pre 9 godina
for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
(MikeC, 10 January 2016 09:53)
Yup, I totally agree with the past tense... that proves my point :)
Friday, 08.01.2016.
RS President Milorad Dodik has said that the Serb Republic (Republika Srpska, RS) - the Serb entity in Bosnia - is "a state."
Izvor: Beta
pre 9 godina
for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
(MikeC, 10 January 2016 09:53)
Yup, I totally agree with the past tense... that proves my point :)
pre 9 godina
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
(icj1, 9 January 2016 20:45)
You want proof? Look at see who has a seat at the UN and who doesn't.
(Peggy, 10 January 2016 21:23)
Thx dear, but you either quoted the wrong post or have some reading and comprehension challenges. I asked about "recognition" not about "who has a UN seat"!
The reason I asked is because, according to the UN itself, the UN does not possess any authority to recognize either a state or a government.
pre 9 godina
Dodik will be relieved of his duties at the next RS election. The west decides the future of the Balkans and Dodik is not towing the political line. The west has bigger issues in the middle east to contend with and wont allow Dodik to create problems in BiH. RS is finished.
(Leonards Clone, 11 January 2016 00:42)
They gave been saying that for many years LOL. Now you hold your breath until MD has gone.
pre 9 godina
Ya with Serbia being the world capital of raspberry's. Serbia breaking the embargo selling the raspberries to Russia and Russia making tons of raspberry jam. Life is nothing but sweet for Serbia and Russia rite sj.
(Lenard, 11 January 2016 10:36)
Are you sure they do not have you in a padded room? Serbia does not have sanctions on Russia, but Croatia does and you expect Russian tourists LOL.
At least Serbia exports something unlike Croatia which is the capital of BS. Here is a raspberry for you Lenny. Enjoy.
pre 9 godina
(The Count of Kosova, 11 January 2016 10:18)
Well Putin’s motley crew are keeping the United Sates of Piss and Wind at bay. If the Russians killed 2300 how many have the US killed in Afghanistan and Iraq? Last count was in the hundreds of thousands, but our good friends in Amnesty and other human rights groups like the Syrian HR from London (these guys must have great binoculars) only make occasional mention of casualties by the west. What has happened to that hospital in Afghanistan were 19 doctors were killed by friendly fire?????
pre 9 godina
Whose the idiot now!
(The Count of Kosova, 11 January 2016 10:18)
I'd say you.
pre 9 godina
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions,
You guys keep repeating that like a bedtime story.
Has has any of that stopped Russia from taking decisive action in Syria? Who is calling the shots there now? Do Turks have any right to fly over zones Russia has told them not to?
Look at the evidence you idiot.
(Peggy, 10 January 2016 21:21)
The only evidence thus far since Putin decided to ride bare chested, leading his motley troops, to the aid of Assad is that Russia has had three of its planes shot done. By any standard I'd sat that Russia is in over its head in dung flies, all the while killing over 2,300 innocent civilians. Whose the idiot now!
pre 9 godina
However, I am interested to hear what sanctions are hurting Russia. No one has ever explained that one.
(sj, 11 January 2016 07:55) Ya with Serbia being the world capital of raspberry's. Serbia breaking the embargo selling the raspberries to Russia and Russia making tons of raspberry jam. Life is nothing but sweet for Serbia and Russia rite sj.
pre 9 godina
(The Count of Kosova, 9 January 2016 22:04)
Now let’s get this straight, China, which has over 4 trillion in reserves with little debt, and Russia, with no debt and huge reserves of precious metals, are in trouble, but the US which is 20 trillion behind the 8 ball is swimming with its head above water.
So according to your calculations China will in about 5 to 10 days lose all its wealth.
Just magic. Perhaps you might look at the US stock exchange and see how well they a going since China started to slow down.
The entire world is slowing down. Even Australia is looking at a recession for the first time in over 30years.
However, I am interested to hear what sanctions are hurting Russia. No one has ever explained that one.
pre 9 godina
So peggy Nato helped bosnia by putting an arms embargo on it and then making dayton which rewarded serbs for genocide? As usual peggy you have the worst comments, RS still has a place in hell right next to RSK
pre 9 godina
Dodik will be relieved of his duties at the next RS election. The west decides the future of the Balkans and Dodik is not towing the political line. The west has bigger issues in the middle east to contend with and wont allow Dodik to create problems in BiH. RS is finished.
pre 9 godina
That is too funny, "rs is the victory of the serb people" if it wasn't for the international community the RS would be in hell with RSK, they couldn't win anything,
If it wasn't for international community (western Nazis) there would ONLY be RS now.
It is you who had to cry and beg for help. NATO helped you not us. We were doing very well on our own.
pre 9 godina
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions,
You guys keep repeating that like a bedtime story.
Has has any of that stopped Russia from taking decisive action in Syria? Who is calling the shots there now? Do Turks have any right to fly over zones Russia has told them not to?
Look at the evidence you idiot.
pre 9 godina
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
(icj1, 9 January 2016 20:45)
You want proof? Look at see who has a seat at the UN and who doesn't.
pre 9 godina
To the dreamers below who think Serbia will lose territory:
1. Well-functioning states aren't dismantled, but rather poorly-functioning states.
2. Bosnia is a poorly functioning state.
3. Serbia is a well-functioning state.
Sandzak is but a territory. Vovjvodina is 73% Serb.
In the coming 2-5 years Serbia will advance itself economically to a level that leaves behind all the nonsense below.
With economic growth comes influence in the region.
No economic growth for the others means no seat at the table.
pre 9 godina
If Sprska is a state, than so is Kosovo.
pre 9 godina
Republic of srpska is a glorious SERB victory against Sharia law and against ustasha fascist ideology .serbs are greatful for the freedom we have today long live the beautiful and proud republic of srpska
pre 9 godina
"If you haven't been to Kosovo I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And you know what? That's good enough for Kosovars."
Icj 1
You albanians did what you could to erase everything Serbian in Kosovo by destroying hundreds of churches and by expelling and killing serbs. However there is plenty of churches left in Kosovo and Serbian flags flying high in Northern Kosovo. And with the agreement about Serbian municipalities i Kosovo I would say there is enough serbian influence in Kosovo for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
pre 9 godina
That is too funny, "rs is the victory of the serb people" if it wasn't for the international community the RS would be in hell with RSK, they couldn't win anything, started a war, killed non serb civilians and list to poorly armed opposition, RS will be destroyed in due time, anyone who wishes to be destroyed alongside it deserves to be
pre 9 godina
RS is as much of a state as Sanxhak. If RS wants to move away from the Croats and Muslims, then Sanxhak has every right to do the same and move away from the Serbs.
pre 9 godina
It's nice to see the Muslims and Croats grinding their teeth. But RS is the victory of the serb people.we never had anything against them joining the glory day celebrations. Long live forever grateful the armed forces of RS and its victorious citizens.
pre 9 godina
to be honest, I reckon there's already a plan between RS and Russia about it, it just has to go in stages. and when I say Russia, I don't just mean Russia, it includes China as well and a few other countries. go to war if you like, see if the people in the west will give 2 cents about it?
(den, 9 January 2016 08:05)
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions, the precipitous drop in the price of oil and a war they can't afford. China is probably worse off than Russia, Its stock market is in free fall with no bottom in sight. They can't even decide whether or not to devalue their currency. As a result, $400,000,000,000 worth of the the middle classes' wealth has been destroyed in just six days.
pre 9 godina
What's the point?
Bosnia and Hercegovina isn't a functioning state either.
Fact 1: If it didn't have financial support from others it would collapse.
Fact 2: If others didn't physically enforce the current setup it would collapse.
Fact 3: If Serbs were free to choose they would secede and go to Serbia (38% of the population)
Fact 4: If Croats were free to choose they would secede and go to Croatia (15% of the population)
Fact 5: The majority of the people in this country want to secede (53%)
Doesn't sound like a state to me.
Sounds like someone's idea of a state that requires coercion to keep together.
Some will respond and say it is the nationalists that exacerbate this and the people of Bosnia just want peace and harmony.
