Tuesday, 21.10.2014.


UEFA chief on why Serbia and Albania wound up in same group

UEFA President Michel Platini has said that Serbia and Albania "never went to war, like Armenia and Azerbaijan."

Izvor: B92

UEFA chief on why Serbia and Albania wound up in same group IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 10 godina

This is for the stupid latest comment from Milo from Serbia you must be very uneducated!!! We all know the truth so stop acting on it!!! Platini is saying yes to racism by looks of it, he should get sacked!!!! Albanian fans are not the ones who do this kind of stuff at games the Serb fans are known for racist behaviour why don't you look it up how many times they've created havoc in other games!!! So before you come on here writing stupid comments do your homework first!!!!


pre 10 godina

This is for the stupid latest comment from Mirel from Beograd, you must be very uneducated!!! We all know the truth so stop acting on it!!! Platini is saying yes to racism by looks of it, he should get sacked!!!! Albanian fans are not the ones who do this kind of stuff at games the Serb fans are known for racist behaviour why don't you look it up how many times they've created havoc in other games!!! So before you come on here writing stupid comments do your homework first!!!!

Milo from Serbia

pre 10 godina

Mirel from Beograd: I totally agree with you. The crowd, attending in pure silence especially while the Albanian hymn was being played, panicked from the sight of the drone. At first, when it was not clear what it was carrying, we cheered, but that it was until it descended close down. From that moment on, it was not a drone, but a displaying message bomb. It incited our fans to lose the mind and run havoc the field for the doors, all the time screaming for help. If we threw stuff which hit the Albanian players was of pure coincidence. We were just getting rid of the heavy weighs, in order to run faster - out. It was the Albanian fault that did leave first an open the path for us to move faster out. Hero Platini! You are a true patriot!


pre 10 godina

I've been reading this thread and I am laughing sarcastically at some of the comments!!!!! I watched the match and I was disgusted at the way Serb fans behaved!! I would of feared for my life if I was one of the Albanians playing and too right I wouldn't have carried on playing on that pitch if there were stuff thrown at me and chantings of killing me!! For anyone who is saying that the Serb fans were in peace I suggest you watch the game again and see how disturbing it is!! For any Serb fan that thinks it's ok to act in such a way against another race you should hang your head in shame!!! Disgusting!!


pre 10 godina

@piscinin: I did not hear chants "Ubi Siptara". This is clearly against the low and I am sure that anybody chanting this would be prosecuted. Only chants that I heard were "Vucicu, pederu". I am not sure whether this is against the low, but probably it is not as nobody was/is prosecuted for that.


pre 10 godina

AK, i think you`re taking the piss...i think you are a comedian doing some good old satire. What you write simply can not be serious.

Now, where were we...

I haven`t heard A SINGLE SERB comment about ubi ubi siptari even before the match, flares in the pitch, hooligans beating our players and the stewards HELPING THEM in achieving that, Ivana Bogdanova (who was sent in a female prison in Italy, fearing he would be killed by albanias) on the pitch...

Please, heavenly people, any comment on that?

Any comment on the fact that NOBODY was arrested?!

Anything on the fact the ubi ubi siptari, flares and the most hostile stadium atmosphere i`ve ever seen was BEFORE THE DRONE?!

Strangely not one serb condemning the chants "ubi ubi siptari" throughout the whole time.

There was NEVER, AT ANY MOMENT, any chant encouraging the serb players to win a football game.

PS: Congratulations to the behaviour of the serbian players and i really hope those 30.000 are just the scum of the serbian society and not the average serbian on the street. Althgough looking at the mono-neuron nationalistic minds of the Ari Golds and Peggys of this forum i feel pessimistic.


pre 10 godina

@Brandon: We do not have problems with any Albanians. For me and most of my fellow Serbs every man is equal regardless of colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc. Regarding the game, it was usual atmosphere that I experience in every game played in Serbia; it is possible that this might look like hostility to those that are not used to local folklore. As I already said, nothing would happen without the drone. People were frightened for their lives as they did not know what kind of device is attached to it.


pre 10 godina

I was surprised with the level of hostility towards Albania National team even before the flag incident. Some Serb commentators in this forum have always alluded that they have no problem with Albanians,only Kosovo Albanians. As evident in this case that premise was wrong. Because as I have insisted before, there is only one Albanian nation no matter what state.
As far as game is concerned, yes the Greater Albania Flag was a catalyst of violence. But that violence was always there as demonstrated by unlimited film footage. Before, During and After the game. No matter how nervous the crowd became due to the flag (even if it was a provocation), it's inconceivable for a host country (fans,players, security guards) to attack its unprotected guest soccer players. This is a fact, and no UEFA decision could change it. If the same happened in Albania (and it could very well happen)I would be ashamed and apologize rather than trying to justify it.


pre 10 godina

@Mirel from Albania: I disagree that crowd was hostile; it was just normal game atmosphere. As you admit there were even Albanians in VIP seats enjoying the game. If Albania scored, it would be just silence as it happens on any ground when guests score. Drone induced panic as nobody at that moment knew whether drone contained small-size nuclear bomb or not. It is understandable that such device evoked strong response as thousands of lives were perceived to be in danger.


pre 10 godina

I did not hear any inappropriate chants and, according to charges, neither did UEFA. The crowd chanted something in Serbian and this is their staff and folklore. As an example, if Albanian crowd chants something in Albanian it is without any significance as nobody understands. It would be another ball game if you chant in English or put a racist banner like "They are cancer of Europe" (in English), but until you chant in local language no problems.

