Sunday, 17.03.2013.


Patriarch: Serbs must return to Kosovo

The most important request of Serbia in all talks about Kosovo needs to be the return of Serbs, Serbian Patriarch Irinej has said.

Izvor: Beta

Patriarch: Serbs must return to Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

23 Komentari

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Albanian Farmer

pre 11 godina

Religion, politics always hand in hand, squeezing every last drop of blood out of their own people.

If both kept quite then this people wouldn't have had to leave.

Lets just get the records straight here, it wasn't only Serbs who left Kosovo, but everybody who could, in search for a better life.


pre 11 godina

When the Americans are gone what will the Albanians do stop the Serbs taking their revenge?
(Michael Thomas, 18 March 2013 16:41)

Albanians will have to do nothing because UNSCR 1244 is not going to change any time soon (if ever). Even Russia and Serbia (including true Serb patriots in these forums) are very strong supporters of UNSCR 1244.


pre 11 godina

"In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?"
(icj1, 17 March 2013 22:15)

If your neighbor occupies your house and doesn't let you in, it is a lawless state, and the police is turning a blind eye on it or supports criminals, what can you do in such a situation?
(Questioner, 18 March 2013 07:53)

So you're supporting the point of view that Kosovo is independent. Sure, we can discuss whether legally or illegally, but you're basically saying that Kosovo does what it wants, independently from Serbia.


pre 11 godina

Michael Thomas,

You forget that there are well over 7 million Albanians in Balkans alone, and another 2 million
world-wide. Kosovo Albanians are not alone anymore, and will never be.

Michael Thomas

pre 11 godina

Over the past 14 years the Kosovo Albanians have been given billions of euros and every assistance to make Kosovo a viable and attractive state. But Kosovo is a miserable failure, economically, culturally and morally. What will change over the next 14 years?

And what is the strategy for the next 100 years? Contrary to Albanian dreams, NATO and the Americans will not be around to protect them for all eternity. What will happen to the Kosovo Albanians when the Americans are gone?

The Albanian have treated Kosovo Serbs like the Nazis treated the Jews. Serbs are murdered, raped and their lands and property stolen. These are not individual crimes by nasty individuals, they are crimes of one people against another.

When the Americans are gone what will the Albanians do stop the Serbs taking their revenge? I honestly believe that when the Americans go the Albanians will go with them.


pre 11 godina

And besides, there is no safety in Kosovo. Those serbs that did return are facing albanian terror every day"

The typically Serb excuses like ever. Look on the Albanians with their civil and peaceful resistance over years against Milosevic.It is a case for endless gutlessness. When the Albanins did not allowed Nikolic to enter Kosovo, what was the Serb "reaction? A meeting with the Kosovo-president in Brussels. The Serbs NEVER demanded from Thaci to accept the returning of Serbs before signing ANY agreemnt. Not at all. Dacic made jokes with Thaci. I dont can remeber that ANY PMs during fruitless negotiations had only endless dinners with the enemy. You cannot change the Serb mentality. Bill Clintons envoy for Serbia said it very clear: the Serbs make a lot of noise. But if you show them with hard words who is the bos, they are like little dogs making no problems in accepting all.


pre 11 godina

I agree all Serbs must return to Kosova.

I also agree that Department of Justice in Kosova will benefit from having all suspected War Criminals in the country and within reach during the proceeding to investigate and solve 13,000 murder cases from 1998/99.

I am sure Serbs can't wait to return to face JUSTICE.


pre 11 godina

"In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?"
(icj1, 17 March 2013 22:15)

If your neighbor occupies your house and doesn't let you in, it is a lawless state, and the police is turning a blind eye on it or supports criminals, what can you do in such a situation?


pre 11 godina

Who is Patriarch Irinej targeting with his message? If he's speaking only in Serbian, to Serbs, not good enough. He should know that. His message has to be heard by NATO and Washington. Not that they care for Serbs, after bombing them in 1999. But nevertheless the Patriarch must send a clear message to a broader world.


pre 11 godina

He would but Thaqi wont allow him enter Kosovo because he thinks he is macho if he prevents a man of God from entering occupied territory.
(MikeC, 17 March 2013 16:22)

As soon and he produces an affidavit from God certifying that he is one of his men, he will not have any problem to enter Kosovo or any other place in the world. In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?


pre 11 godina

(Syla, 17 March 2013 17:41) -

The desire to send troublesome neighbors back where they came from may be universal (the Indians in America - North, South, and Central - certainly must feel it), but ever since humans started moving out of Africa they've been looking for more space and better conditions. And after the first wave, even those coming out of Africa, not to mention first-wave settlers moving on, have encountered other groups and either learned to co-exist or fought it out. There's no way at this point of establishing a date on which every group was in its "original homeland" and its descendants should return to it in the interests of international peace and justice. We have to learn to live with our neighbors, whether their ancestors have been sharing the space with us for the past thousand years or so, or moved in last year (as they tend to do continually here in the U.S. And yes, we have tensions with "illegal aliens" - it doesn't come naturally to share your living space). It's simply that calling for the the neighbors to go away won't do you any good - it just raises the level of frustration and keeps you from focusing on real problems.


pre 11 godina

Criminals usually don't want to go back to the scene of the crime.
(Avni, 17 March 2013 17:10)

Of course they do. 1 million Albanian criminals returned to Kosovo after being expelled. Many of them ran for office and now hold positions of power. I'm surprised you don't know this.

