongs to neither.

Izvor: Sputnik

"Montenegro and Kosovo in dispute over Serbian territory" IMAGE SOURCE

40 Komentari

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pre 8 godina

Serbs just can't resist spotlight even when they have nothing to do with a matter such as this one.

Serbs feel very lonely it is obvious, and you can't deny it.
(Guest, 2 September 2016 13:21) # Comment link

Well...since you piped in..it certainly seems like your REALLY talking about yourself in this instance.


pre 8 godina

Fair enough all understood to brain washed people including me, because history is not as we know it.

Please explain to me in today's world why Greece and macidona argue who Alexander the Great belongs to while in macidona more the 50% is Albainain but Albainain don't have the right to take history... When Ali Pasha of Egypt, the founder of Egypt, find out where his from and what he did and how close it is to Alexander


pre 8 godina


oh, so the 1920's aren't a specifically important date, yet you presented it as though it was. i understand that both serbia and albania existed in with much larger territory than they currently have, however while you were working so hard to find the point in time that serbia was belgrade, it was interesting that at that point in time albania was simply a dream. you felt it an important enough snapshot in history to isolate with a specific date. i was just advising you on the remaining history of that era.
you can't cherry pick history to suite your argument.
a greek might have extra-special claims around the balkans if they wish to cherry pick back to antiquity. it was all greek before any body else was there.


pre 8 godina

Trust me no one would miss you if you all went there, this I can promise.
(Z500, 5 September 2016 22:05)

what other people of the Balkans will be missing you think?


pre 8 godina

Pocesta you come across as a boring pipsqueak devoid of the vocabulary to come on here and pontificate your vile xenophobic mantra. You only seem capable of mindless provocation and baseless historical revisionism. You whine about Serbia and Serbians from dawn till dusk secure in the knowledge that no-one and that means absolutely no-one gives a fat fart about your narrow-minded view of the Balkans. Grow up little boy and stop throwing your dummy out of your pram.


pre 8 godina

"Serbian territory" hahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahhah

What a joke!

Why don't all Serbs move to Russia? I think it would be better for us all here in the Balkans if the Serbs moved to Russia. Trust me no one would miss you if you all went there, this I can promise.


pre 8 godina

Which hordes did the Greeks influence?
(Nick, 5 September 2016 18:40)

All of them as the Greeks headed the church of the Great (White) Horde.


pre 8 godina

It was then that the current history of the peoples here has started I think. Also mention that the empire was called the Great Porta in Europe. And it’s the same name as the Great Horde = ВЕЛИКАЯ ОРДА = ВЕЛИКАЯ П-ОРДА. Prefix letters were wide spread to differ the hordes all over the world. So were К-ОРДА (Kurds), Т-ОРДА (Tartars) ect.
(rote, 5 September 2016 13:29)

Which hordes did the Greeks influence?

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

I can't believe serbs lies so much. Lie lie lie until somebody believes something. Sometimes they believe their own lies. And then tomorrow all over again lie Lie lie


pre 8 godina

Nik “ : read your history, maybe you should start with … Skenderbeg”

Woman : Italy gave Serbian lands to Albanians - newcomers to the Balkans.”

Den : we have nothing in common

You simply monk the ones you criticize. Both sides have little knowledge of the real history of the region before 19 century as all documents were left where you run away from. So both sides have to use the history kindly offered to you by the West that has always been hostile to all Balkan peoples but the Croats.

When you mud the Ottomans you always mud yourselves as well. Simply because in 15-17 centuries Balkans was the mainland metropolis of the empire while you all were significant parts of it. Besides in 1485 during the epidemic of the Bubonic plague big part of the Balkans was cleaned by the Great Horde and inhabited by the new people from the Horde i.e. from the Rus soil. So most likely all Balkan peoples are cocktails of the newcomers and the remaining local peoples.

It was then that the current history of the peoples here has started I think. Also mention that the empire was called the Great Porta in Europe. And it’s the same name as the Great Horde = ВЕЛИКАЯ ОРДА = ВЕЛИКАЯ П-ОРДА. Prefix letters were wide spread to differ the hordes all over the world. So were К-ОРДА (Kurds), Т-ОРДА (Tartars) ect.