Morning Shake

pre 10 godina

But the game was cancelled... nobody won (?!) What the hell are you celebrating, is what you did in Serbia the same to you as winning a trophy? Very primitive indeed.
(Ari Gold, 21 October 2014 19:24)

They were treated as lions even when people came in the field did not flinch, where on earth have you seen Ushers hitting players I do not care what came in stadium.

How can person Like Ivan come in stadium when he is suppose to be ban from Football? Do you think its normal to scream Ubij Siptar? what justifies that in the world stage.

Flares in the stadium a big barrel of some kind what was that fore?

Mirel from Albania

pre 10 godina

And the game was going fine until Albanians provoked the crowd.
(Navi, 21 October 2014 16:36)...

Are you sure you were watching Serbia-Albania?
Until the drone show up the game was interrupted 2-3 times,because of serbs were throwing things in the pitch and shouting "Kill Albanians".
The crowd was extreme hostile toward Albanian team and God knows if albanians would be alive if they would have scored the first goal.
But for a serb prespective those are fine.

To the other cometator,they were 45 Albanian in the stadium not more than 100.


pre 10 godina

"The Serbia vs. Albania game was abandoned in the 42nd minute after the visiting fans staged a provocation by flying a small remotely guided craft with a map of the so-called Greater Albania, that resulted in more incidents involving footballers and fans. "

This is why you serbs are a nation in denial. So many lies in one sentence. First there were no visiting fans, FSS did not allow Albanian fans in the stadium and threatened to arrest anyone in the vicinity of the stadium.Second the game was already stopped when the drone showed up. The reason was : Serbian fans threw flares and other objects to Albanian players. Third : There is no proof that the drone was flown by Albanians. And fourth and the most important: The game shouldn't have started at all after the racist chantings of 30 thousand serbs " Kill the Albanians.


pre 10 godina

Platini it's blackmailed with erotic video, audio and photos from interest groups in Serbia and Putin corruptions politics....
Mr.Michel François Platini it is a victim of his passion....
The source it is 100% believable....
Belgrade should put interest of his economics first, together with all the Balkan region, open borders and not a puppet of nostalgic past....


pre 10 godina

Look at the Alb trolls coming out. This was a planned provocation with an angry fan base already. ..................
.....Justice dictates Albania forfeits the match, as they refused to play, even on another day or without fans. And Albania also agreed not to have visiting fans!
(Jeff, 21 October 2014 14:45)

So the flag was a provocation, but chanting for 50 min "Ubij Ubij Siptari" (Kill Kill the Albaniands), burning the Albanian flag, booing the albanian anthem etc etc, was not?

Serbia has a long history with soccer houliganism and soccer violence. From the french fan killed in Belgrade, the match with Italy in 2010, the U21 match with England to this match.
The match with Italy in 2010 was canceled even though no fan ever entered the field. But you excpect the albaian team to play after all that violence?

With Serbian fans in the field attacking the players with chairs, fists and other hard objects, if Serbia gets the 3 points on the table it will truly be the wonder of the century.

But you are allowed to dream.

Ari Gold

pre 10 godina

It is not true that the game stoped after the appearance of the drone but for the inability of those respeonsible for the game to prevent histeric death chants from more than 30 thousands fans for the albanians. in addition all that pyro, chairs, rocks thrown at 11 players in the field. The drone showed the deep hatred that rests (unforunately) with the Serbs. may GOD clear your heads. Finally, Balkans will be OK when ALB and Serbia will be calm with each other.
(gjin bue shpata, 21 October 2014 13:41

The chants and throwing objects onto the field took place only after the original Albanian drone provocation and then Albanian players getting violent with Stefan Mitrovic for taking the banner down to carry on the game.

Notice your primitive actions after the game? Celebrations in Kosovo-Metohija, Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece... like you won the game or something. The Albanian players were greeted home like they won the World Cup.