I say that is true, but Croats prefer peace and harmony as part of Croatia and Serbs prefer peace and harmony as part of Serbia.
It is only Bosniaks who want peace and harmony in Bosnia, and they are the minority opinion.
Whatever. It'll collapse sooner or later. All by itself.
pre 9 godina
Times are changing my friends. RS will hold a referendum, and be free from genocidal Islamists and Croats. Nobody can deny Serbs their right to self determination. Russia will be the first to recognize the result, and rightly refer to western double standards (Kosovo) to squash any criticism. And this time the leader of the free world, Vladimir Putin, will not only diplomatically defend Serbs, but also military :) (a la Syria). Just wait and see, and remember this a few years from now.
pre 9 godina
If you haven't been to RS I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you RS is part of Bosnia. And you know what? That's good enough for me. Just as long we are free of ustashe and Jihadists.
(MikeC, 8 January 2016 21:08)
If you haven't been to Kosovo I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And you know what? That's good enough for Kosovars. Just as long they are free of Serbian army and police.
pre 9 godina
the (UN-recognized state) Republic of Serbia
(Comm. Parrisson, 8 January 2016 15:44)
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
pre 9 godina
From Tony: "The moment RS calls its referendum (2018?) and votes for independence is the same day that it will seize to exist. This act completely violates the Dayton accord and with no Dayton agreement RS loses its legality. It becomes just a piece of land where genocide and ethnic cleansing occurred."
Wrong Tony! Croatia, Slovenia & B-H broke the Yugoslav constitution and the Helsinki Accords when they declared their independence and broke away. Is the Dayton Accords any more important than these agreements? The truth is that the west has grown tired of trying to make B-H work. Two of the three ethnic groups want out and for all intents and purposes, RS is already out, like it or not. I highly doubt the west will get involved to the extent they did in the 90s. With the fanatic Islamic influence increasing every day in the Federation coupled with Croatia moving closer and closer to her Ustasha past, the west sees that their policy of the 90s was misguided. And if Russia provides support to the RS, the west will steer clear of the area.
Sorry Tony, you're wrong. RS is here to stay and you can't do anything about it. Forcing people to live together in a fabricated entity like B-H just doesn't work. Tudjman and Izetbegovic wanted war and they got it. Don't cry about the consequences now.
pre 9 godina
Nikada u historiji nije postojala srpska republika zapadno od Drine. Ovaj entitet tzv RS nastao tokom agresije Srbije i Hrvatske na Republiku BH je sramota covjecanstva. TZV RS je nastala na GENOCIDU, MASOVNIM GROBNICANMA, KONC-LOGORIMA EXTERMINACIJI I PROGONU NE-SRABA SA TERITORIJE REPUBLIKE BH, MEDJUNARODNO PRIZNATE DRZAVE. Taj sramni cin medjunarodna zajednica je nazalost prihvatila sto joj se obilo o glavu jer je time prektsen princip internacionalog prava i Becka konvencija o suverenosti dzrava, kao i poglavlje 2, UN-a. Direktan rezulata te palanacke politike je krsenje internacionalnog zakona kod secesije Kosova od Srbije, Krima od Ukrajine, totalnog nezakonaj i haosa na bliskom istoku. Agresija Srbije na Republiku BH je imala za cilj stvaranje velike Srbije a rezultat je srpski pasaluk bez Kosova. Ako Vucuc i Srbija ne promjene palanacku politiku, ne odustanu od nemoguceg plana stvaranja velike Srbije, ostali ce slijediti princip odsustava primjene internacionalnig zakona, usvojiti takodjer princip sile (kao sto je radila Srbija i Hrvatska 90-tih) i kerirati Republiku bosnjacku u Sandzaku, Republiku Vojvodinu (srbijanska kolonija iz 19 vijeka) a mogu misliti ostale manjine sta ce pokusati uraditi ne samo u Srbiji vec u svim dzravama svijeta jer su poglavlja uN-a suspendovana. Tako taj fasisticki plan stvaranja velike Srbije ima za posljedicu stvarnje Srbijaskog pasaluka negdje oko rijeke Dunav.
pre 9 godina
It's starting to show that the Bosnian muslims can't have it both ways.
RS will split from bosnia, it's just a matter of time now. even the west is trying to manipulate people again with faux docos and news stories right now, which means they see something happening.
the people don't want to live with fanatics and jihadis and that's ok.
you can call on Clinton or anyone else to do whatever they like, but times have changed.
the muslims can also start the war they have been threatening, it won't help. right now the west is desperate for that piece of land in Syria but can't do anything about it. you are going to have a tough time convincing the people in the west to risk their lives in a world war for that pathetic excuse of a country. also the propaganda won't be one sided anymore either for a change.
to be honest, I reckon there's already a plan between RS and Russia about it, it just has to go in stages. and when I say Russia, I don't just mean Russia, it includes China as well and a few other countries. go to war if you like, see if the people in the west will give 2 cents about it?
pre 9 godina
it's the only reason why the Serbia hostile dung flies are in such a panic today
>>>>>Exactly, they do those hostilities because they want more from Serbians. and know that this unification of old Serbian lands will be a reality one day
pre 9 godina
My comparison is just, both RS and isis were built on genocide, for the sake of larger failed goals, the serbs chetniks evenlooked like isis fighters and had the same ideology, I am all for a peaceful existance but the fact is the RS leaders and supporters don't want it and will start another war in hopes of getting even more undeserved rewards for genocide. And anyone who would fight for it is a war criminal because it was built on war crimes, every day that it exists is a war crime, exactly like isis. May both be taken out soon
pre 9 godina
President Dodick is correct. As Bosnia is ruled by foregners in basic law . RS must stay out of that mess. self detedrmination
Lau Hu
pre 9 godina
an entity build in genocide is not going to succeed. Why are serbs genocidal people? why do they kill people to steal land? why are they uncivilized scums?
pre 9 godina
RS is a state: a state of denial, a state of corrupt fantasies, a state of descension. Although more a statement of contradiction than a state meant to aspire to something of meaning.
pre 9 godina
The moment RS calls its referendum (2018?) and votes for independence is the same day that it will seize to exist. This act completely violates the Dayton accord and with no Dayton agreement RS loses its legality. It becomes just a piece of land where genocide and ethnic cleansing occurred.
pre 9 godina
Sweet dreams rote
pre 9 godina
What is important is all Serbs support independent RS, and that is what maters .
pre 9 godina
Again, Bosnia & Herzegovina is composed of two autonomous "entities", Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Entities is a place holder term to avoid describing them as "countries" or "nations". The government that oversees Bosnia & Herzegovina is loose and weak in the face of the autonomy secured by the two "entities".
Actually "state" is good term to describe the entities that are united in the country -- a nation -- recognized as B&H (NOT the Federation of B&H). B&H may be a country, but it is much less a state, considering the powers granted the two entities.
Notice in all these reports, the affairs of the Federation of B&H, the other state in B&H, is never mentioned. It always RS versus B&H. Why doesn't FB&H never assert itself or an opinion on any of these subjects?
