Friday, 26.04.2013.


Talks on implementation of deal continue

Talks between Belgrade and Priština’s teams on the implementation of an agreement on normalization of Serbia and Kosovo's relations continued today.

Izvor: Tanjug

Talks on implementation of deal continue IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 11 godina

This agreement doesn't contain any executive powers to be enjoyed by a community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo. That's why it's hidden from the people and that's why B92 is censoring dissenting comments!

The joint report of the EC and the High Representative (22/04/12) states:
“During their talks, the two sides agreed that the outcome of their discussions should be a set
of principles and arrangements that would give the Kosovo Serb community a new vision of
their future, by addressing their concerns and needs but in a way that preserved the
functionality of the Kosovo institutions and legal framework.”
"The agreement provides for the establishment of an Association/Community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo which will function/operate within the existing legal framework of Kosovo. The Association/Community will have a statute and its own bodies on the basis of the other existing Association in Kosovo and will have a representative role to the central government."

Does this sound like "executive powers" to you?


pre 11 godina

This agreement doesn't contain any executive powers to be enjoyed by a community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo. That's why it's hidden from the people and that's why B92 is censoring dissenting comments!

The joint report of the EC and the High Representative (22/04/12) states:
“During their talks, the two sides agreed that the outcome of their discussions should be a set
of principles and arrangements that would give the Kosovo Serb community a new vision of
their future, by addressing their concerns and needs but in a way that preserved the
functionality of the Kosovo institutions and legal framework.”
"The agreement provides for the establishment of an Association/Community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo which will function/operate within the existing legal framework of Kosovo. The Association/Community will have a statute and its own bodies on the basis of the other existing Association in Kosovo and will have a representative role to the central government."

Does this sound like "executive powers" to you?


pre 11 godina

This agreement doesn't contain any executive powers to be enjoyed by a community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo. That's why it's hidden from the people and that's why B92 is censoring dissenting comments!

The joint report of the EC and the High Representative (22/04/12) states:
“During their talks, the two sides agreed that the outcome of their discussions should be a set
of principles and arrangements that would give the Kosovo Serb community a new vision of
their future, by addressing their concerns and needs but in a way that preserved the
functionality of the Kosovo institutions and legal framework.”
"The agreement provides for the establishment of an Association/Community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo which will function/operate within the existing legal framework of Kosovo. The Association/Community will have a statute and its own bodies on the basis of the other existing Association in Kosovo and will have a representative role to the central government."

Does this sound like "executive powers" to you?