But the game was cancelled... nobody won (?!) What the hell are you celebrating, is what you did in Serbia the same to you as winning a trophy? Very primitive indeed.


pre 10 godina

@navi.. I don't know if we have been watching the same game but the one that I was watching, there were Albanian flags being burned, NATO flags being burned, fans screaming "kill the Albanians", flares being thrown on the field... and all of that before the drone. so, I don't understand your statement. How was everything was going fine before the drone. If that is your definition of "fine" that you and other Serbian fans definitely have a problem.

the truth

pre 10 godina

@FatonG: You are misinformed. There were many albanian fans (I think >100; one of them being a brother of albanian PM) occupying VIP seats. UEFA was right to put Serbia and Albania together; without drone everything would be fine.
(AK, 21 October 2014 16:39)

Everything happened before the drone, even before the game began when national anthem was played. So , stop the bs and admit the truth AK, or who ever you are!? Kill Albanians and Croats was from very beginning. I assume you did not watch the game at all!

Morning Shake

pre 10 godina

And the game was going fine until Albanians provoked the crowd.
(Navi, 21 October 2014 16:36)

So your definition of fine = Ubi Ubi Sipta ( kill Kill Albanian) really this is normal to you then nothing I can say.


I just would think if Germany was in Group with Israel and Germans Screamed Tote Tote die jude !!! But the Drone of Israel in stadium is what set it on fire.



pre 10 godina

@FatonG: You are misinformed. There were many albanian fans (I think >100; one of them being a brother of albanian PM) occupying VIP seats. UEFA was right to put Serbia and Albania together; without drone everything would be fine.


pre 10 godina

I don't think it is impossible that those teams play, my issue is that why security was failing so epicly. E.g., how is it possible that well-know hooligan such as Ivan Bogdanov can enter the stadium? Not mentioning then pitch..

cry me a river

pre 10 godina

UEFA President Michel Platini has said that Serbia and Albania "never went to war,

Mr. Platini is ignorant to the facts and should be fired.


pre 10 godina

I must admit that you (the Serbs) have grater fantasy than we have in inventing and distorting facts. There were no Albanian fans in the stadium because your Federation claimed that it could not guaranty their safety. The only Albanians were the players and a delegation of our federation of about 50 persons (made up of federation members, journalists and politicians. That is why the ridiculous story of the brother of Albanian MP piloting the drone came out.

Said that, I want to stress that it is ridiculous that we Balkan people being so similar to each other still fight for such stupid things. I am sure that we mostly dislike each other because we do not know very well each other.


pre 10 godina

Look at the Alb trolls coming out. This was a planned provocation with an angry fan base already. Graffiti for ISIL all over one of our sacred monasteries in Kosovo was guaranteed to raise the temperature, then a stunt (terrorist attack potentially) that Albanians have been celebrating for days, calling it mission accomplished. Unfortunately, like Bush, these primitives have called it too soon. The whole plan was to get Serbia banned, and everyone with an ounce of common sense can see it.
Justice dictates Albania forfeits the match, as they refused to play, even on another day or without fans. And Albania also agreed not to have visiting fans!

gjin bue shpata

pre 10 godina

It is not true that the game stoped after the appearance of the drone but for the inability of those respeonsible for the game to prevent histeric death chants from more than 30 thousands fans for the albanians. in addition all that pyro, chairs, rocks thrown at 11 players in the field. The drone showed the deep hatred that rests (unforunately) with the Serbs. may GOD clear your heads. Finally, Balkans will be OK when ALB and Serbia will be calm with each other.


pre 10 godina

I quote "The visiting fans staged a provocation" ... Which visiting fans are you talknig about? ... YOU DID NOT ALLOW NOT ONE FAN TO ATTEND THE MATCH ...


pre 10 godina

I quote "The visiting fans staged a provocation" ... Which visiting fans are you talknig about? ... YOU DID NOT ALLOW NOT ONE FAN TO ATTEND THE MATCH ...


pre 10 godina

"The Serbia vs. Albania game was abandoned in the 42nd minute after the visiting fans staged a provocation by flying a small remotely guided craft with a map of the so-called Greater Albania, that resulted in more incidents involving footballers and fans. "

This is why you serbs are a nation in denial. So many lies in one sentence. First there were no visiting fans, FSS did not allow Albanian fans in the stadium and threatened to arrest anyone in the vicinity of the stadium.Second the game was already stopped when the drone showed up. The reason was : Serbian fans threw flares and other objects to Albanian players. Third : There is no proof that the drone was flown by Albanians. And fourth and the most important: The game shouldn't have started at all after the racist chantings of 30 thousand serbs " Kill the Albanians.

Mirel from Albania

pre 10 godina

And the game was going fine until Albanians provoked the crowd.
(Navi, 21 October 2014 16:36)...

Are you sure you were watching Serbia-Albania?
Until the drone show up the game was interrupted 2-3 times,because of serbs were throwing things in the pitch and shouting "Kill Albanians".
The crowd was extreme hostile toward Albanian team and God knows if albanians would be alive if they would have scored the first goal.
But for a serb prespective those are fine.