Yes, RS is a state and also FB&H is a state. B&H may be a country or nation, but in this case the whole is much less than the sum of its parts.
pre 9 godina
WTH? Another bizarre rambling by Lenard.
pre 9 godina
The same lunatic who says Kosovo is not a state :)
pre 9 godina
Well said Ned. We can safely consign the views of Siptarovic,Lenard,LK et al to the dustbin of internet history as the worthless ramblings of the brainwashed misfits that they are. It's also worth mentioning to our contributor Andy that President Dodik sings as well as, if not better than Frank Sinatra see link( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59MzKEGxaDM)well maybe not,but better than me.
pre 9 godina
anti jugoslavia
RS is recognizes by more countries then Kosovo. Perhaps not as an independent country but as an independent entity. If you haven't been to RS I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you RS is part of Bosnia. And you know what? That's good enough for me. Just as long we are free of ustashe and Jihadists.
pre 9 godina
Be damned everyone who supports KiM for the shqiprats and deprives the Serbs in BIH of the same right on the lands Serbs have been inhabiting for centuries ! In the years to come Serbian lands of Montenegro, Croatia and BiH will be home to mainland Serbia and it's the only reason why the Serbia hostile dung flies are in such a panic today. All those bastards do understand that Russia will in no way remain a passive witness of the changes to come. Kosovo and Adriatics must be divided while Montenegro and RS must be back home in the years to come.
pre 9 godina
Momcilo: What a rambling load of nonsense. Almost the entire international community recognises the RS as a legitimate part of Bosnia, are they all war criminals? For that matter am I? Was Bill Clinton who oversaw negotiations at Dayton? By all means have a view about the validity of the RS but to try to compare its existence to ISIS is lunacy. I do not support independence for the RS but I would very much defend the right of ordinary Serbs to live in an entity where they feel at home. It's was horrendous what happened in 1992 in parts of the RS, and on a personal level I abhor anyone who cannot accept the equal worth of those from other national backgrounds and religions. Such people, and by the sound of it you seem to qualify (at least where Serbs are concerned), should ask themselves how their attitude is going to move the country, or any country for that matter, forward.
pre 9 godina
Yea, I'd say RS is a state.
(Ari Gold, 8 January 2016 18:42)
What money do they use and what is the name of their armed forces? Where are the border checkpoints? Where is their border police? They are not a state and will never be a state no matter how much you nationalists want it to be. The EU, NATO, and US won't allow it. I doubt you want to see what happens if they try, especially when Clinton becomes President.
pre 9 godina
Is he doing an impression of Frank Sinatra in that photo?
(Andy UK, 8 January 2016 13:55) No no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SXWX6qg0y4 he is showing how he holds "Srpskas" panties or is it his. I never get it which one it is o wait I know it is one and the same go figure. O wait maybe not Dodo is holding "Srpskas" Nikolic is holding Dodos and chetniks are holding Nikolic's. That sounds about rite.
pre 9 godina
Sorry dodik it is not a state, the closest it can ever be to a state is being like isis, and entity built on genocide, and if it is destroyed the same way so be it, just as anyone who would defend isis is a terrorist, anyone who would defend RS is a war criminal, ps those 3 foreign judges are voting alongside the 2 native judges in bosnia, the serb and croat judges are not native either, therefore have no more no less right to vote than the 3 from abroad
pre 9 godina
Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada!
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
Recognitions are overrated. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood "recognized" on behalf of Egypt while it was in power, but the current Sisi gov't that replaced the brothers refused to support the bid at UNESCO. And Cairo has no active relations with Pristina. Does Egypt still "recognize"?!
There are many problems in Republika Srpska, but the living standards are much better than for the average non-criminal Albanian in Kosovo-Metohija. Western aid in the Balkans goes almost 95% to Bosnian Muslims and Albanians, and RS has less problems than both communities.
RS has all the making of a state within a state. Own parliament, court, police etc. All of it was built by Serbs themselves. No EULEX/UNMIK/OHR missions. In Banja Luka, the Serb gov't is supreme. The Bosnian court tried to say that Serbs can't celebrate their holiday and tomorrow there is a big celebration with every member of gov't from Serbia attending.
Yea, I'd say RS is a state.
pre 9 godina
He, Dodik, can call the RS whatever he likes, it doesn't change the reality. The agreement which he says he fights for defines the RS as one of two autonomous entities. As such, although 9th January may be celebrated as a holiday in the RS it is not by definition a state holiday. Jeff: Bosnia did not secede without a referendum, it was held on 29th Feb and 1st March 1992 albeit Serbs boycotted it. If Mr Dodik thought that he could secede without asking the people he would have already done so. Not even Serbia supports secession so it is a non-starter.
pre 9 godina
"Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada!"
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
To be more exact, Kosovo is recognized by 108 UN member states and 4 'other states or entities'
pre 9 godina
"But it is utter hypocrisy that Serbs deny the Albanian's right to have they own state, while with the same mouth promote extreme demands of the Serbska in Bosnia."
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
Albanians have their own state since more than 100 years! It's called Albania. Look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albania
pre 9 godina
"Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. "
(anti-jugoslavia,8 January 2016 14:55)
Correct, sorry, I'll be more exact: So, RS is an entity withing Bosnia (which is a recognized state), while Kosovo is a disputed territory, precisely between the (UN-recognized state) Republic of Serbia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo.
For more information, see Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_territorial_disputes#Disputes_between_UN-recognized_states_and_others
pre 9 godina
Nice villa you got there in Belgrade Mr. Dodik.
pre 9 godina
Surely if the republics of Yugoslavia are allowed to secede for no reason whatsoever without a rereferendum, if Kosovo is allowed to secede from Serbia without a referendum, then Rs is entitled to do the same.
pre 9 godina
Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada! In fact, Dodik's "entity" exists only because of an international agreement that it won't be a state. Otherwise it would have been wiped out by Croatian and Bosnian forces since 1995.
I have nothing against Serbs in Bosnia having their own state, or even better joining Serbia. There's nothing wrong with it. Just not in the territories that they gained by genocide.
But it is utter hypocrisy that Serbs deny the Albanian's right to have they own state, while with the same mouth promote extreme demands of the Serbska in Bosnia.
pre 9 godina
Dodik should shake hands with Isa Mustafa, they both want to make people believe they are heads of a state. Amazing stupidity
P.S: Entity or province are the right terms.
pre 9 godina
Is he doing an impression of Frank Sinatra in that photo?
pre 9 godina
What is important is all Serbs support independent RS, and that is what maters .
pre 9 godina
Surely if the republics of Yugoslavia are allowed to secede for no reason whatsoever without a rereferendum, if Kosovo is allowed to secede from Serbia without a referendum, then Rs is entitled to do the same.
pre 9 godina
Times are changing my friends. RS will hold a referendum, and be free from genocidal Islamists and Croats. Nobody can deny Serbs their right to self determination. Russia will be the first to recognize the result, and rightly refer to western double standards (Kosovo) to squash any criticism. And this time the leader of the free world, Vladimir Putin, will not only diplomatically defend Serbs, but also military :) (a la Syria). Just wait and see, and remember this a few years from now.
pre 9 godina
Be damned everyone who supports KiM for the shqiprats and deprives the Serbs in BIH of the same right on the lands Serbs have been inhabiting for centuries ! In the years to come Serbian lands of Montenegro, Croatia and BiH will be home to mainland Serbia and it's the only reason why the Serbia hostile dung flies are in such a panic today. All those bastards do understand that Russia will in no way remain a passive witness of the changes to come. Kosovo and Adriatics must be divided while Montenegro and RS must be back home in the years to come.
pre 9 godina
It's starting to show that the Bosnian muslims can't have it both ways.
RS will split from bosnia, it's just a matter of time now. even the west is trying to manipulate people again with faux docos and news stories right now, which means they see something happening.
the people don't want to live with fanatics and jihadis and that's ok.
you can call on Clinton or anyone else to do whatever they like, but times have changed.
the muslims can also start the war they have been threatening, it won't help. right now the west is desperate for that piece of land in Syria but can't do anything about it. you are going to have a tough time convincing the people in the west to risk their lives in a world war for that pathetic excuse of a country. also the propaganda won't be one sided anymore either for a change.
to be honest, I reckon there's already a plan between RS and Russia about it, it just has to go in stages. and when I say Russia, I don't just mean Russia, it includes China as well and a few other countries. go to war if you like, see if the people in the west will give 2 cents about it?
pre 9 godina
Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada!
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
Recognitions are overrated. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood "recognized" on behalf of Egypt while it was in power, but the current Sisi gov't that replaced the brothers refused to support the bid at UNESCO. And Cairo has no active relations with Pristina. Does Egypt still "recognize"?!
There are many problems in Republika Srpska, but the living standards are much better than for the average non-criminal Albanian in Kosovo-Metohija. Western aid in the Balkans goes almost 95% to Bosnian Muslims and Albanians, and RS has less problems than both communities.