To be short please remember that before 1613 the Ottomans were part of the Great Horde and so were all peoples of the Balkans.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

@EU dude: you keep waiting for the table to turn. Until then Kosova belongs to the true owners. All you can do is bark and bark, and bark som more


pre 8 godina

Kin this is to you

Turkey took Albainain state away for 500years plus. Like I said read your history, maybe you should start with



pre 8 godina

One thing is sure, when NATO has another part of the world in focus, Kosovo will go back to Serbia, 100%, nobody will care and there is nothing you can do about it. If i would be you, i wouldnt feel to comfortable...if you want to live in peace you should move....
Iam neither Serbian nor Albanian by the way.

Tonly Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Hay Dan what's bothering about Albanians is that they now have a voice . They get to speak the truth, they gate to decide for themselves, and also they don't care about your comments either. What's important is that they are in their own country called KOSOVA and you got no business there . You don't have to read my comment if you don't want to, anyway enjoy it


pre 8 godina

To all the Serbian commentators on this site.
Look i don't mind some arguing between Serbs and Croats, or Serbs and Bosniaks. Who knows, some shirts might get ironed out. Doubtful but not impossible.
But after seeing firsthand the pathological complex and hate most albanians spew on sites like these, what is there to argue with them about?
Let them say what they want and leave it at that. Trust me, no side argument is needed. They tend to show themselves up everytime.
Besides we have nothing in common with them. When Yugoslavia had a better standard of living, they migrated over. Now, they are migrating further north. Since the standard of living is better once again.
This time though, they'll be absorbed by multiculturalism eventually. Which,judging by the level of education and racism, might not be such a bad thing after all.
Please don't respond, i really don't care what anyone has to say on the subject.


pre 8 godina

in fantasy instead.
… Developing faith is not fantasy. but faith is faith in the God of Israel and thee Bible only, (no other nation, god, name orbook). PraYER CHANGES things and faith (in th God of Israel, YHWH in Hebrew only and the bible only(KJV or original manuscripts) does move mountains! See how Yahuwah (YHWH) brought his people back to Isarael after two thousand years!

… "When you stand praying, BELIEVE...!". Mark 11:24.
(joseph, 2 September 2016 21:49)

OK Joseph can you preach only to yourself. Some of us don't believe in your magical friend in the skies and other fairy tales like these. No need to waste seconds from other people's lives.

Now this Drecun guy needs to be a little careful. Eventually Kosova will have to align it's legislation with that of the EU. Maybe Kosova will then just copy/paste Serbia's law about arresting anybody they deem they committed war crimes in the 90's. After all Serbia has been showing us that this a European law. Maybe, just maybe, Drecun might find itself on some list based on a EU aligned law that was really conceived in Belgrade. So "Keep Quiet and Stay Calm". Don't blab about other's and don't be the stereotypical Serb who does nothing but badmouth neighbors. You never know, since you love Kosova so much you might end up in a windowless 2 by 4 room in Kosova as a long term resident. Stranger things have happened. The future is funny sometimes.

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Troops will never leave.lol
(Smart Serb, 2 September 2016 19:24)

They are already down from 50`000 to something over 3000. As far as we are concerned, they can stay forever. Serbia is gone, we have all we ever wanted.


pre 8 godina

in fantasy instead.
Developing faith is not fantasy. but faith is faith in the God of Israel and thee Bible only, (no other nation, god, name orbook). PraYER CHANGES things and faith (in th God of Israel, YHWH in Hebrew only and the bible only(KJV or original manuscripts) does move mountains! See how Yahuwah (YHWH) brought his people back to Isarael after two thousand years!

"When you stand praying, BELIEVE...!". Mark 11:24.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Not so smart serb: better foreign soldiers , and it doesn't matter if they stay there forever . The main think is NO SERBIA also forever


pre 8 godina

fair enough nik. 1920s serbia is belgrade. 1920s albania doesn't exist.
so, how does that compute in your logic? seriba existed, albania was made up. i can't imagine (unless we live in made-up world) that fabricated is stronger than existing.
please feel free to explain how your logic (perhaps too strong a word) works

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

What a lovely place called Kosovo*.

Freedom in the air!!!

The sound of birds!!!