To the other cometator,they were 45 Albanian in the stadium not more than 100.


pre 10 godina

AK, i think you`re taking the piss...i think you are a comedian doing some good old satire. What you write simply can not be serious.

Now, where were we...

I haven`t heard A SINGLE SERB comment about ubi ubi siptari even before the match, flares in the pitch, hooligans beating our players and the stewards HELPING THEM in achieving that, Ivana Bogdanova (who was sent in a female prison in Italy, fearing he would be killed by albanias) on the pitch...

Please, heavenly people, any comment on that?

Any comment on the fact that NOBODY was arrested?!

Anything on the fact the ubi ubi siptari, flares and the most hostile stadium atmosphere i`ve ever seen was BEFORE THE DRONE?!

Strangely not one serb condemning the chants "ubi ubi siptari" throughout the whole time.

There was NEVER, AT ANY MOMENT, any chant encouraging the serb players to win a football game.

PS: Congratulations to the behaviour of the serbian players and i really hope those 30.000 are just the scum of the serbian society and not the average serbian on the street. Althgough looking at the mono-neuron nationalistic minds of the Ari Golds and Peggys of this forum i feel pessimistic.


pre 10 godina

I've been reading this thread and I am laughing sarcastically at some of the comments!!!!! I watched the match and I was disgusted at the way Serb fans behaved!! I would of feared for my life if I was one of the Albanians playing and too right I wouldn't have carried on playing on that pitch if there were stuff thrown at me and chantings of killing me!! For anyone who is saying that the Serb fans were in peace I suggest you watch the game again and see how disturbing it is!! For any Serb fan that thinks it's ok to act in such a way against another race you should hang your head in shame!!! Disgusting!!


pre 10 godina

I must admit that you (the Serbs) have grater fantasy than we have in inventing and distorting facts. There were no Albanian fans in the stadium because your Federation claimed that it could not guaranty their safety. The only Albanians were the players and a delegation of our federation of about 50 persons (made up of federation members, journalists and politicians. That is why the ridiculous story of the brother of Albanian MP piloting the drone came out.

Said that, I want to stress that it is ridiculous that we Balkan people being so similar to each other still fight for such stupid things. I am sure that we mostly dislike each other because we do not know very well each other.


pre 10 godina

I was surprised with the level of hostility towards Albania National team even before the flag incident. Some Serb commentators in this forum have always alluded that they have no problem with Albanians,only Kosovo Albanians. As evident in this case that premise was wrong. Because as I have insisted before, there is only one Albanian nation no matter what state.
As far as game is concerned, yes the Greater Albania Flag was a catalyst of violence. But that violence was always there as demonstrated by unlimited film footage. Before, During and After the game. No matter how nervous the crowd became due to the flag (even if it was a provocation), it's inconceivable for a host country (fans,players, security guards) to attack its unprotected guest soccer players. This is a fact, and no UEFA decision could change it. If the same happened in Albania (and it could very well happen)I would be ashamed and apologize rather than trying to justify it.


pre 10 godina

I don't think it is impossible that those teams play, my issue is that why security was failing so epicly. E.g., how is it possible that well-know hooligan such as Ivan Bogdanov can enter the stadium? Not mentioning then pitch..

Morning Shake

pre 10 godina

But the game was cancelled... nobody won (?!) What the hell are you celebrating, is what you did in Serbia the same to you as winning a trophy? Very primitive indeed.
(Ari Gold, 21 October 2014 19:24)

They were treated as lions even when people came in the field did not flinch, where on earth have you seen Ushers hitting players I do not care what came in stadium.

How can person Like Ivan come in stadium when he is suppose to be ban from Football? Do you think its normal to scream Ubij Siptar? what justifies that in the world stage.

Flares in the stadium a big barrel of some kind what was that fore?


pre 10 godina

@navi.. I don't know if we have been watching the same game but the one that I was watching, there were Albanian flags being burned, NATO flags being burned, fans screaming "kill the Albanians", flares being thrown on the field... and all of that before the drone. so, I don't understand your statement. How was everything was going fine before the drone. If that is your definition of "fine" that you and other Serbian fans definitely have a problem.


pre 10 godina

Platini it's blackmailed with erotic video, audio and photos from interest groups in Serbia and Putin corruptions politics....
Mr.Michel François Platini it is a victim of his passion....
The source it is 100% believable....
Belgrade should put interest of his economics first, together with all the Balkan region, open borders and not a puppet of nostalgic past....

gjin bue shpata

pre 10 godina

It is not true that the game stoped after the appearance of the drone but for the inability of those respeonsible for the game to prevent histeric death chants from more than 30 thousands fans for the albanians. in addition all that pyro, chairs, rocks thrown at 11 players in the field. The drone showed the deep hatred that rests (unforunately) with the Serbs. may GOD clear your heads. Finally, Balkans will be OK when ALB and Serbia will be calm with each other.

