Friday, 12.12.2014.


"Danubian Horseman" artifact recovered at ancient site

A relief of the Danubian Horseman engraved in a marble slab has been found in the Viminacium archaeological park in eastern Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Danubian Horseman" artifact recovered at ancient site IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 10 godina


Please seek for video : “new chronology fomenko part 1”

24 films are available. After that you will be able to judge what I am talking about. But the further reading of the documents under this angle will be the most narcotic thing.


pre 10 godina


I can discuss versions even crazy ones like “Sarmatians where a Armenian People and the Skytians where Grusians” or the time when Herodotus really lived but I’m not ready to talk about fairy tales like “The Gothic Germans” or “Father of Alexander the great”. Also b92 and 1500 characters limitations will restrict us coz they hate you to go far from the item.

You contradict yourself when you say that the Sarmatians and Scythians were almost the same tribes (that I agree) but they spoke such different languages ( I can compare) like Armenian and Georgian. This two people have both R1a and R1b Arian gapplogroups in their DNA but the history of the Caucasus shows that they were almost in constant wars with the Alans to live north from them. Meanwhile Alans were a Sarmatian tribe to dominate in north of the Caucasus and Ukraine. They composed the south wing of the Horde that entered Britain through the Balkans , Gallia , Spain ect.

As for the Danubian Horseman such artifacts are found in two versions - either in marble or melt in lead ! Lead was a very expensive material and it was available only in Siberia in Urals in Kazakhstan in Pakistan and Australia … Now that we know that the Romanians and Moldovans both have Slavonic routes and Sarmatians were part of the Slav Horde (don’t speak about Mongols!) please tell me who could make this Danubian Horseman also called a Dacian Horseman ? Who else but the Slavs or the Sarmatians ?


pre 10 godina


I don’t mean Serbs only but all other nations whose history was stolen. Scaliger mystifications have thousands of weak places they cannot explain. There was no Roma in the European meaning of the word. So the artifacts you find cannot belong to Roma. Vatican and Roma were established ( in 14-th AC century ) after Georgy Danilovic (St. George , Genghis Khan) and his brother Ivan Danilovich Kalita (Khalif , Batukhan) colonized 100% of Europe for almost 3 centuries. It ended the 130 year war known as Troy ( Cruisaders , Gothic ect.) War. Horde was headed by the Romeys who flew to Russia after the fall of Byzantine in 1185.


When he was writing this book he already knew that in Vatican and most capitols they will hate him. I think he was a real hero though he wrote his book for money. The whole history was mystified and most of the events we know were different or in different places and times. I don’t believe that in 1389 Serbs and Bosniaks fought the Turks. This version was written in 18 century to mud the Turks who remained the only part of the Horde in the region that had not been destroyed yet. On Kosovo Polije Slavs composed greater part of both armies while Albanians and Serbs could fight side by side.

PS Today quite a few Russians still believe that the Mongols had ever knew about Russia or China or Japan or Europe or Egypt.


pre 10 godina

Skytians(Gotians) and Sarmatians(Serbians). !.

The Azgouzei/Skytian/Skolots/The Gotic Germans was driven westward from todays Ukraine,
By the from East comming Sarmatians/Serbians in the 3-4 C.B.C.

Some of the Skytians settled in todays central Romania and their Kingdon there(Little Skytia) was destroyen by the Father of Alexander the great.

Here was also a mixture of Skytians and Sarmatians since bouth where German People,
and according to the Greek Historian Herodotos,
the Sarmatians spoke a Skytian Language but with a Big akcent.

The Sarmatians where a Armenian People and the Skytians where Grusians.



pre 10 godina


Also look at the below old Russian miniature of the battle from the famous “Facial chronicle of Ivan IV” Grozny and you will not find any Turks there because at that times they simply did not existed. But you will see that on both sides armies are headed by the Russian Tsars called Khans at that times. So are the warriors and you will never say on which of the sides the Serbs fought. Then ask yourself why the battle was so important to be reflected in Ivan Grozny’s chronicles ? Are you sure that the battle took place in 1389 but not a couple of centuries later ? Then why was it so important for Ivan Grozny who ruled the world in the mid-16 century ?