RS has all the making of a state within a state. Own parliament, court, police etc. All of it was built by Serbs themselves. No EULEX/UNMIK/OHR missions. In Banja Luka, the Serb gov't is supreme. The Bosnian court tried to say that Serbs can't celebrate their holiday and tomorrow there is a big celebration with every member of gov't from Serbia attending.
Yea, I'd say RS is a state.
pre 9 godina
"But it is utter hypocrisy that Serbs deny the Albanian's right to have they own state, while with the same mouth promote extreme demands of the Serbska in Bosnia."
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
Albanians have their own state since more than 100 years! It's called Albania. Look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albania
pre 9 godina
anti jugoslavia
RS is recognizes by more countries then Kosovo. Perhaps not as an independent country but as an independent entity. If you haven't been to RS I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you RS is part of Bosnia. And you know what? That's good enough for me. Just as long we are free of ustashe and Jihadists.
pre 9 godina
Sorry dodik it is not a state, the closest it can ever be to a state is being like isis, and entity built on genocide, and if it is destroyed the same way so be it, just as anyone who would defend isis is a terrorist, anyone who would defend RS is a war criminal, ps those 3 foreign judges are voting alongside the 2 native judges in bosnia, the serb and croat judges are not native either, therefore have no more no less right to vote than the 3 from abroad
pre 9 godina
President Dodick is correct. As Bosnia is ruled by foregners in basic law . RS must stay out of that mess. self detedrmination
Lau Hu
pre 9 godina
It's nice to see the Muslims and Croats grinding their teeth. But RS is the victory of the serb people.we never had anything against them joining the glory day celebrations. Long live forever grateful the armed forces of RS and its victorious citizens.
pre 9 godina
WTH? Another bizarre rambling by Lenard.
pre 9 godina
What's the point?
Bosnia and Hercegovina isn't a functioning state either.
Fact 1: If it didn't have financial support from others it would collapse.
Fact 2: If others didn't physically enforce the current setup it would collapse.
Fact 3: If Serbs were free to choose they would secede and go to Serbia (38% of the population)
Fact 4: If Croats were free to choose they would secede and go to Croatia (15% of the population)
Fact 5: The majority of the people in this country want to secede (53%)
Doesn't sound like a state to me.
Sounds like someone's idea of a state that requires coercion to keep together.
Some will respond and say it is the nationalists that exacerbate this and the people of Bosnia just want peace and harmony.
I say that is true, but Croats prefer peace and harmony as part of Croatia and Serbs prefer peace and harmony as part of Serbia.
It is only Bosniaks who want peace and harmony in Bosnia, and they are the minority opinion.
Whatever. It'll collapse sooner or later. All by itself.
pre 9 godina
Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada! In fact, Dodik's "entity" exists only because of an international agreement that it won't be a state. Otherwise it would have been wiped out by Croatian and Bosnian forces since 1995.
I have nothing against Serbs in Bosnia having their own state, or even better joining Serbia. There's nothing wrong with it. Just not in the territories that they gained by genocide.
But it is utter hypocrisy that Serbs deny the Albanian's right to have they own state, while with the same mouth promote extreme demands of the Serbska in Bosnia.
pre 9 godina
Nice villa you got there in Belgrade Mr. Dodik.
pre 9 godina
Yea, I'd say RS is a state.
(Ari Gold, 8 January 2016 18:42)
What money do they use and what is the name of their armed forces? Where are the border checkpoints? Where is their border police? They are not a state and will never be a state no matter how much you nationalists want it to be. The EU, NATO, and US won't allow it. I doubt you want to see what happens if they try, especially when Clinton becomes President.
pre 9 godina
From Tony: "The moment RS calls its referendum (2018?) and votes for independence is the same day that it will seize to exist. This act completely violates the Dayton accord and with no Dayton agreement RS loses its legality. It becomes just a piece of land where genocide and ethnic cleansing occurred."
Wrong Tony! Croatia, Slovenia & B-H broke the Yugoslav constitution and the Helsinki Accords when they declared their independence and broke away. Is the Dayton Accords any more important than these agreements? The truth is that the west has grown tired of trying to make B-H work. Two of the three ethnic groups want out and for all intents and purposes, RS is already out, like it or not. I highly doubt the west will get involved to the extent they did in the 90s. With the fanatic Islamic influence increasing every day in the Federation coupled with Croatia moving closer and closer to her Ustasha past, the west sees that their policy of the 90s was misguided. And if Russia provides support to the RS, the west will steer clear of the area.
Sorry Tony, you're wrong. RS is here to stay and you can't do anything about it. Forcing people to live together in a fabricated entity like B-H just doesn't work. Tudjman and Izetbegovic wanted war and they got it. Don't cry about the consequences now.
pre 9 godina
"If you haven't been to Kosovo I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And you know what? That's good enough for Kosovars."
Icj 1
You albanians did what you could to erase everything Serbian in Kosovo by destroying hundreds of churches and by expelling and killing serbs. However there is plenty of churches left in Kosovo and Serbian flags flying high in Northern Kosovo. And with the agreement about Serbian municipalities i Kosovo I would say there is enough serbian influence in Kosovo for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
pre 9 godina
Momcilo: What a rambling load of nonsense. Almost the entire international community recognises the RS as a legitimate part of Bosnia, are they all war criminals? For that matter am I? Was Bill Clinton who oversaw negotiations at Dayton? By all means have a view about the validity of the RS but to try to compare its existence to ISIS is lunacy. I do not support independence for the RS but I would very much defend the right of ordinary Serbs to live in an entity where they feel at home. It's was horrendous what happened in 1992 in parts of the RS, and on a personal level I abhor anyone who cannot accept the equal worth of those from other national backgrounds and religions. Such people, and by the sound of it you seem to qualify (at least where Serbs are concerned), should ask themselves how their attitude is going to move the country, or any country for that matter, forward.
pre 9 godina
Well said Ned. We can safely consign the views of Siptarovic,Lenard,LK et al to the dustbin of internet history as the worthless ramblings of the brainwashed misfits that they are. It's also worth mentioning to our contributor Andy that President Dodik sings as well as, if not better than Frank Sinatra see link( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59MzKEGxaDM)well maybe not,but better than me.
pre 9 godina
The same lunatic who says Kosovo is not a state :)
pre 9 godina
Again, Bosnia & Herzegovina is composed of two autonomous "entities", Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Entities is a place holder term to avoid describing them as "countries" or "nations". The government that oversees Bosnia & Herzegovina is loose and weak in the face of the autonomy secured by the two "entities".
Actually "state" is good term to describe the entities that are united in the country -- a nation -- recognized as B&H (NOT the Federation of B&H). B&H may be a country, but it is much less a state, considering the powers granted the two entities.
Notice in all these reports, the affairs of the Federation of B&H, the other state in B&H, is never mentioned. It always RS versus B&H. Why doesn't FB&H never assert itself or an opinion on any of these subjects?
Yes, RS is a state and also FB&H is a state. B&H may be a country or nation, but in this case the whole is much less than the sum of its parts.
pre 9 godina
If you haven't been to RS I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you RS is part of Bosnia. And you know what? That's good enough for me. Just as long we are free of ustashe and Jihadists.
(MikeC, 8 January 2016 21:08)
If you haven't been to Kosovo I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And you know what? That's good enough for Kosovars. Just as long they are free of Serbian army and police.
pre 9 godina
to be honest, I reckon there's already a plan between RS and Russia about it, it just has to go in stages. and when I say Russia, I don't just mean Russia, it includes China as well and a few other countries. go to war if you like, see if the people in the west will give 2 cents about it?