cry me a river

pre 10 godina

UEFA President Michel Platini has said that Serbia and Albania "never went to war,

Mr. Platini is ignorant to the facts and should be fired.

the truth

pre 10 godina

@FatonG: You are misinformed. There were many albanian fans (I think >100; one of them being a brother of albanian PM) occupying VIP seats. UEFA was right to put Serbia and Albania together; without drone everything would be fine.
(AK, 21 October 2014 16:39)

Everything happened before the drone, even before the game began when national anthem was played. So , stop the bs and admit the truth AK, or who ever you are!? Kill Albanians and Croats was from very beginning. I assume you did not watch the game at all!


pre 10 godina

Look at the Alb trolls coming out. This was a planned provocation with an angry fan base already. ..................
.....Justice dictates Albania forfeits the match, as they refused to play, even on another day or without fans. And Albania also agreed not to have visiting fans!
(Jeff, 21 October 2014 14:45)

So the flag was a provocation, but chanting for 50 min "Ubij Ubij Siptari" (Kill Kill the Albaniands), burning the Albanian flag, booing the albanian anthem etc etc, was not?

Serbia has a long history with soccer houliganism and soccer violence. From the french fan killed in Belgrade, the match with Italy in 2010, the U21 match with England to this match.
The match with Italy in 2010 was canceled even though no fan ever entered the field. But you excpect the albaian team to play after all that violence?

With Serbian fans in the field attacking the players with chairs, fists and other hard objects, if Serbia gets the 3 points on the table it will truly be the wonder of the century.

But you are allowed to dream.


pre 10 godina

Look at the Alb trolls coming out. This was a planned provocation with an angry fan base already. Graffiti for ISIL all over one of our sacred monasteries in Kosovo was guaranteed to raise the temperature, then a stunt (terrorist attack potentially) that Albanians have been celebrating for days, calling it mission accomplished. Unfortunately, like Bush, these primitives have called it too soon. The whole plan was to get Serbia banned, and everyone with an ounce of common sense can see it.
Justice dictates Albania forfeits the match, as they refused to play, even on another day or without fans. And Albania also agreed not to have visiting fans!

Morning Shake

pre 10 godina

And the game was going fine until Albanians provoked the crowd.
(Navi, 21 October 2014 16:36)

So your definition of fine = Ubi Ubi Sipta ( kill Kill Albanian) really this is normal to you then nothing I can say.


I just would think if Germany was in Group with Israel and Germans Screamed Tote Tote die jude !!! But the Drone of Israel in stadium is what set it on fire.



pre 10 godina

@FatonG: You are misinformed. There were many albanian fans (I think >100; one of them being a brother of albanian PM) occupying VIP seats. UEFA was right to put Serbia and Albania together; without drone everything would be fine.


pre 10 godina

@Mirel from Albania: I disagree that crowd was hostile; it was just normal game atmosphere. As you admit there were even Albanians in VIP seats enjoying the game. If Albania scored, it would be just silence as it happens on any ground when guests score. Drone induced panic as nobody at that moment knew whether drone contained small-size nuclear bomb or not. It is understandable that such device evoked strong response as thousands of lives were perceived to be in danger.

Ari Gold

pre 10 godina

It is not true that the game stoped after the appearance of the drone but for the inability of those respeonsible for the game to prevent histeric death chants from more than 30 thousands fans for the albanians. in addition all that pyro, chairs, rocks thrown at 11 players in the field. The drone showed the deep hatred that rests (unforunately) with the Serbs. may GOD clear your heads. Finally, Balkans will be OK when ALB and Serbia will be calm with each other.
(gjin bue shpata, 21 October 2014 13:41

The chants and throwing objects onto the field took place only after the original Albanian drone provocation and then Albanian players getting violent with Stefan Mitrovic for taking the banner down to carry on the game.

Notice your primitive actions after the game? Celebrations in Kosovo-Metohija, Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece... like you won the game or something. The Albanian players were greeted home like they won the World Cup.

But the game was cancelled... nobody won (?!) What the hell are you celebrating, is what you did in Serbia the same to you as winning a trophy? Very primitive indeed.


pre 10 godina

I did not hear any inappropriate chants and, according to charges, neither did UEFA. The crowd chanted something in Serbian and this is their staff and folklore. As an example, if Albanian crowd chants something in Albanian it is without any significance as nobody understands. It would be another ball game if you chant in English or put a racist banner like "They are cancer of Europe" (in English), but until you chant in local language no problems.


pre 10 godina

@piscinin: I did not hear chants "Ubi Siptara". This is clearly against the low and I am sure that anybody chanting this would be prosecuted. Only chants that I heard were "Vucicu, pederu". I am not sure whether this is against the low, but probably it is not as nobody was/is prosecuted for that.


pre 10 godina

@Brandon: We do not have problems with any Albanians. For me and most of my fellow Serbs every man is equal regardless of colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc. Regarding the game, it was usual atmosphere that I experience in every game played in Serbia; it is possible that this might look like hostility to those that are not used to local folklore. As I already said, nothing would happen without the drone. People were frightened for their lives as they did not know what kind of device is attached to it.