About the Slavonic colonisation of Europe you can read Mavro Orbini


Hundreads of the books he is mentioning were burnt by the Inquisition because falsifying the history and the Christianity were the main ideas of the Inquisition while the 130 years of Reformation were wars for the heritage of the ruined Empire. The only one Empire that existed before 1613 when Romanovs succeeded in the coup. It was their 4-th attempt during 40 years.


pre 10 godina

I don't remember all that you write,you know...it hapen long time ago.
I belive only what I see. And what I see is that, contrary what Srps say,
Srbia is build on someone alse fondations. That's all.
They say we have ancient buildings ...bla...bla...,but when they scrach the ground ,then they are quite,then it is a diferent story.
It reminds me the saying that goes... if you scrach a Russian you find a Mongol.
This I don't belive but i just read it somewere.


pre 10 godina


Have you ever heard of “Inter caetera №2” ? You will be shocked to know that in 1493 i.e. long before Columbus floated to America two rather small provinces on the Apennines signed a pact to divide all the lands on the Globe including those that were still to be opened !!! And it surprised no one because at that time there were no France , no Germany , no UK – nothing but the Great Empire ruled from Veliki Novgorod now Yaroslavl). Moreover the Pope came from Roma to verify the pact ! This is why Brazil speak Portuguese today ! all because Reino de Aragon and Castalia represented two parts of the same Horde … And all 3 sides including the Pope spoke Russian … Most surprising was that 110 years before Gordano Bruno was set on the fire of Inquisition for his hypothesis that the land is round and that it moves around the sun the partners to the pact signed the maps too. Those map describe the 49°32’56" w.l. meridianus to mark the borders !


So everything you find in your land belongs to you but not to never existed Rome on the Appenines


pre 10 godina

Brother no Roman Empire has ever existed on the Apennines or Europe and nobody has ever spoke the artificial Latin language. The Latins mentioned in Constantinople most likely spoke Greek and they were just a party to fight for the state power. The earliest written evidence we have today belongs to the 11-th century because there was no grammar before that ! Rome city and Vatican were established in the 14-th century by the Horde that occupied Europe since mid 14 till late 16 centuries while Serbs were part of the Horde. Moreover before 17-th century there was no Turkey while what is known as Ottoman Empire too was a part of the Horde. Even Istanbul means STAN OF THE BULGARS.

So even the battle of Kosovo must also have some other explanation. It could be a clash of different parts of the same Empire. If you have a better look at the “Turkish” army you will find that it was mostly composed of the Slavs. The biggest trick of the current Scaliger history is that Megalion (Great) Tartaria was explained as Mongolo-Tatarians … It explains everything and you are free to ask me any question concerned. Why almost all the countries hide their hundreds of pyramids worldwide, why the “Mongols” left us only documents written in Russian and not a single artifact , why most of the Sultans and Khalifs looked like Slavs, why the Empire of the Great Moguls (Mogols) spoke Persian , why so many places all over Europe have Slavonic names ...



pre 10 godina

I don't remember all that you write,you know...it hapen long time ago.
I belive only what I see. And what I see is that, contrary what Srps say,
Srbia is build on someone alse fondations. That's all.
They say we have ancient buildings ...bla...bla...,but when they scrach the ground ,then they are quite,then it is a diferent story.
It reminds me the saying that goes... if you scrach a Russian you find a Mongol.
This I don't belive but i just read it somewere.


pre 10 godina

Brother no Roman Empire has ever existed on the Apennines or Europe and nobody has ever spoke the artificial Latin language. The Latins mentioned in Constantinople most likely spoke Greek and they were just a party to fight for the state power. The earliest written evidence we have today belongs to the 11-th century because there was no grammar before that ! Rome city and Vatican were established in the 14-th century by the Horde that occupied Europe since mid 14 till late 16 centuries while Serbs were part of the Horde. Moreover before 17-th century there was no Turkey while what is known as Ottoman Empire too was a part of the Horde. Even Istanbul means STAN OF THE BULGARS.