Sweet Kosovo* liberation. Hahaha
Troops will never leave.lol


pre 8 godina

If only people spent their energy fixing their governments and improving their standard of living. If people continue to focus of arbitrary details, then they will continue to be poor and hungry.


pre 8 godina

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is Serbian territory. And that comes from someone who was born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija.
(Ari Gold, 2 September 2016 13:07)

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is not Serbian territory. And that comes from two people who were born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija :)

Ari Gold

pre 8 godina

Both serbian Territories... Blah blah blah. So go get them, and shot up. By the way when ari gold wen? Give as the time tough guy.
(Tony Pocesta, 2 September 2016 14:00)

We'll see. Montenegro, when the corrupt Djukanovic regime falls. And Kosovo-Metohija is a little tricky because of NATO but it's been stolen several times throughout history and always came back.

Leave Montenegro alone. They are on our side now.
(Gjon Marku, 2 September 2016 14:34)

The Djukanovic dictatorship is, the people are not. You go there, and you'll see very proud Serbs in the majority. But Djukanovic pays poor families 100 Euros to vote for him come election time, and rules with the help of Albanian and Bosniak parties. Against the will of the people. Quite genius actually, until it all comes falling down.

Of course you will, kinda like you got Krajina
(Nikolle, 2 September 2016 14:46)

Krajina was different. There wasn't territorial continuity with Serbia and made it hard to defend it from the Ustashe. Montenegro will join Serbia through a democratic referendum, Kosovo-Metohija will be reintegrated when Serbia is in a position to retake its rightful borders.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 8 godina

Serbian territory was only Beograd????

Nice Job USA, England and Germany, you not only villified, deominized and dehumanized Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Balkans but you even re wrote Old and Ancient World History of the Balkans! USA, England and Germany so determined to re draw the map of the Balkans, Serbian people continue to be pushed into a tiny space untill the bubble will burst! Word War Three just around the bend, this time around not only will our Serbian blood stain the earth, it will mostly come from the enemy!!!


pre 8 godina

Can all of you especially the writer of this artical shut up, Serbia was only Belgrade up until the 1920s they just had their rats in the most important places so today they can brain wash people and say that's us, and monternegro and macidona is a made up state like Kosovo is and they will fall sooner or later with Kosovo joining Albaina because Albaina is Kosovo and always was, all this is because of turkey read your history.....

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Both serbian Territories... Blah blah blah. So go get them, and shot up. By the way when ari gold wen? Give as the time tough guy. Or this is one of your genius prediction, let us know when you going to do that, or just shut the hell up

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Montenegro has turned into an embarrassing circus.
(Smart Serb, 2 September 2016 13:41)

Leave Montenegro alone. They are on our side now.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

See what happens when you provoke the monkey and don't give the a monkey banana?
He jumps up and down in protest making a lot of noise.
Montenegro holds the banana and Albanian jumps up and down. Hahaha.
End result is both are bad as each other. Montenegro has turned into an embarrassing circus.

Ari Gold

pre 8 godina

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is Serbian territory. And that comes from someone who was born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija. We'll get both back in due time.


pre 8 godina

Serbs just can't resist spotlight even when they have nothing to do with a matter such as this one.

Serbs feel very lonely it is obvious, and you can't deny it.

Ari Gold

pre 8 godina

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is Serbian territory. And that comes from someone who was born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija. We'll get both back in due time.

Ari Gold

pre 8 godina

Both serbian Territories... Blah blah blah. So go get them, and shot up. By the way when ari gold wen? Give as the time tough guy.
(Tony Pocesta, 2 September 2016 14:00)

We'll see. Montenegro, when the corrupt Djukanovic regime falls. And Kosovo-Metohija is a little tricky because of NATO but it's been stolen several times throughout history and always came back.

Leave Montenegro alone. They are on our side now.
(Gjon Marku, 2 September 2016 14:34)

The Djukanovic dictatorship is, the people are not. You go there, and you'll see very proud Serbs in the majority. But Djukanovic pays poor families 100 Euros to vote for him come election time, and rules with the help of Albanian and Bosniak parties. Against the will of the people. Quite genius actually, until it all comes falling down.

Of course you will, kinda like you got Krajina
(Nikolle, 2 September 2016 14:46)

Krajina was different. There wasn't territorial continuity with Serbia and made it hard to defend it from the Ustashe. Montenegro will join Serbia through a democratic referendum, Kosovo-Metohija will be reintegrated when Serbia is in a position to retake its rightful borders.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

See what happens when you provoke the monkey and don't give the a monkey banana?
He jumps up and down in protest making a lot of noise.
Montenegro holds the banana and Albanian jumps up and down. Hahaha.
End result is both are bad as each other. Montenegro has turned into an embarrassing circus.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 8 godina

Serbian territory was only Beograd????

