Wednesday, 30.09.2015.


Putin authorized to use Russian Armed Forces in Syria

The Russian Federation Council has authorized President Vladimir Putin to use the country’s Armed Forces in Syria, TASS is reporting.

Izvor: B92

Putin authorized to use Russian Armed Forces in Syria IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 9 godina

The request was made by a Russian three-star general who spoke with U.S. officials at the American embassy in Baghdad, sources said. The general, who was not identified, used the word "please" when delivering the verbal request, known as a "demarche," according to the written transcript of the exchange.

So much for flexing muscles lol, now Russia has joined a game it can't play. This is go I ng to be great, as millions of Russians live below poverty, yet their heroic leader is spending money it cannot afford. This is just great, we will see Putin soon thrown out lol


pre 9 godina

Idiocy knows no bounds.

(Lenard, 30 September 2015 11:26)

Lenard you become self-critical ! But you don’t have to worry much about the Russians and save your love for the Serbs. They are in a much more difficult circumstances now. Besides use of force in 21 century doesn’t mean land operation. We have good motivated allies in the region ready to send troops without prepayment. They only need to be legalized by UNSC or Allah. Everything else including air-cover and see support will be provided by Russia.


pre 9 godina

So it starts Russia will get sucked in more and more. Poor Russian conscripts will die in their 10's of thousands in the middle east. As if life in KGB Putins Russia isn't bad enough. Idiocy knows no bounds.


pre 9 godina

Idiocy knows no bounds.

(Lenard, 30 September 2015 11:26)

Lenard you become self-critical ! But you don’t have to worry much about the Russians and save your love for the Serbs. They are in a much more difficult circumstances now. Besides use of force in 21 century doesn’t mean land operation. We have good motivated allies in the region ready to send troops without prepayment. They only need to be legalized by UNSC or Allah. Everything else including air-cover and see support will be provided by Russia.


pre 9 godina

So it starts Russia will get sucked in more and more. Poor Russian conscripts will die in their 10's of thousands in the middle east. As if life in KGB Putins Russia isn't bad enough. Idiocy knows no bounds.


pre 9 godina

The request was made by a Russian three-star general who spoke with U.S. officials at the American embassy in Baghdad, sources said. The general, who was not identified, used the word "please" when delivering the verbal request, known as a "demarche," according to the written transcript of the exchange.

So much for flexing muscles lol, now Russia has joined a game it can't play. This is go I ng to be great, as millions of Russians live below poverty, yet their heroic leader is spending money it cannot afford. This is just great, we will see Putin soon thrown out lol


pre 9 godina

So it starts Russia will get sucked in more and more. Poor Russian conscripts will die in their 10's of thousands in the middle east. As if life in KGB Putins Russia isn't bad enough. Idiocy knows no bounds.


pre 9 godina

Idiocy knows no bounds.

(Lenard, 30 September 2015 11:26)

Lenard you become self-critical ! But you don’t have to worry much about the Russians and save your love for the Serbs. They are in a much more difficult circumstances now. Besides use of force in 21 century doesn’t mean land operation. We have good motivated allies in the region ready to send troops without prepayment. They only need to be legalized by UNSC or Allah. Everything else including air-cover and see support will be provided by Russia.


pre 9 godina

The request was made by a Russian three-star general who spoke with U.S. officials at the American embassy in Baghdad, sources said. The general, who was not identified, used the word "please" when delivering the verbal request, known as a "demarche," according to the written transcript of the exchange.

So much for flexing muscles lol, now Russia has joined a game it can't play. This is go I ng to be great, as millions of Russians live below poverty, yet their heroic leader is spending money it cannot afford. This is just great, we will see Putin soon thrown out lol