(den, 9 January 2016 08:05)
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions, the precipitous drop in the price of oil and a war they can't afford. China is probably worse off than Russia, Its stock market is in free fall with no bottom in sight. They can't even decide whether or not to devalue their currency. As a result, $400,000,000,000 worth of the the middle classes' wealth has been destroyed in just six days.
pre 9 godina
an entity build in genocide is not going to succeed. Why are serbs genocidal people? why do they kill people to steal land? why are they uncivilized scums?
pre 9 godina
My comparison is just, both RS and isis were built on genocide, for the sake of larger failed goals, the serbs chetniks evenlooked like isis fighters and had the same ideology, I am all for a peaceful existance but the fact is the RS leaders and supporters don't want it and will start another war in hopes of getting even more undeserved rewards for genocide. And anyone who would fight for it is a war criminal because it was built on war crimes, every day that it exists is a war crime, exactly like isis. May both be taken out soon
pre 9 godina
He, Dodik, can call the RS whatever he likes, it doesn't change the reality. The agreement which he says he fights for defines the RS as one of two autonomous entities. As such, although 9th January may be celebrated as a holiday in the RS it is not by definition a state holiday. Jeff: Bosnia did not secede without a referendum, it was held on 29th Feb and 1st March 1992 albeit Serbs boycotted it. If Mr Dodik thought that he could secede without asking the people he would have already done so. Not even Serbia supports secession so it is a non-starter.
pre 9 godina
Is he doing an impression of Frank Sinatra in that photo?
(Andy UK, 8 January 2016 13:55) No no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SXWX6qg0y4 he is showing how he holds "Srpskas" panties or is it his. I never get it which one it is o wait I know it is one and the same go figure. O wait maybe not Dodo is holding "Srpskas" Nikolic is holding Dodos and chetniks are holding Nikolic's. That sounds about rite.
pre 9 godina
The moment RS calls its referendum (2018?) and votes for independence is the same day that it will seize to exist. This act completely violates the Dayton accord and with no Dayton agreement RS loses its legality. It becomes just a piece of land where genocide and ethnic cleansing occurred.
pre 9 godina
it's the only reason why the Serbia hostile dung flies are in such a panic today
>>>>>Exactly, they do those hostilities because they want more from Serbians. and know that this unification of old Serbian lands will be a reality one day
pre 9 godina
Nikada u historiji nije postojala srpska republika zapadno od Drine. Ovaj entitet tzv RS nastao tokom agresije Srbije i Hrvatske na Republiku BH je sramota covjecanstva. TZV RS je nastala na GENOCIDU, MASOVNIM GROBNICANMA, KONC-LOGORIMA EXTERMINACIJI I PROGONU NE-SRABA SA TERITORIJE REPUBLIKE BH, MEDJUNARODNO PRIZNATE DRZAVE. Taj sramni cin medjunarodna zajednica je nazalost prihvatila sto joj se obilo o glavu jer je time prektsen princip internacionalog prava i Becka konvencija o suverenosti dzrava, kao i poglavlje 2, UN-a. Direktan rezulata te palanacke politike je krsenje internacionalnog zakona kod secesije Kosova od Srbije, Krima od Ukrajine, totalnog nezakonaj i haosa na bliskom istoku. Agresija Srbije na Republiku BH je imala za cilj stvaranje velike Srbije a rezultat je srpski pasaluk bez Kosova. Ako Vucuc i Srbija ne promjene palanacku politiku, ne odustanu od nemoguceg plana stvaranja velike Srbije, ostali ce slijediti princip odsustava primjene internacionalnig zakona, usvojiti takodjer princip sile (kao sto je radila Srbija i Hrvatska 90-tih) i kerirati Republiku bosnjacku u Sandzaku, Republiku Vojvodinu (srbijanska kolonija iz 19 vijeka) a mogu misliti ostale manjine sta ce pokusati uraditi ne samo u Srbiji vec u svim dzravama svijeta jer su poglavlja uN-a suspendovana. Tako taj fasisticki plan stvaranja velike Srbije ima za posljedicu stvarnje Srbijaskog pasaluka negdje oko rijeke Dunav.
pre 9 godina
RS is a state: a state of denial, a state of corrupt fantasies, a state of descension. Although more a statement of contradiction than a state meant to aspire to something of meaning.
pre 9 godina
Dodik should shake hands with Isa Mustafa, they both want to make people believe they are heads of a state. Amazing stupidity
P.S: Entity or province are the right terms.
pre 9 godina
That is too funny, "rs is the victory of the serb people" if it wasn't for the international community the RS would be in hell with RSK, they couldn't win anything, started a war, killed non serb civilians and list to poorly armed opposition, RS will be destroyed in due time, anyone who wishes to be destroyed alongside it deserves to be
pre 9 godina
Is he doing an impression of Frank Sinatra in that photo?
pre 9 godina
"Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. "
(anti-jugoslavia,8 January 2016 14:55)
Correct, sorry, I'll be more exact: So, RS is an entity withing Bosnia (which is a recognized state), while Kosovo is a disputed territory, precisely between the (UN-recognized state) Republic of Serbia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo.
For more information, see Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_territorial_disputes#Disputes_between_UN-recognized_states_and_others
pre 9 godina
Sweet dreams rote
pre 9 godina
That is too funny, "rs is the victory of the serb people" if it wasn't for the international community the RS would be in hell with RSK, they couldn't win anything,
If it wasn't for international community (western Nazis) there would ONLY be RS now.
It is you who had to cry and beg for help. NATO helped you not us. We were doing very well on our own.
pre 9 godina
the (UN-recognized state) Republic of Serbia
(Comm. Parrisson, 8 January 2016 15:44)
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
pre 9 godina
RS is as much of a state as Sanxhak. If RS wants to move away from the Croats and Muslims, then Sanxhak has every right to do the same and move away from the Serbs.
pre 9 godina
Republic of srpska is a glorious SERB victory against Sharia law and against ustasha fascist ideology .serbs are greatful for the freedom we have today long live the beautiful and proud republic of srpska
pre 9 godina
To the dreamers below who think Serbia will lose territory:
1. Well-functioning states aren't dismantled, but rather poorly-functioning states.
2. Bosnia is a poorly functioning state.
3. Serbia is a well-functioning state.
Sandzak is but a territory. Vovjvodina is 73% Serb.
In the coming 2-5 years Serbia will advance itself economically to a level that leaves behind all the nonsense below.
With economic growth comes influence in the region.
No economic growth for the others means no seat at the table.
pre 9 godina
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
(icj1, 9 January 2016 20:45)
You want proof? Look at see who has a seat at the UN and who doesn't.
pre 9 godina
So peggy Nato helped bosnia by putting an arms embargo on it and then making dayton which rewarded serbs for genocide? As usual peggy you have the worst comments, RS still has a place in hell right next to RSK
pre 9 godina
"Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada!"
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
To be more exact, Kosovo is recognized by 108 UN member states and 4 'other states or entities'
pre 9 godina
If Sprska is a state, than so is Kosovo.
pre 9 godina
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions,
You guys keep repeating that like a bedtime story.
Has has any of that stopped Russia from taking decisive action in Syria? Who is calling the shots there now? Do Turks have any right to fly over zones Russia has told them not to?
Look at the evidence you idiot.
pre 9 godina
Dodik will be relieved of his duties at the next RS election. The west decides the future of the Balkans and Dodik is not towing the political line. The west has bigger issues in the middle east to contend with and wont allow Dodik to create problems in BiH. RS is finished.
pre 9 godina
Whose the idiot now!
(The Count of Kosova, 11 January 2016 10:18)
I'd say you.
pre 9 godina
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
(icj1, 9 January 2016 20:45)
You want proof? Look at see who has a seat at the UN and who doesn't.
(Peggy, 10 January 2016 21:23)
Thx dear, but you either quoted the wrong post or have some reading and comprehension challenges. I asked about "recognition" not about "who has a UN seat"!
The reason I asked is because, according to the UN itself, the UN does not possess any authority to recognize either a state or a government.
pre 9 godina
for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
(MikeC, 10 January 2016 09:53)
Yup, I totally agree with the past tense... that proves my point :)
pre 9 godina
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions,
You guys keep repeating that like a bedtime story.
Has has any of that stopped Russia from taking decisive action in Syria? Who is calling the shots there now? Do Turks have any right to fly over zones Russia has told them not to?
Look at the evidence you idiot.