Nice Job USA, England and Germany, you not only villified, deominized and dehumanized Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Balkans but you even re wrote Old and Ancient World History of the Balkans! USA, England and Germany so determined to re draw the map of the Balkans, Serbian people continue to be pushed into a tiny space untill the bubble will burst! Word War Three just around the bend, this time around not only will our Serbian blood stain the earth, it will mostly come from the enemy!!!

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Montenegro has turned into an embarrassing circus.
(Smart Serb, 2 September 2016 13:41)

Leave Montenegro alone. They are on our side now.


pre 8 godina

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is Serbian territory. And that comes from someone who was born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija.
(Ari Gold, 2 September 2016 13:07)

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is not Serbian territory. And that comes from two people who were born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija :)

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Not so smart serb: better foreign soldiers , and it doesn't matter if they stay there forever . The main think is NO SERBIA also forever


pre 8 godina

Serbs just can't resist spotlight even when they have nothing to do with a matter such as this one.

Serbs feel very lonely it is obvious, and you can't deny it.


pre 8 godina

Can all of you especially the writer of this artical shut up, Serbia was only Belgrade up until the 1920s they just had their rats in the most important places so today they can brain wash people and say that's us, and monternegro and macidona is a made up state like Kosovo is and they will fall sooner or later with Kosovo joining Albaina because Albaina is Kosovo and always was, all this is because of turkey read your history.....

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

What a lovely place called Kosovo*.

Freedom in the air!!!

The sound of birds!!!


Sweet Kosovo* liberation. Hahaha
Troops will never leave.lol

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Troops will never leave.lol
(Smart Serb, 2 September 2016 19:24)

They are already down from 50`000 to something over 3000. As far as we are concerned, they can stay forever. Serbia is gone, we have all we ever wanted.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Both serbian Territories... Blah blah blah. So go get them, and shot up. By the way when ari gold wen? Give as the time tough guy. Or this is one of your genius prediction, let us know when you going to do that, or just shut the hell up

Tonly Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Hay Dan what's bothering about Albanians is that they now have a voice . They get to speak the truth, they gate to decide for themselves, and also they don't care about your comments either. What's important is that they are in their own country called KOSOVA and you got no business there . You don't have to read my comment if you don't want to, anyway enjoy it


pre 8 godina

If only people spent their energy fixing their governments and improving their standard of living. If people continue to focus of arbitrary details, then they will continue to be poor and hungry.


pre 8 godina

To all the Serbian commentators on this site.
Look i don't mind some arguing between Serbs and Croats, or Serbs and Bosniaks. Who knows, some shirts might get ironed out. Doubtful but not impossible.
But after seeing firsthand the pathological complex and hate most albanians spew on sites like these, what is there to argue with them about?
Let them say what they want and leave it at that. Trust me, no side argument is needed. They tend to show themselves up everytime.
Besides we have nothing in common with them. When Yugoslavia had a better standard of living, they migrated over. Now, they are migrating further north. Since the standard of living is better once again.
This time though, they'll be absorbed by multiculturalism eventually. Which,judging by the level of education and racism, might not be such a bad thing after all.
Please don't respond, i really don't care what anyone has to say on the subject.


pre 8 godina

One thing is sure, when NATO has another part of the world in focus, Kosovo will go back to Serbia, 100%, nobody will care and there is nothing you can do about it. If i would be you, i wouldnt feel to comfortable...if you want to live in peace you should move....
Iam neither Serbian nor Albanian by the way.


pre 8 godina

fair enough nik. 1920s serbia is belgrade. 1920s albania doesn't exist.
so, how does that compute in your logic? seriba existed, albania was made up. i can't imagine (unless we live in made-up world) that fabricated is stronger than existing.
please feel free to explain how your logic (perhaps too strong a word) works


pre 8 godina

Kin this is to you

Turkey took Albainain state away for 500years plus. Like I said read your history, maybe you should start with


Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

I can't believe serbs lies so much. Lie lie lie until somebody believes something. Sometimes they believe their own lies. And then tomorrow all over again lie Lie lie

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

@EU dude: you keep waiting for the table to turn. Until then Kosova belongs to the true owners. All you can do is bark and bark, and bark som more


pre 8 godina

in fantasy instead.
… Developing faith is not fantasy. but faith is faith in the God of Israel and thee Bible only, (no other nation, god, name orbook). PraYER CHANGES things and faith (in th God of Israel, YHWH in Hebrew only and the bible only(KJV or original manuscripts) does move mountains! See how Yahuwah (YHWH) brought his people back to Isarael after two thousand years!