Milo from Serbia

pre 10 godina

Mirel from Beograd: I totally agree with you. The crowd, attending in pure silence especially while the Albanian hymn was being played, panicked from the sight of the drone. At first, when it was not clear what it was carrying, we cheered, but that it was until it descended close down. From that moment on, it was not a drone, but a displaying message bomb. It incited our fans to lose the mind and run havoc the field for the doors, all the time screaming for help. If we threw stuff which hit the Albanian players was of pure coincidence. We were just getting rid of the heavy weighs, in order to run faster - out. It was the Albanian fault that did leave first an open the path for us to move faster out. Hero Platini! You are a true patriot!


pre 10 godina

This is for the stupid latest comment from Mirel from Beograd, you must be very uneducated!!! We all know the truth so stop acting on it!!! Platini is saying yes to racism by looks of it, he should get sacked!!!! Albanian fans are not the ones who do this kind of stuff at games the Serb fans are known for racist behaviour why don't you look it up how many times they've created havoc in other games!!! So before you come on here writing stupid comments do your homework first!!!!


pre 10 godina

This is for the stupid latest comment from Milo from Serbia you must be very uneducated!!! We all know the truth so stop acting on it!!! Platini is saying yes to racism by looks of it, he should get sacked!!!! Albanian fans are not the ones who do this kind of stuff at games the Serb fans are known for racist behaviour why don't you look it up how many times they've created havoc in other games!!! So before you come on here writing stupid comments do your homework first!!!!


pre 10 godina

Look at the Alb trolls coming out. This was a planned provocation with an angry fan base already. Graffiti for ISIL all over one of our sacred monasteries in Kosovo was guaranteed to raise the temperature, then a stunt (terrorist attack potentially) that Albanians have been celebrating for days, calling it mission accomplished. Unfortunately, like Bush, these primitives have called it too soon. The whole plan was to get Serbia banned, and everyone with an ounce of common sense can see it.
Justice dictates Albania forfeits the match, as they refused to play, even on another day or without fans. And Albania also agreed not to have visiting fans!


pre 10 godina

@Mirel from Albania: I disagree that crowd was hostile; it was just normal game atmosphere. As you admit there were even Albanians in VIP seats enjoying the game. If Albania scored, it would be just silence as it happens on any ground when guests score. Drone induced panic as nobody at that moment knew whether drone contained small-size nuclear bomb or not. It is understandable that such device evoked strong response as thousands of lives were perceived to be in danger.


pre 10 godina

@Brandon: We do not have problems with any Albanians. For me and most of my fellow Serbs every man is equal regardless of colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc. Regarding the game, it was usual atmosphere that I experience in every game played in Serbia; it is possible that this might look like hostility to those that are not used to local folklore. As I already said, nothing would happen without the drone. People were frightened for their lives as they did not know what kind of device is attached to it.


pre 10 godina

I did not hear any inappropriate chants and, according to charges, neither did UEFA. The crowd chanted something in Serbian and this is their staff and folklore. As an example, if Albanian crowd chants something in Albanian it is without any significance as nobody understands. It would be another ball game if you chant in English or put a racist banner like "They are cancer of Europe" (in English), but until you chant in local language no problems.

Ari Gold

pre 10 godina

It is not true that the game stoped after the appearance of the drone but for the inability of those respeonsible for the game to prevent histeric death chants from more than 30 thousands fans for the albanians. in addition all that pyro, chairs, rocks thrown at 11 players in the field. The drone showed the deep hatred that rests (unforunately) with the Serbs. may GOD clear your heads. Finally, Balkans will be OK when ALB and Serbia will be calm with each other.
(gjin bue shpata, 21 October 2014 13:41

The chants and throwing objects onto the field took place only after the original Albanian drone provocation and then Albanian players getting violent with Stefan Mitrovic for taking the banner down to carry on the game.

Notice your primitive actions after the game? Celebrations in Kosovo-Metohija, Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece... like you won the game or something. The Albanian players were greeted home like they won the World Cup.