So even the battle of Kosovo must also have some other explanation. It could be a clash of different parts of the same Empire. If you have a better look at the “Turkish” army you will find that it was mostly composed of the Slavs. The biggest trick of the current Scaliger history is that Megalion (Great) Tartaria was explained as Mongolo-Tatarians … It explains everything and you are free to ask me any question concerned. Why almost all the countries hide their hundreds of pyramids worldwide, why the “Mongols” left us only documents written in Russian and not a single artifact , why most of the Sultans and Khalifs looked like Slavs, why the Empire of the Great Moguls (Mogols) spoke Persian , why so many places all over Europe have Slavonic names ...



pre 10 godina

Skytians(Gotians) and Sarmatians(Serbians). !.

The Azgouzei/Skytian/Skolots/The Gotic Germans was driven westward from todays Ukraine,
By the from East comming Sarmatians/Serbians in the 3-4 C.B.C.

Some of the Skytians settled in todays central Romania and their Kingdon there(Little Skytia) was destroyen by the Father of Alexander the great.

Here was also a mixture of Skytians and Sarmatians since bouth where German People,
and according to the Greek Historian Herodotos,
the Sarmatians spoke a Skytian Language but with a Big akcent.

The Sarmatians where a Armenian People and the Skytians where Grusians.



pre 10 godina


Have you ever heard of “Inter caetera №2” ? You will be shocked to know that in 1493 i.e. long before Columbus floated to America two rather small provinces on the Apennines signed a pact to divide all the lands on the Globe including those that were still to be opened !!! And it surprised no one because at that time there were no France , no Germany , no UK – nothing but the Great Empire ruled from Veliki Novgorod now Yaroslavl). Moreover the Pope came from Roma to verify the pact ! This is why Brazil speak Portuguese today ! all because Reino de Aragon and Castalia represented two parts of the same Horde … And all 3 sides including the Pope spoke Russian … Most surprising was that 110 years before Gordano Bruno was set on the fire of Inquisition for his hypothesis that the land is round and that it moves around the sun the partners to the pact signed the maps too. Those map describe the 49°32’56" w.l. meridianus to mark the borders !


So everything you find in your land belongs to you but not to never existed Rome on the Appenines


pre 10 godina


Also look at the below old Russian miniature of the battle from the famous “Facial chronicle of Ivan IV” Grozny and you will not find any Turks there because at that times they simply did not existed. But you will see that on both sides armies are headed by the Russian Tsars called Khans at that times. So are the warriors and you will never say on which of the sides the Serbs fought. Then ask yourself why the battle was so important to be reflected in Ivan Grozny’s chronicles ? Are you sure that the battle took place in 1389 but not a couple of centuries later ? Then why was it so important for Ivan Grozny who ruled the world in the mid-16 century ?


About the Slavonic colonisation of Europe you can read Mavro Orbini


Hundreads of the books he is mentioning were burnt by the Inquisition because falsifying the history and the Christianity were the main ideas of the Inquisition while the 130 years of Reformation were wars for the heritage of the ruined Empire. The only one Empire that existed before 1613 when Romanovs succeeded in the coup. It was their 4-th attempt during 40 years.


pre 10 godina


I can discuss versions even crazy ones like “Sarmatians where a Armenian People and the Skytians where Grusians” or the time when Herodotus really lived but I’m not ready to talk about fairy tales like “The Gothic Germans” or “Father of Alexander the great”. Also b92 and 1500 characters limitations will restrict us coz they hate you to go far from the item.

You contradict yourself when you say that the Sarmatians and Scythians were almost the same tribes (that I agree) but they spoke such different languages ( I can compare) like Armenian and Georgian. This two people have both R1a and R1b Arian gapplogroups in their DNA but the history of the Caucasus shows that they were almost in constant wars with the Alans to live north from them. Meanwhile Alans were a Sarmatian tribe to dominate in north of the Caucasus and Ukraine. They composed the south wing of the Horde that entered Britain through the Balkans , Gallia , Spain ect.