… "When you stand praying, BELIEVE...!". Mark 11:24.
(joseph, 2 September 2016 21:49)

OK Joseph can you preach only to yourself. Some of us don't believe in your magical friend in the skies and other fairy tales like these. No need to waste seconds from other people's lives.

Now this Drecun guy needs to be a little careful. Eventually Kosova will have to align it's legislation with that of the EU. Maybe Kosova will then just copy/paste Serbia's law about arresting anybody they deem they committed war crimes in the 90's. After all Serbia has been showing us that this a European law. Maybe, just maybe, Drecun might find itself on some list based on a EU aligned law that was really conceived in Belgrade. So "Keep Quiet and Stay Calm". Don't blab about other's and don't be the stereotypical Serb who does nothing but badmouth neighbors. You never know, since you love Kosova so much you might end up in a windowless 2 by 4 room in Kosova as a long term resident. Stranger things have happened. The future is funny sometimes.


pre 8 godina

It was then that the current history of the peoples here has started I think. Also mention that the empire was called the Great Porta in Europe. And it’s the same name as the Great Horde = ВЕЛИКАЯ ОРДА = ВЕЛИКАЯ П-ОРДА. Prefix letters were wide spread to differ the hordes all over the world. So were К-ОРДА (Kurds), Т-ОРДА (Tartars) ect.
(rote, 5 September 2016 13:29)

Which hordes did the Greeks influence?


pre 8 godina

"Serbian territory" hahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahhah

What a joke!

Why don't all Serbs move to Russia? I think it would be better for us all here in the Balkans if the Serbs moved to Russia. Trust me no one would miss you if you all went there, this I can promise.


pre 8 godina

Pocesta you come across as a boring pipsqueak devoid of the vocabulary to come on here and pontificate your vile xenophobic mantra. You only seem capable of mindless provocation and baseless historical revisionism. You whine about Serbia and Serbians from dawn till dusk secure in the knowledge that no-one and that means absolutely no-one gives a fat fart about your narrow-minded view of the Balkans. Grow up little boy and stop throwing your dummy out of your pram.


pre 8 godina

in fantasy instead.
Developing faith is not fantasy. but faith is faith in the God of Israel and thee Bible only, (no other nation, god, name orbook). PraYER CHANGES things and faith (in th God of Israel, YHWH in Hebrew only and the bible only(KJV or original manuscripts) does move mountains! See how Yahuwah (YHWH) brought his people back to Isarael after two thousand years!

"When you stand praying, BELIEVE...!". Mark 11:24.


pre 8 godina

Nik “ : read your history, maybe you should start with … Skenderbeg”

Woman : Italy gave Serbian lands to Albanians - newcomers to the Balkans.”

Den : we have nothing in common

You simply monk the ones you criticize. Both sides have little knowledge of the real history of the region before 19 century as all documents were left where you run away from. So both sides have to use the history kindly offered to you by the West that has always been hostile to all Balkan peoples but the Croats.

When you mud the Ottomans you always mud yourselves as well. Simply because in 15-17 centuries Balkans was the mainland metropolis of the empire while you all were significant parts of it. Besides in 1485 during the epidemic of the Bubonic plague big part of the Balkans was cleaned by the Great Horde and inhabited by the new people from the Horde i.e. from the Rus soil. So most likely all Balkan peoples are cocktails of the newcomers and the remaining local peoples.

It was then that the current history of the peoples here has started I think. Also mention that the empire was called the Great Porta in Europe. And it’s the same name as the Great Horde = ВЕЛИКАЯ ОРДА = ВЕЛИКАЯ П-ОРДА. Prefix letters were wide spread to differ the hordes all over the world. So were К-ОРДА (Kurds), Т-ОРДА (Tartars) ect.