(Peggy, 10 January 2016 21:21)
The only evidence thus far since Putin decided to ride bare chested, leading his motley troops, to the aid of Assad is that Russia has had three of its planes shot done. By any standard I'd sat that Russia is in over its head in dung flies, all the while killing over 2,300 innocent civilians. Whose the idiot now!
pre 9 godina
However, I am interested to hear what sanctions are hurting Russia. No one has ever explained that one.
(sj, 11 January 2016 07:55) Ya with Serbia being the world capital of raspberry's. Serbia breaking the embargo selling the raspberries to Russia and Russia making tons of raspberry jam. Life is nothing but sweet for Serbia and Russia rite sj.
pre 9 godina
Ya with Serbia being the world capital of raspberry's. Serbia breaking the embargo selling the raspberries to Russia and Russia making tons of raspberry jam. Life is nothing but sweet for Serbia and Russia rite sj.
(Lenard, 11 January 2016 10:36)
Are you sure they do not have you in a padded room? Serbia does not have sanctions on Russia, but Croatia does and you expect Russian tourists LOL.
At least Serbia exports something unlike Croatia which is the capital of BS. Here is a raspberry for you Lenny. Enjoy.
pre 9 godina
(The Count of Kosova, 11 January 2016 10:18)
Well Putin’s motley crew are keeping the United Sates of Piss and Wind at bay. If the Russians killed 2300 how many have the US killed in Afghanistan and Iraq? Last count was in the hundreds of thousands, but our good friends in Amnesty and other human rights groups like the Syrian HR from London (these guys must have great binoculars) only make occasional mention of casualties by the west. What has happened to that hospital in Afghanistan were 19 doctors were killed by friendly fire?????
pre 9 godina
Dodik will be relieved of his duties at the next RS election. The west decides the future of the Balkans and Dodik is not towing the political line. The west has bigger issues in the middle east to contend with and wont allow Dodik to create problems in BiH. RS is finished.
(Leonards Clone, 11 January 2016 00:42)
They gave been saying that for many years LOL. Now you hold your breath until MD has gone.
pre 9 godina
(The Count of Kosova, 9 January 2016 22:04)
Now let’s get this straight, China, which has over 4 trillion in reserves with little debt, and Russia, with no debt and huge reserves of precious metals, are in trouble, but the US which is 20 trillion behind the 8 ball is swimming with its head above water.
So according to your calculations China will in about 5 to 10 days lose all its wealth.
Just magic. Perhaps you might look at the US stock exchange and see how well they a going since China started to slow down.
The entire world is slowing down. Even Australia is looking at a recession for the first time in over 30years.
However, I am interested to hear what sanctions are hurting Russia. No one has ever explained that one.
pre 9 godina
Nikada u historiji nije postojala srpska republika zapadno od Drine. Ovaj entitet tzv RS nastao tokom agresije Srbije i Hrvatske na Republiku BH je sramota covjecanstva. TZV RS je nastala na GENOCIDU, MASOVNIM GROBNICANMA, KONC-LOGORIMA EXTERMINACIJI I PROGONU NE-SRABA SA TERITORIJE REPUBLIKE BH, MEDJUNARODNO PRIZNATE DRZAVE. Taj sramni cin medjunarodna zajednica je nazalost prihvatila sto joj se obilo o glavu jer je time prektsen princip internacionalog prava i Becka konvencija o suverenosti dzrava, kao i poglavlje 2, UN-a. Direktan rezulata te palanacke politike je krsenje internacionalnog zakona kod secesije Kosova od Srbije, Krima od Ukrajine, totalnog nezakonaj i haosa na bliskom istoku. Agresija Srbije na Republiku BH je imala za cilj stvaranje velike Srbije a rezultat je srpski pasaluk bez Kosova. Ako Vucuc i Srbija ne promjene palanacku politiku, ne odustanu od nemoguceg plana stvaranja velike Srbije, ostali ce slijediti princip odsustava primjene internacionalnig zakona, usvojiti takodjer princip sile (kao sto je radila Srbija i Hrvatska 90-tih) i kerirati Republiku bosnjacku u Sandzaku, Republiku Vojvodinu (srbijanska kolonija iz 19 vijeka) a mogu misliti ostale manjine sta ce pokusati uraditi ne samo u Srbiji vec u svim dzravama svijeta jer su poglavlja uN-a suspendovana. Tako taj fasisticki plan stvaranja velike Srbije ima za posljedicu stvarnje Srbijaskog pasaluka negdje oko rijeke Dunav.
pre 9 godina
Sorry dodik it is not a state, the closest it can ever be to a state is being like isis, and entity built on genocide, and if it is destroyed the same way so be it, just as anyone who would defend isis is a terrorist, anyone who would defend RS is a war criminal, ps those 3 foreign judges are voting alongside the 2 native judges in bosnia, the serb and croat judges are not native either, therefore have no more no less right to vote than the 3 from abroad
pre 9 godina
The same lunatic who says Kosovo is not a state :)
pre 9 godina
Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada! In fact, Dodik's "entity" exists only because of an international agreement that it won't be a state. Otherwise it would have been wiped out by Croatian and Bosnian forces since 1995.
I have nothing against Serbs in Bosnia having their own state, or even better joining Serbia. There's nothing wrong with it. Just not in the territories that they gained by genocide.
But it is utter hypocrisy that Serbs deny the Albanian's right to have they own state, while with the same mouth promote extreme demands of the Serbska in Bosnia.
pre 9 godina
Yea, I'd say RS is a state.
(Ari Gold, 8 January 2016 18:42)
What money do they use and what is the name of their armed forces? Where are the border checkpoints? Where is their border police? They are not a state and will never be a state no matter how much you nationalists want it to be. The EU, NATO, and US won't allow it. I doubt you want to see what happens if they try, especially when Clinton becomes President.
pre 9 godina
Is he doing an impression of Frank Sinatra in that photo?
(Andy UK, 8 January 2016 13:55) No no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SXWX6qg0y4 he is showing how he holds "Srpskas" panties or is it his. I never get it which one it is o wait I know it is one and the same go figure. O wait maybe not Dodo is holding "Srpskas" Nikolic is holding Dodos and chetniks are holding Nikolic's. That sounds about rite.
pre 9 godina
My comparison is just, both RS and isis were built on genocide, for the sake of larger failed goals, the serbs chetniks evenlooked like isis fighters and had the same ideology, I am all for a peaceful existance but the fact is the RS leaders and supporters don't want it and will start another war in hopes of getting even more undeserved rewards for genocide. And anyone who would fight for it is a war criminal because it was built on war crimes, every day that it exists is a war crime, exactly like isis. May both be taken out soon
pre 9 godina
Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada!
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
Recognitions are overrated. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood "recognized" on behalf of Egypt while it was in power, but the current Sisi gov't that replaced the brothers refused to support the bid at UNESCO. And Cairo has no active relations with Pristina. Does Egypt still "recognize"?!
There are many problems in Republika Srpska, but the living standards are much better than for the average non-criminal Albanian in Kosovo-Metohija. Western aid in the Balkans goes almost 95% to Bosnian Muslims and Albanians, and RS has less problems than both communities.
RS has all the making of a state within a state. Own parliament, court, police etc. All of it was built by Serbs themselves. No EULEX/UNMIK/OHR missions. In Banja Luka, the Serb gov't is supreme. The Bosnian court tried to say that Serbs can't celebrate their holiday and tomorrow there is a big celebration with every member of gov't from Serbia attending.
Yea, I'd say RS is a state.
pre 9 godina
an entity build in genocide is not going to succeed. Why are serbs genocidal people? why do they kill people to steal land? why are they uncivilized scums?
pre 9 godina
to be honest, I reckon there's already a plan between RS and Russia about it, it just has to go in stages. and when I say Russia, I don't just mean Russia, it includes China as well and a few other countries. go to war if you like, see if the people in the west will give 2 cents about it?