As for the Danubian Horseman such artifacts are found in two versions - either in marble or melt in lead ! Lead was a very expensive material and it was available only in Siberia in Urals in Kazakhstan in Pakistan and Australia … Now that we know that the Romanians and Moldovans both have Slavonic routes and Sarmatians were part of the Slav Horde (don’t speak about Mongols!) please tell me who could make this Danubian Horseman also called a Dacian Horseman ? Who else but the Slavs or the Sarmatians ?


pre 10 godina


I don’t mean Serbs only but all other nations whose history was stolen. Scaliger mystifications have thousands of weak places they cannot explain. There was no Roma in the European meaning of the word. So the artifacts you find cannot belong to Roma. Vatican and Roma were established ( in 14-th AC century ) after Georgy Danilovic (St. George , Genghis Khan) and his brother Ivan Danilovich Kalita (Khalif , Batukhan) colonized 100% of Europe for almost 3 centuries. It ended the 130 year war known as Troy ( Cruisaders , Gothic ect.) War. Horde was headed by the Romeys who flew to Russia after the fall of Byzantine in 1185.


When he was writing this book he already knew that in Vatican and most capitols they will hate him. I think he was a real hero though he wrote his book for money. The whole history was mystified and most of the events we know were different or in different places and times. I don’t believe that in 1389 Serbs and Bosniaks fought the Turks. This version was written in 18 century to mud the Turks who remained the only part of the Horde in the region that had not been destroyed yet. On Kosovo Polije Slavs composed greater part of both armies while Albanians and Serbs could fight side by side.

PS Today quite a few Russians still believe that the Mongols had ever knew about Russia or China or Japan or Europe or Egypt.


pre 10 godina


Please seek for video : “new chronology fomenko part 1”

24 films are available. After that you will be able to judge what I am talking about. But the further reading of the documents under this angle will be the most narcotic thing.


pre 10 godina

Brother no Roman Empire has ever existed on the Apennines or Europe and nobody has ever spoke the artificial Latin language. The Latins mentioned in Constantinople most likely spoke Greek and they were just a party to fight for the state power. The earliest written evidence we have today belongs to the 11-th century because there was no grammar before that ! Rome city and Vatican were established in the 14-th century by the Horde that occupied Europe since mid 14 till late 16 centuries while Serbs were part of the Horde. Moreover before 17-th century there was no Turkey while what is known as Ottoman Empire too was a part of the Horde. Even Istanbul means STAN OF THE BULGARS.

So even the battle of Kosovo must also have some other explanation. It could be a clash of different parts of the same Empire. If you have a better look at the “Turkish” army you will find that it was mostly composed of the Slavs. The biggest trick of the current Scaliger history is that Megalion (Great) Tartaria was explained as Mongolo-Tatarians … It explains everything and you are free to ask me any question concerned. Why almost all the countries hide their hundreds of pyramids worldwide, why the “Mongols” left us only documents written in Russian and not a single artifact , why most of the Sultans and Khalifs looked like Slavs, why the Empire of the Great Moguls (Mogols) spoke Persian , why so many places all over Europe have Slavonic names ...



pre 10 godina


Have you ever heard of “Inter caetera №2” ? You will be shocked to know that in 1493 i.e. long before Columbus floated to America two rather small provinces on the Apennines signed a pact to divide all the lands on the Globe including those that were still to be opened !!! And it surprised no one because at that time there were no France , no Germany , no UK – nothing but the Great Empire ruled from Veliki Novgorod now Yaroslavl). Moreover the Pope came from Roma to verify the pact ! This is why Brazil speak Portuguese today ! all because Reino de Aragon and Castalia represented two parts of the same Horde … And all 3 sides including the Pope spoke Russian … Most surprising was that 110 years before Gordano Bruno was set on the fire of Inquisition for his hypothesis that the land is round and that it moves around the sun the partners to the pact signed the maps too. Those map describe the 49°32’56" w.l. meridianus to mark the borders !


So everything you find in your land belongs to you but not to never existed Rome on the Appenines


pre 10 godina


Also look at the below old Russian miniature of the battle from the famous “Facial chronicle of Ivan IV” Grozny and you will not find any Turks there because at that times they simply did not existed. But you will see that on both sides armies are headed by the Russian Tsars called Khans at that times. So are the warriors and you will never say on which of the sides the Serbs fought. Then ask yourself why the battle was so important to be reflected in Ivan Grozny’s chronicles ? Are you sure that the battle took place in 1389 but not a couple of centuries later ? Then why was it so important for Ivan Grozny who ruled the world in the mid-16 century ?