To be short please remember that before 1613 the Ottomans were part of the Great Horde and so were all peoples of the Balkans.


pre 8 godina

Which hordes did the Greeks influence?
(Nick, 5 September 2016 18:40)

All of them as the Greeks headed the church of the Great (White) Horde.


pre 8 godina

Trust me no one would miss you if you all went there, this I can promise.
(Z500, 5 September 2016 22:05)

what other people of the Balkans will be missing you think?


pre 8 godina


oh, so the 1920's aren't a specifically important date, yet you presented it as though it was. i understand that both serbia and albania existed in with much larger territory than they currently have, however while you were working so hard to find the point in time that serbia was belgrade, it was interesting that at that point in time albania was simply a dream. you felt it an important enough snapshot in history to isolate with a specific date. i was just advising you on the remaining history of that era.
you can't cherry pick history to suite your argument.
a greek might have extra-special claims around the balkans if they wish to cherry pick back to antiquity. it was all greek before any body else was there.


pre 8 godina

Fair enough all understood to brain washed people including me, because history is not as we know it.

Please explain to me in today's world why Greece and macidona argue who Alexander the Great belongs to while in macidona more the 50% is Albainain but Albainain don't have the right to take history... When Ali Pasha of Egypt, the founder of Egypt, find out where his from and what he did and how close it is to Alexander


pre 8 godina

Serbs just can't resist spotlight even when they have nothing to do with a matter such as this one.

Serbs feel very lonely it is obvious, and you can't deny it.
(Guest, 2 September 2016 13:21) # Comment link

Well...since you piped in..it certainly seems like your REALLY talking about yourself in this instance.

Ari Gold

pre 8 godina

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is Serbian territory. And that comes from someone who was born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija. We'll get both back in due time.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Both serbian Territories... Blah blah blah. So go get them, and shot up. By the way when ari gold wen? Give as the time tough guy. Or this is one of your genius prediction, let us know when you going to do that, or just shut the hell up


pre 8 godina

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is Serbian territory. And that comes from someone who was born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija.
(Ari Gold, 2 September 2016 13:07)

Both Kosovo & Metohija as well as Montenegro is not Serbian territory. And that comes from two people who were born in Montenegro and whose great grandparents are from Kosovo-Metohija :)


pre 8 godina

Serbs just can't resist spotlight even when they have nothing to do with a matter such as this one.

Serbs feel very lonely it is obvious, and you can't deny it.

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Montenegro has turned into an embarrassing circus.
(Smart Serb, 2 September 2016 13:41)

Leave Montenegro alone. They are on our side now.


pre 8 godina

Can all of you especially the writer of this artical shut up, Serbia was only Belgrade up until the 1920s they just had their rats in the most important places so today they can brain wash people and say that's us, and monternegro and macidona is a made up state like Kosovo is and they will fall sooner or later with Kosovo joining Albaina because Albaina is Kosovo and always was, all this is because of turkey read your history.....

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 8 godina

Serbian territory was only Beograd????

Nice Job USA, England and Germany, you not only villified, deominized and dehumanized Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Balkans but you even re wrote Old and Ancient World History of the Balkans! USA, England and Germany so determined to re draw the map of the Balkans, Serbian people continue to be pushed into a tiny space untill the bubble will burst! Word War Three just around the bend, this time around not only will our Serbian blood stain the earth, it will mostly come from the enemy!!!

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Not so smart serb: better foreign soldiers , and it doesn't matter if they stay there forever . The main think is NO SERBIA also forever

Gjon Marku

pre 8 godina

Troops will never leave.lol
(Smart Serb, 2 September 2016 19:24)

They are already down from 50`000 to something over 3000. As far as we are concerned, they can stay forever. Serbia is gone, we have all we ever wanted.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

See what happens when you provoke the monkey and don't give the a monkey banana?
He jumps up and down in protest making a lot of noise.
Montenegro holds the banana and Albanian jumps up and down. Hahaha.
End result is both are bad as each other. Montenegro has turned into an embarrassing circus.

Ari Gold

pre 8 godina

Both serbian Territories... Blah blah blah. So go get them, and shot up. By the way when ari gold wen? Give as the time tough guy.
(Tony Pocesta, 2 September 2016 14:00)

We'll see. Montenegro, when the corrupt Djukanovic regime falls. And Kosovo-Metohija is a little tricky because of NATO but it's been stolen several times throughout history and always came back.