But the game was cancelled... nobody won (?!) What the hell are you celebrating, is what you did in Serbia the same to you as winning a trophy? Very primitive indeed.


pre 10 godina

@FatonG: You are misinformed. There were many albanian fans (I think >100; one of them being a brother of albanian PM) occupying VIP seats. UEFA was right to put Serbia and Albania together; without drone everything would be fine.


pre 10 godina

@piscinin: I did not hear chants "Ubi Siptara". This is clearly against the low and I am sure that anybody chanting this would be prosecuted. Only chants that I heard were "Vucicu, pederu". I am not sure whether this is against the low, but probably it is not as nobody was/is prosecuted for that.

gjin bue shpata

pre 10 godina

It is not true that the game stoped after the appearance of the drone but for the inability of those respeonsible for the game to prevent histeric death chants from more than 30 thousands fans for the albanians. in addition all that pyro, chairs, rocks thrown at 11 players in the field. The drone showed the deep hatred that rests (unforunately) with the Serbs. may GOD clear your heads. Finally, Balkans will be OK when ALB and Serbia will be calm with each other.


pre 10 godina

I quote "The visiting fans staged a provocation" ... Which visiting fans are you talknig about? ... YOU DID NOT ALLOW NOT ONE FAN TO ATTEND THE MATCH ...


pre 10 godina

I must admit that you (the Serbs) have grater fantasy than we have in inventing and distorting facts. There were no Albanian fans in the stadium because your Federation claimed that it could not guaranty their safety. The only Albanians were the players and a delegation of our federation of about 50 persons (made up of federation members, journalists and politicians. That is why the ridiculous story of the brother of Albanian MP piloting the drone came out.

Said that, I want to stress that it is ridiculous that we Balkan people being so similar to each other still fight for such stupid things. I am sure that we mostly dislike each other because we do not know very well each other.


pre 10 godina

I've been reading this thread and I am laughing sarcastically at some of the comments!!!!! I watched the match and I was disgusted at the way Serb fans behaved!! I would of feared for my life if I was one of the Albanians playing and too right I wouldn't have carried on playing on that pitch if there were stuff thrown at me and chantings of killing me!! For anyone who is saying that the Serb fans were in peace I suggest you watch the game again and see how disturbing it is!! For any Serb fan that thinks it's ok to act in such a way against another race you should hang your head in shame!!! Disgusting!!


pre 10 godina

Look at the Alb trolls coming out. This was a planned provocation with an angry fan base already. ..................
.....Justice dictates Albania forfeits the match, as they refused to play, even on another day or without fans. And Albania also agreed not to have visiting fans!
(Jeff, 21 October 2014 14:45)

So the flag was a provocation, but chanting for 50 min "Ubij Ubij Siptari" (Kill Kill the Albaniands), burning the Albanian flag, booing the albanian anthem etc etc, was not?

Serbia has a long history with soccer houliganism and soccer violence. From the french fan killed in Belgrade, the match with Italy in 2010, the U21 match with England to this match.
The match with Italy in 2010 was canceled even though no fan ever entered the field. But you excpect the albaian team to play after all that violence?

With Serbian fans in the field attacking the players with chairs, fists and other hard objects, if Serbia gets the 3 points on the table it will truly be the wonder of the century.

But you are allowed to dream.


pre 10 godina

Platini it's blackmailed with erotic video, audio and photos from interest groups in Serbia and Putin corruptions politics....
Mr.Michel François Platini it is a victim of his passion....
The source it is 100% believable....
Belgrade should put interest of his economics first, together with all the Balkan region, open borders and not a puppet of nostalgic past....

Milo from Serbia

pre 10 godina

Mirel from Beograd: I totally agree with you. The crowd, attending in pure silence especially while the Albanian hymn was being played, panicked from the sight of the drone. At first, when it was not clear what it was carrying, we cheered, but that it was until it descended close down. From that moment on, it was not a drone, but a displaying message bomb. It incited our fans to lose the mind and run havoc the field for the doors, all the time screaming for help. If we threw stuff which hit the Albanian players was of pure coincidence. We were just getting rid of the heavy weighs, in order to run faster - out. It was the Albanian fault that did leave first an open the path for us to move faster out. Hero Platini! You are a true patriot!

Mirel from Albania

pre 10 godina

And the game was going fine until Albanians provoked the crowd.
(Navi, 21 October 2014 16:36)...

Are you sure you were watching Serbia-Albania?
Until the drone show up the game was interrupted 2-3 times,because of serbs were throwing things in the pitch and shouting "Kill Albanians".
The crowd was extreme hostile toward Albanian team and God knows if albanians would be alive if they would have scored the first goal.
But for a serb prespective those are fine.

To the other cometator,they were 45 Albanian in the stadium not more than 100.

cry me a river

pre 10 godina

UEFA President Michel Platini has said that Serbia and Albania "never went to war,

Mr. Platini is ignorant to the facts and should be fired.


pre 10 godina

"The Serbia vs. Albania game was abandoned in the 42nd minute after the visiting fans staged a provocation by flying a small remotely guided craft with a map of the so-called Greater Albania, that resulted in more incidents involving footballers and fans. "

This is why you serbs are a nation in denial. So many lies in one sentence. First there were no visiting fans, FSS did not allow Albanian fans in the stadium and threatened to arrest anyone in the vicinity of the stadium.Second the game was already stopped when the drone showed up. The reason was : Serbian fans threw flares and other objects to Albanian players. Third : There is no proof that the drone was flown by Albanians. And fourth and the most important: The game shouldn't have started at all after the racist chantings of 30 thousand serbs " Kill the Albanians.