About the Slavonic colonisation of Europe you can read Mavro Orbini


Hundreads of the books he is mentioning were burnt by the Inquisition because falsifying the history and the Christianity were the main ideas of the Inquisition while the 130 years of Reformation were wars for the heritage of the ruined Empire. The only one Empire that existed before 1613 when Romanovs succeeded in the coup. It was their 4-th attempt during 40 years.


pre 10 godina

I don't remember all that you write,you know...it hapen long time ago.
I belive only what I see. And what I see is that, contrary what Srps say,
Srbia is build on someone alse fondations. That's all.
They say we have ancient buildings ...bla...bla...,but when they scrach the ground ,then they are quite,then it is a diferent story.
It reminds me the saying that goes... if you scrach a Russian you find a Mongol.
This I don't belive but i just read it somewere.


pre 10 godina


I don’t mean Serbs only but all other nations whose history was stolen. Scaliger mystifications have thousands of weak places they cannot explain. There was no Roma in the European meaning of the word. So the artifacts you find cannot belong to Roma. Vatican and Roma were established ( in 14-th AC century ) after Georgy Danilovic (St. George , Genghis Khan) and his brother Ivan Danilovich Kalita (Khalif , Batukhan) colonized 100% of Europe for almost 3 centuries. It ended the 130 year war known as Troy ( Cruisaders , Gothic ect.) War. Horde was headed by the Romeys who flew to Russia after the fall of Byzantine in 1185.


When he was writing this book he already knew that in Vatican and most capitols they will hate him. I think he was a real hero though he wrote his book for money. The whole history was mystified and most of the events we know were different or in different places and times. I don’t believe that in 1389 Serbs and Bosniaks fought the Turks. This version was written in 18 century to mud the Turks who remained the only part of the Horde in the region that had not been destroyed yet. On Kosovo Polije Slavs composed greater part of both armies while Albanians and Serbs could fight side by side.

PS Today quite a few Russians still believe that the Mongols had ever knew about Russia or China or Japan or Europe or Egypt.


pre 10 godina


I can discuss versions even crazy ones like “Sarmatians where a Armenian People and the Skytians where Grusians” or the time when Herodotus really lived but I’m not ready to talk about fairy tales like “The Gothic Germans” or “Father of Alexander the great”. Also b92 and 1500 characters limitations will restrict us coz they hate you to go far from the item.

You contradict yourself when you say that the Sarmatians and Scythians were almost the same tribes (that I agree) but they spoke such different languages ( I can compare) like Armenian and Georgian. This two people have both R1a and R1b Arian gapplogroups in their DNA but the history of the Caucasus shows that they were almost in constant wars with the Alans to live north from them. Meanwhile Alans were a Sarmatian tribe to dominate in north of the Caucasus and Ukraine. They composed the south wing of the Horde that entered Britain through the Balkans , Gallia , Spain ect.

As for the Danubian Horseman such artifacts are found in two versions - either in marble or melt in lead ! Lead was a very expensive material and it was available only in Siberia in Urals in Kazakhstan in Pakistan and Australia … Now that we know that the Romanians and Moldovans both have Slavonic routes and Sarmatians were part of the Slav Horde (don’t speak about Mongols!) please tell me who could make this Danubian Horseman also called a Dacian Horseman ? Who else but the Slavs or the Sarmatians ?


pre 10 godina


Please seek for video : “new chronology fomenko part 1”

24 films are available. After that you will be able to judge what I am talking about. But the further reading of the documents under this angle will be the most narcotic thing.


pre 10 godina

Skytians(Gotians) and Sarmatians(Serbians). !.

The Azgouzei/Skytian/Skolots/The Gotic Germans was driven westward from todays Ukraine,
By the from East comming Sarmatians/Serbians in the 3-4 C.B.C.

Some of the Skytians settled in todays central Romania and their Kingdon there(Little Skytia) was destroyen by the Father of Alexander the great.

Here was also a mixture of Skytians and Sarmatians since bouth where German People,
and according to the Greek Historian Herodotos,
the Sarmatians spoke a Skytian Language but with a Big akcent.

The Sarmatians where a Armenian People and the Skytians where Grusians.