Leave Montenegro alone. They are on our side now.
(Gjon Marku, 2 September 2016 14:34)

The Djukanovic dictatorship is, the people are not. You go there, and you'll see very proud Serbs in the majority. But Djukanovic pays poor families 100 Euros to vote for him come election time, and rules with the help of Albanian and Bosniak parties. Against the will of the people. Quite genius actually, until it all comes falling down.

Of course you will, kinda like you got Krajina
(Nikolle, 2 September 2016 14:46)

Krajina was different. There wasn't territorial continuity with Serbia and made it hard to defend it from the Ustashe. Montenegro will join Serbia through a democratic referendum, Kosovo-Metohija will be reintegrated when Serbia is in a position to retake its rightful borders.


pre 8 godina

fair enough nik. 1920s serbia is belgrade. 1920s albania doesn't exist.
so, how does that compute in your logic? seriba existed, albania was made up. i can't imagine (unless we live in made-up world) that fabricated is stronger than existing.
please feel free to explain how your logic (perhaps too strong a word) works

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

What a lovely place called Kosovo*.

Freedom in the air!!!

The sound of birds!!!


Sweet Kosovo* liberation. Hahaha
Troops will never leave.lol


pre 8 godina

To all the Serbian commentators on this site.
Look i don't mind some arguing between Serbs and Croats, or Serbs and Bosniaks. Who knows, some shirts might get ironed out. Doubtful but not impossible.
But after seeing firsthand the pathological complex and hate most albanians spew on sites like these, what is there to argue with them about?
Let them say what they want and leave it at that. Trust me, no side argument is needed. They tend to show themselves up everytime.
Besides we have nothing in common with them. When Yugoslavia had a better standard of living, they migrated over. Now, they are migrating further north. Since the standard of living is better once again.
This time though, they'll be absorbed by multiculturalism eventually. Which,judging by the level of education and racism, might not be such a bad thing after all.
Please don't respond, i really don't care what anyone has to say on the subject.

Tonly Pocesta

pre 8 godina

Hay Dan what's bothering about Albanians is that they now have a voice . They get to speak the truth, they gate to decide for themselves, and also they don't care about your comments either. What's important is that they are in their own country called KOSOVA and you got no business there . You don't have to read my comment if you don't want to, anyway enjoy it


pre 8 godina

in fantasy instead.
Developing faith is not fantasy. but faith is faith in the God of Israel and thee Bible only, (no other nation, god, name orbook). PraYER CHANGES things and faith (in th God of Israel, YHWH in Hebrew only and the bible only(KJV or original manuscripts) does move mountains! See how Yahuwah (YHWH) brought his people back to Isarael after two thousand years!

"When you stand praying, BELIEVE...!". Mark 11:24.


pre 8 godina

One thing is sure, when NATO has another part of the world in focus, Kosovo will go back to Serbia, 100%, nobody will care and there is nothing you can do about it. If i would be you, i wouldnt feel to comfortable...if you want to live in peace you should move....
Iam neither Serbian nor Albanian by the way.


pre 8 godina

in fantasy instead.
… Developing faith is not fantasy. but faith is faith in the God of Israel and thee Bible only, (no other nation, god, name orbook). PraYER CHANGES things and faith (in th God of Israel, YHWH in Hebrew only and the bible only(KJV or original manuscripts) does move mountains! See how Yahuwah (YHWH) brought his people back to Isarael after two thousand years!

… "When you stand praying, BELIEVE...!". Mark 11:24.
(joseph, 2 September 2016 21:49)

OK Joseph can you preach only to yourself. Some of us don't believe in your magical friend in the skies and other fairy tales like these. No need to waste seconds from other people's lives.

Now this Drecun guy needs to be a little careful. Eventually Kosova will have to align it's legislation with that of the EU. Maybe Kosova will then just copy/paste Serbia's law about arresting anybody they deem they committed war crimes in the 90's. After all Serbia has been showing us that this a European law. Maybe, just maybe, Drecun might find itself on some list based on a EU aligned law that was really conceived in Belgrade. So "Keep Quiet and Stay Calm". Don't blab about other's and don't be the stereotypical Serb who does nothing but badmouth neighbors. You never know, since you love Kosova so much you might end up in a windowless 2 by 4 room in Kosova as a long term resident. Stranger things have happened. The future is funny sometimes.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

@EU dude: you keep waiting for the table to turn. Until then Kosova belongs to the true owners. All you can do is bark and bark, and bark som more


pre 8 godina

Nik “ : read your history, maybe you should start with … Skenderbeg”

Woman : Italy gave Serbian lands to Albanians - newcomers to the Balkans.”