Morning Shake

pre 10 godina

And the game was going fine until Albanians provoked the crowd.
(Navi, 21 October 2014 16:36)

So your definition of fine = Ubi Ubi Sipta ( kill Kill Albanian) really this is normal to you then nothing I can say.


I just would think if Germany was in Group with Israel and Germans Screamed Tote Tote die jude !!! But the Drone of Israel in stadium is what set it on fire.


the truth

pre 10 godina

@FatonG: You are misinformed. There were many albanian fans (I think >100; one of them being a brother of albanian PM) occupying VIP seats. UEFA was right to put Serbia and Albania together; without drone everything would be fine.
(AK, 21 October 2014 16:39)

Everything happened before the drone, even before the game began when national anthem was played. So , stop the bs and admit the truth AK, or who ever you are!? Kill Albanians and Croats was from very beginning. I assume you did not watch the game at all!


pre 10 godina

@navi.. I don't know if we have been watching the same game but the one that I was watching, there were Albanian flags being burned, NATO flags being burned, fans screaming "kill the Albanians", flares being thrown on the field... and all of that before the drone. so, I don't understand your statement. How was everything was going fine before the drone. If that is your definition of "fine" that you and other Serbian fans definitely have a problem.

Morning Shake

pre 10 godina

But the game was cancelled... nobody won (?!) What the hell are you celebrating, is what you did in Serbia the same to you as winning a trophy? Very primitive indeed.
(Ari Gold, 21 October 2014 19:24)

They were treated as lions even when people came in the field did not flinch, where on earth have you seen Ushers hitting players I do not care what came in stadium.

How can person Like Ivan come in stadium when he is suppose to be ban from Football? Do you think its normal to scream Ubij Siptar? what justifies that in the world stage.

Flares in the stadium a big barrel of some kind what was that fore?


pre 10 godina

I don't think it is impossible that those teams play, my issue is that why security was failing so epicly. E.g., how is it possible that well-know hooligan such as Ivan Bogdanov can enter the stadium? Not mentioning then pitch..


pre 10 godina

I was surprised with the level of hostility towards Albania National team even before the flag incident. Some Serb commentators in this forum have always alluded that they have no problem with Albanians,only Kosovo Albanians. As evident in this case that premise was wrong. Because as I have insisted before, there is only one Albanian nation no matter what state.
As far as game is concerned, yes the Greater Albania Flag was a catalyst of violence. But that violence was always there as demonstrated by unlimited film footage. Before, During and After the game. No matter how nervous the crowd became due to the flag (even if it was a provocation), it's inconceivable for a host country (fans,players, security guards) to attack its unprotected guest soccer players. This is a fact, and no UEFA decision could change it. If the same happened in Albania (and it could very well happen)I would be ashamed and apologize rather than trying to justify it.


pre 10 godina

AK, i think you`re taking the piss...i think you are a comedian doing some good old satire. What you write simply can not be serious.

Now, where were we...

I haven`t heard A SINGLE SERB comment about ubi ubi siptari even before the match, flares in the pitch, hooligans beating our players and the stewards HELPING THEM in achieving that, Ivana Bogdanova (who was sent in a female prison in Italy, fearing he would be killed by albanias) on the pitch...

Please, heavenly people, any comment on that?

Any comment on the fact that NOBODY was arrested?!

Anything on the fact the ubi ubi siptari, flares and the most hostile stadium atmosphere i`ve ever seen was BEFORE THE DRONE?!

Strangely not one serb condemning the chants "ubi ubi siptari" throughout the whole time.

There was NEVER, AT ANY MOMENT, any chant encouraging the serb players to win a football game.

PS: Congratulations to the behaviour of the serbian players and i really hope those 30.000 are just the scum of the serbian society and not the average serbian on the street. Althgough looking at the mono-neuron nationalistic minds of the Ari Golds and Peggys of this forum i feel pessimistic.


pre 10 godina

This is for the stupid latest comment from Mirel from Beograd, you must be very uneducated!!! We all know the truth so stop acting on it!!! Platini is saying yes to racism by looks of it, he should get sacked!!!! Albanian fans are not the ones who do this kind of stuff at games the Serb fans are known for racist behaviour why don't you look it up how many times they've created havoc in other games!!! So before you come on here writing stupid comments do your homework first!!!!


pre 10 godina

This is for the stupid latest comment from Milo from Serbia you must be very uneducated!!! We all know the truth so stop acting on it!!! Platini is saying yes to racism by looks of it, he should get sacked!!!! Albanian fans are not the ones who do this kind of stuff at games the Serb fans are known for racist behaviour why don't you look it up how many times they've created havoc in other games!!! So before you come on here writing stupid comments do your homework first!!!!