(den, 9 January 2016 08:05)
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions, the precipitous drop in the price of oil and a war they can't afford. China is probably worse off than Russia, Its stock market is in free fall with no bottom in sight. They can't even decide whether or not to devalue their currency. As a result, $400,000,000,000 worth of the the middle classes' wealth has been destroyed in just six days.
pre 9 godina
Surely if the republics of Yugoslavia are allowed to secede for no reason whatsoever without a rereferendum, if Kosovo is allowed to secede from Serbia without a referendum, then Rs is entitled to do the same.
pre 9 godina
Nice villa you got there in Belgrade Mr. Dodik.
pre 9 godina
The moment RS calls its referendum (2018?) and votes for independence is the same day that it will seize to exist. This act completely violates the Dayton accord and with no Dayton agreement RS loses its legality. It becomes just a piece of land where genocide and ethnic cleansing occurred.
pre 9 godina
Be damned everyone who supports KiM for the shqiprats and deprives the Serbs in BIH of the same right on the lands Serbs have been inhabiting for centuries ! In the years to come Serbian lands of Montenegro, Croatia and BiH will be home to mainland Serbia and it's the only reason why the Serbia hostile dung flies are in such a panic today. All those bastards do understand that Russia will in no way remain a passive witness of the changes to come. Kosovo and Adriatics must be divided while Montenegro and RS must be back home in the years to come.
pre 9 godina
RS is a state: a state of denial, a state of corrupt fantasies, a state of descension. Although more a statement of contradiction than a state meant to aspire to something of meaning.
pre 9 godina
It's nice to see the Muslims and Croats grinding their teeth. But RS is the victory of the serb people.we never had anything against them joining the glory day celebrations. Long live forever grateful the armed forces of RS and its victorious citizens.
pre 9 godina
anti jugoslavia
RS is recognizes by more countries then Kosovo. Perhaps not as an independent country but as an independent entity. If you haven't been to RS I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you RS is part of Bosnia. And you know what? That's good enough for me. Just as long we are free of ustashe and Jihadists.
pre 9 godina
RS is as much of a state as Sanxhak. If RS wants to move away from the Croats and Muslims, then Sanxhak has every right to do the same and move away from the Serbs.
pre 9 godina
That is too funny, "rs is the victory of the serb people" if it wasn't for the international community the RS would be in hell with RSK, they couldn't win anything, started a war, killed non serb civilians and list to poorly armed opposition, RS will be destroyed in due time, anyone who wishes to be destroyed alongside it deserves to be
pre 9 godina
Dodik should shake hands with Isa Mustafa, they both want to make people believe they are heads of a state. Amazing stupidity
P.S: Entity or province are the right terms.
pre 9 godina
"Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. "
(anti-jugoslavia,8 January 2016 14:55)
Correct, sorry, I'll be more exact: So, RS is an entity withing Bosnia (which is a recognized state), while Kosovo is a disputed territory, precisely between the (UN-recognized state) Republic of Serbia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo.
For more information, see Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_territorial_disputes#Disputes_between_UN-recognized_states_and_others
pre 9 godina
President Dodick is correct. As Bosnia is ruled by foregners in basic law . RS must stay out of that mess. self detedrmination
Lau Hu
pre 9 godina
It's starting to show that the Bosnian muslims can't have it both ways.
RS will split from bosnia, it's just a matter of time now. even the west is trying to manipulate people again with faux docos and news stories right now, which means they see something happening.
the people don't want to live with fanatics and jihadis and that's ok.
you can call on Clinton or anyone else to do whatever they like, but times have changed.
the muslims can also start the war they have been threatening, it won't help. right now the west is desperate for that piece of land in Syria but can't do anything about it. you are going to have a tough time convincing the people in the west to risk their lives in a world war for that pathetic excuse of a country. also the propaganda won't be one sided anymore either for a change.
to be honest, I reckon there's already a plan between RS and Russia about it, it just has to go in stages. and when I say Russia, I don't just mean Russia, it includes China as well and a few other countries. go to war if you like, see if the people in the west will give 2 cents about it?
pre 9 godina
Times are changing my friends. RS will hold a referendum, and be free from genocidal Islamists and Croats. Nobody can deny Serbs their right to self determination. Russia will be the first to recognize the result, and rightly refer to western double standards (Kosovo) to squash any criticism. And this time the leader of the free world, Vladimir Putin, will not only diplomatically defend Serbs, but also military :) (a la Syria). Just wait and see, and remember this a few years from now.
pre 9 godina
He, Dodik, can call the RS whatever he likes, it doesn't change the reality. The agreement which he says he fights for defines the RS as one of two autonomous entities. As such, although 9th January may be celebrated as a holiday in the RS it is not by definition a state holiday. Jeff: Bosnia did not secede without a referendum, it was held on 29th Feb and 1st March 1992 albeit Serbs boycotted it. If Mr Dodik thought that he could secede without asking the people he would have already done so. Not even Serbia supports secession so it is a non-starter.
pre 9 godina
"Well, Parrison, Mustafa's state is recognized by 112 countries, while Dodik's by none. Zero, Nilch, Nada!"
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
To be more exact, Kosovo is recognized by 108 UN member states and 4 'other states or entities'
pre 9 godina
What is important is all Serbs support independent RS, and that is what maters .
pre 9 godina
From Tony: "The moment RS calls its referendum (2018?) and votes for independence is the same day that it will seize to exist. This act completely violates the Dayton accord and with no Dayton agreement RS loses its legality. It becomes just a piece of land where genocide and ethnic cleansing occurred."
Wrong Tony! Croatia, Slovenia & B-H broke the Yugoslav constitution and the Helsinki Accords when they declared their independence and broke away. Is the Dayton Accords any more important than these agreements? The truth is that the west has grown tired of trying to make B-H work. Two of the three ethnic groups want out and for all intents and purposes, RS is already out, like it or not. I highly doubt the west will get involved to the extent they did in the 90s. With the fanatic Islamic influence increasing every day in the Federation coupled with Croatia moving closer and closer to her Ustasha past, the west sees that their policy of the 90s was misguided. And if Russia provides support to the RS, the west will steer clear of the area.
Sorry Tony, you're wrong. RS is here to stay and you can't do anything about it. Forcing people to live together in a fabricated entity like B-H just doesn't work. Tudjman and Izetbegovic wanted war and they got it. Don't cry about the consequences now.
pre 9 godina
What's the point?
Bosnia and Hercegovina isn't a functioning state either.
Fact 1: If it didn't have financial support from others it would collapse.
Fact 2: If others didn't physically enforce the current setup it would collapse.
Fact 3: If Serbs were free to choose they would secede and go to Serbia (38% of the population)
Fact 4: If Croats were free to choose they would secede and go to Croatia (15% of the population)
Fact 5: The majority of the people in this country want to secede (53%)
Doesn't sound like a state to me.
Sounds like someone's idea of a state that requires coercion to keep together.
Some will respond and say it is the nationalists that exacerbate this and the people of Bosnia just want peace and harmony.
I say that is true, but Croats prefer peace and harmony as part of Croatia and Serbs prefer peace and harmony as part of Serbia.
It is only Bosniaks who want peace and harmony in Bosnia, and they are the minority opinion.
Whatever. It'll collapse sooner or later. All by itself.
pre 9 godina
Is he doing an impression of Frank Sinatra in that photo?
pre 9 godina
Momcilo: What a rambling load of nonsense. Almost the entire international community recognises the RS as a legitimate part of Bosnia, are they all war criminals? For that matter am I? Was Bill Clinton who oversaw negotiations at Dayton? By all means have a view about the validity of the RS but to try to compare its existence to ISIS is lunacy. I do not support independence for the RS but I would very much defend the right of ordinary Serbs to live in an entity where they feel at home. It's was horrendous what happened in 1992 in parts of the RS, and on a personal level I abhor anyone who cannot accept the equal worth of those from other national backgrounds and religions. Such people, and by the sound of it you seem to qualify (at least where Serbs are concerned), should ask themselves how their attitude is going to move the country, or any country for that matter, forward.
pre 9 godina
Again, Bosnia & Herzegovina is composed of two autonomous "entities", Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Entities is a place holder term to avoid describing them as "countries" or "nations". The government that oversees Bosnia & Herzegovina is loose and weak in the face of the autonomy secured by the two "entities".