Den : we have nothing in common

You simply monk the ones you criticize. Both sides have little knowledge of the real history of the region before 19 century as all documents were left where you run away from. So both sides have to use the history kindly offered to you by the West that has always been hostile to all Balkan peoples but the Croats.

When you mud the Ottomans you always mud yourselves as well. Simply because in 15-17 centuries Balkans was the mainland metropolis of the empire while you all were significant parts of it. Besides in 1485 during the epidemic of the Bubonic plague big part of the Balkans was cleaned by the Great Horde and inhabited by the new people from the Horde i.e. from the Rus soil. So most likely all Balkan peoples are cocktails of the newcomers and the remaining local peoples.

It was then that the current history of the peoples here has started I think. Also mention that the empire was called the Great Porta in Europe. And it’s the same name as the Great Horde = ВЕЛИКАЯ ОРДА = ВЕЛИКАЯ П-ОРДА. Prefix letters were wide spread to differ the hordes all over the world. So were К-ОРДА (Kurds), Т-ОРДА (Tartars) ect.

To be short please remember that before 1613 the Ottomans were part of the Great Horde and so were all peoples of the Balkans.

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

I can't believe serbs lies so much. Lie lie lie until somebody believes something. Sometimes they believe their own lies. And then tomorrow all over again lie Lie lie


pre 8 godina

Kin this is to you

Turkey took Albainain state away for 500years plus. Like I said read your history, maybe you should start with



pre 8 godina

If only people spent their energy fixing their governments and improving their standard of living. If people continue to focus of arbitrary details, then they will continue to be poor and hungry.


pre 8 godina

Which hordes did the Greeks influence?
(Nick, 5 September 2016 18:40)

All of them as the Greeks headed the church of the Great (White) Horde.


pre 8 godina

Trust me no one would miss you if you all went there, this I can promise.
(Z500, 5 September 2016 22:05)

what other people of the Balkans will be missing you think?


pre 8 godina

"Serbian territory" hahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahhah

What a joke!

Why don't all Serbs move to Russia? I think it would be better for us all here in the Balkans if the Serbs moved to Russia. Trust me no one would miss you if you all went there, this I can promise.


pre 8 godina

It was then that the current history of the peoples here has started I think. Also mention that the empire was called the Great Porta in Europe. And it’s the same name as the Great Horde = ВЕЛИКАЯ ОРДА = ВЕЛИКАЯ П-ОРДА. Prefix letters were wide spread to differ the hordes all over the world. So were К-ОРДА (Kurds), Т-ОРДА (Tartars) ect.
(rote, 5 September 2016 13:29)

Which hordes did the Greeks influence?


pre 8 godina

Pocesta you come across as a boring pipsqueak devoid of the vocabulary to come on here and pontificate your vile xenophobic mantra. You only seem capable of mindless provocation and baseless historical revisionism. You whine about Serbia and Serbians from dawn till dusk secure in the knowledge that no-one and that means absolutely no-one gives a fat fart about your narrow-minded view of the Balkans. Grow up little boy and stop throwing your dummy out of your pram.


pre 8 godina


oh, so the 1920's aren't a specifically important date, yet you presented it as though it was. i understand that both serbia and albania existed in with much larger territory than they currently have, however while you were working so hard to find the point in time that serbia was belgrade, it was interesting that at that point in time albania was simply a dream. you felt it an important enough snapshot in history to isolate with a specific date. i was just advising you on the remaining history of that era.
you can't cherry pick history to suite your argument.
a greek might have extra-special claims around the balkans if they wish to cherry pick back to antiquity. it was all greek before any body else was there.


pre 8 godina

Serbs just can't resist spotlight even when they have nothing to do with a matter such as this one.

Serbs feel very lonely it is obvious, and you can't deny it.
(Guest, 2 September 2016 13:21) # Comment link

Well...since you piped in..it certainly seems like your REALLY talking about yourself in this instance.


pre 8 godina

Fair enough all understood to brain washed people including me, because history is not as we know it.

Please explain to me in today's world why Greece and macidona argue who Alexander the Great belongs to while in macidona more the 50% is Albainain but Albainain don't have the right to take history... When Ali Pasha of Egypt, the founder of Egypt, find out where his from and what he did and how close it is to Alexander