Actually "state" is good term to describe the entities that are united in the country -- a nation -- recognized as B&H (NOT the Federation of B&H). B&H may be a country, but it is much less a state, considering the powers granted the two entities.
Notice in all these reports, the affairs of the Federation of B&H, the other state in B&H, is never mentioned. It always RS versus B&H. Why doesn't FB&H never assert itself or an opinion on any of these subjects?
Yes, RS is a state and also FB&H is a state. B&H may be a country or nation, but in this case the whole is much less than the sum of its parts.
pre 9 godina
it's the only reason why the Serbia hostile dung flies are in such a panic today
>>>>>Exactly, they do those hostilities because they want more from Serbians. and know that this unification of old Serbian lands will be a reality one day
pre 9 godina
If you haven't been to RS I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you RS is part of Bosnia. And you know what? That's good enough for me. Just as long we are free of ustashe and Jihadists.
(MikeC, 8 January 2016 21:08)
If you haven't been to Kosovo I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And you know what? That's good enough for Kosovars. Just as long they are free of Serbian army and police.
pre 9 godina
Republic of srpska is a glorious SERB victory against Sharia law and against ustasha fascist ideology .serbs are greatful for the freedom we have today long live the beautiful and proud republic of srpska
pre 9 godina
That is too funny, "rs is the victory of the serb people" if it wasn't for the international community the RS would be in hell with RSK, they couldn't win anything,
If it wasn't for international community (western Nazis) there would ONLY be RS now.
It is you who had to cry and beg for help. NATO helped you not us. We were doing very well on our own.
pre 9 godina
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions,
You guys keep repeating that like a bedtime story.
Has has any of that stopped Russia from taking decisive action in Syria? Who is calling the shots there now? Do Turks have any right to fly over zones Russia has told them not to?
Look at the evidence you idiot.
pre 9 godina
"But it is utter hypocrisy that Serbs deny the Albanian's right to have they own state, while with the same mouth promote extreme demands of the Serbska in Bosnia."
(anti-jugoslavia, 8 January 2016 14:55)
Albanians have their own state since more than 100 years! It's called Albania. Look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albania
pre 9 godina
WTH? Another bizarre rambling by Lenard.
pre 9 godina
Sweet dreams rote
pre 9 godina
the (UN-recognized state) Republic of Serbia
(Comm. Parrisson, 8 January 2016 15:44)
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
pre 9 godina
To the dreamers below who think Serbia will lose territory:
1. Well-functioning states aren't dismantled, but rather poorly-functioning states.
2. Bosnia is a poorly functioning state.
3. Serbia is a well-functioning state.
Sandzak is but a territory. Vovjvodina is 73% Serb.
In the coming 2-5 years Serbia will advance itself economically to a level that leaves behind all the nonsense below.
With economic growth comes influence in the region.
No economic growth for the others means no seat at the table.
pre 9 godina
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
(icj1, 9 January 2016 20:45)
You want proof? Look at see who has a seat at the UN and who doesn't.
pre 9 godina
Well said Ned. We can safely consign the views of Siptarovic,Lenard,LK et al to the dustbin of internet history as the worthless ramblings of the brainwashed misfits that they are. It's also worth mentioning to our contributor Andy that President Dodik sings as well as, if not better than Frank Sinatra see link( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59MzKEGxaDM)well maybe not,but better than me.
pre 9 godina
"If you haven't been to Kosovo I suggest you go. There is nothing that would remind you Kosovo is part of Serbia. And you know what? That's good enough for Kosovars."
Icj 1
You albanians did what you could to erase everything Serbian in Kosovo by destroying hundreds of churches and by expelling and killing serbs. However there is plenty of churches left in Kosovo and Serbian flags flying high in Northern Kosovo. And with the agreement about Serbian municipalities i Kosovo I would say there is enough serbian influence in Kosovo for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
pre 9 godina
(The Count of Kosova, 9 January 2016 22:04)
Now let’s get this straight, China, which has over 4 trillion in reserves with little debt, and Russia, with no debt and huge reserves of precious metals, are in trouble, but the US which is 20 trillion behind the 8 ball is swimming with its head above water.
So according to your calculations China will in about 5 to 10 days lose all its wealth.
Just magic. Perhaps you might look at the US stock exchange and see how well they a going since China started to slow down.
The entire world is slowing down. Even Australia is looking at a recession for the first time in over 30years.
However, I am interested to hear what sanctions are hurting Russia. No one has ever explained that one.
pre 9 godina
The real question is: do Russia and China give two cents about the RS or Serbia.
Remember, Russia's economy has been severely damaged by sanctions,
You guys keep repeating that like a bedtime story.
Has has any of that stopped Russia from taking decisive action in Syria? Who is calling the shots there now? Do Turks have any right to fly over zones Russia has told them not to?
Look at the evidence you idiot.
(Peggy, 10 January 2016 21:21)
The only evidence thus far since Putin decided to ride bare chested, leading his motley troops, to the aid of Assad is that Russia has had three of its planes shot done. By any standard I'd sat that Russia is in over its head in dung flies, all the while killing over 2,300 innocent civilians. Whose the idiot now!
pre 9 godina
If Sprska is a state, than so is Kosovo.
pre 9 godina
So peggy Nato helped bosnia by putting an arms embargo on it and then making dayton which rewarded serbs for genocide? As usual peggy you have the worst comments, RS still has a place in hell right next to RSK
pre 9 godina
However, I am interested to hear what sanctions are hurting Russia. No one has ever explained that one.
(sj, 11 January 2016 07:55) Ya with Serbia being the world capital of raspberry's. Serbia breaking the embargo selling the raspberries to Russia and Russia making tons of raspberry jam. Life is nothing but sweet for Serbia and Russia rite sj.
pre 9 godina
Can you please tell when did the UN recognize the Republic of Serbia and provide a reference to a UN source confirming that?
(icj1, 9 January 2016 20:45)
You want proof? Look at see who has a seat at the UN and who doesn't.
(Peggy, 10 January 2016 21:23)
Thx dear, but you either quoted the wrong post or have some reading and comprehension challenges. I asked about "recognition" not about "who has a UN seat"!
The reason I asked is because, according to the UN itself, the UN does not possess any authority to recognize either a state or a government.
pre 9 godina
(The Count of Kosova, 11 January 2016 10:18)
Well Putin’s motley crew are keeping the United Sates of Piss and Wind at bay. If the Russians killed 2300 how many have the US killed in Afghanistan and Iraq? Last count was in the hundreds of thousands, but our good friends in Amnesty and other human rights groups like the Syrian HR from London (these guys must have great binoculars) only make occasional mention of casualties by the west. What has happened to that hospital in Afghanistan were 19 doctors were killed by friendly fire?????
pre 9 godina
Dodik will be relieved of his duties at the next RS election. The west decides the future of the Balkans and Dodik is not towing the political line. The west has bigger issues in the middle east to contend with and wont allow Dodik to create problems in BiH. RS is finished.
(Leonards Clone, 11 January 2016 00:42)
They gave been saying that for many years LOL. Now you hold your breath until MD has gone.
pre 9 godina
Ya with Serbia being the world capital of raspberry's. Serbia breaking the embargo selling the raspberries to Russia and Russia making tons of raspberry jam. Life is nothing but sweet for Serbia and Russia rite sj.
(Lenard, 11 January 2016 10:36)
Are you sure they do not have you in a padded room? Serbia does not have sanctions on Russia, but Croatia does and you expect Russian tourists LOL.
At least Serbia exports something unlike Croatia which is the capital of BS. Here is a raspberry for you Lenny. Enjoy.
pre 9 godina
Whose the idiot now!
(The Count of Kosova, 11 January 2016 10:18)
I'd say you.
pre 9 godina
for everyone to know who Kosovo once belonged to.
(MikeC, 10 January 2016 09:53)
Yup, I totally agree with the past tense... that proves my point :)
pre 9 godina
Dodik will be relieved of his duties at the next RS election. The west decides the future of the Balkans and Dodik is not towing the political line. The west has bigger issues in the middle east to contend with and wont allow Dodik to create problems in BiH. RS is finished.
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