@Syla, 17 March 2013 17:41

pre 11 godina

what have albo islamo-fascists got to do with Jews? Yes,they have as Jews fight islamo-fascists as every normal human should do - and albo (wannabe illyrians) will have similar defeats to come as their co-religioniosts arabs get on a daily basis in Fakenstine and other ME corners.Insha'Allah!


pre 11 godina

Crime without punishment.!you serbs are always goodin propaganda,no.?did any ofyou think that you too must be punished for the crimes you did in croatiain bosniain kosovo.?cinizm is one of your constant vertue..!

George Vladimirovich

pre 11 godina

Our brother Serbs must look at their history and keep Kosovo in their heart until the right moment will allow to have it back.
That moment will come simply because it will. It is the will of God and the will of fairness.
Never forget your bravery and never forget how your country must look like.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 11 godina

All fine and good but there has to be something to return to. No one voluntarily moves to Kosovo because there's no reason to do so. Even many Albanians want to leave if given the chance. What's the point in encouraging people to "return" to a place when they've not only been away for years, but actually have a better life elsewhere? It's the same with Krajina. There's nothing there to return to. Not even the cities. I wouldn't even want to move to Karlovac, let alone Knin. The entire city is practically deserted after 21:00. Hell, even Croats want out of Croatia, just like Serbs want out of Serbia! So what's the incentive to move back to some rural Kosovo village that was poor and undeveloped to begin with only to have the same conditions in the present, but now with hostile Albanian neighbors that break into your house and steal your good because they don't have anything themselves?

Make Kosovo a place people actually want to move TO instead of escaping FROM and the Serb population will triple.


pre 11 godina

I find it very disturbing to see religious leaders stick their noses into politics like this. No wonder why the Serbian Orthodox Church is not very popular amongs non-serbs in the Balkans.


pre 11 godina

OK Mr Irinej,
Lets go back 1400 years when there were no Serbs or Slavs at all in Balcan peninsula and the land that was once
Called Yugoslavia was ilirya(Albania).Albanians did not forget (just like Jewish people)and in due time will get back
Our land that was taken from us all the way to Austria and down to Preveza.
You see we are not asking for anything that's not ours like lands in Russia , Check Republick or any other Slavic land
Only what's ours.Serbs as always want what's not theirs and that will not happen and as each day goes by Albania and Kosova(Dardania)are getting stronger so do not think that you are going to face unturned Civilians anymore but a strong and well armed Albanian Military that will make you think twice before you venture to another disastrous decision.


pre 11 godina

"Why doesn't the Patriarch lead by example, for once."


He would but Thaqi wont allow him enter Kosovo because he thinks he is macho if he prevents a man of God from entering occupied territory. And besides, there is no safety in Kosovo. Those serbs that did return are facing albanian terror every day.

Albanian Farmer

pre 11 godina

Religion, politics always hand in hand, squeezing every last drop of blood out of their own people.

If both kept quite then this people wouldn't have had to leave.

Lets just get the records straight here, it wasn't only Serbs who left Kosovo, but everybody who could, in search for a better life.


pre 11 godina

“One of the first steps and items in the talks, today and tomorrow, a condition and request we need to set is the return of a large number of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija,”

Nobody from Nikolic to Dacic has asked in the talks for this return, and the church is knowing ths...how many Serb priests in Kosovo have still applied for Kosovo-citizenship? Nobody in Belgrade will speak about it.


pre 11 godina

"Why doesn't the Patriarch lead by example, for once."


He would but Thaqi wont allow him enter Kosovo because he thinks he is macho if he prevents a man of God from entering occupied territory. And besides, there is no safety in Kosovo. Those serbs that did return are facing albanian terror every day.

Albanian Farmer

pre 11 godina

Religion, politics always hand in hand, squeezing every last drop of blood out of their own people.

If both kept quite then this people wouldn't have had to leave.

Lets just get the records straight here, it wasn't only Serbs who left Kosovo, but everybody who could, in search for a better life.


pre 11 godina

I find it very disturbing to see religious leaders stick their noses into politics like this. No wonder why the Serbian Orthodox Church is not very popular amongs non-serbs in the Balkans.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 11 godina

All fine and good but there has to be something to return to. No one voluntarily moves to Kosovo because there's no reason to do so. Even many Albanians want to leave if given the chance. What's the point in encouraging people to "return" to a place when they've not only been away for years, but actually have a better life elsewhere? It's the same with Krajina. There's nothing there to return to. Not even the cities. I wouldn't even want to move to Karlovac, let alone Knin. The entire city is practically deserted after 21:00. Hell, even Croats want out of Croatia, just like Serbs want out of Serbia! So what's the incentive to move back to some rural Kosovo village that was poor and undeveloped to begin with only to have the same conditions in the present, but now with hostile Albanian neighbors that break into your house and steal your good because they don't have anything themselves?

Make Kosovo a place people actually want to move TO instead of escaping FROM and the Serb population will triple.


pre 11 godina

“One of the first steps and items in the talks, today and tomorrow, a condition and request we need to set is the return of a large number of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija,”

Nobody from Nikolic to Dacic has asked in the talks for this return, and the church is knowing ths...how many Serb priests in Kosovo have still applied for Kosovo-citizenship? Nobody in Belgrade will speak about it.


pre 11 godina

Criminals usually don't want to go back to the scene of the crime.
(Avni, 17 March 2013 17:10)

Of course they do. 1 million Albanian criminals returned to Kosovo after being expelled. Many of them ran for office and now hold positions of power. I'm surprised you don't know this.


pre 11 godina

OK Mr Irinej,
Lets go back 1400 years when there were no Serbs or Slavs at all in Balcan peninsula and the land that was once
Called Yugoslavia was ilirya(Albania).Albanians did not forget (just like Jewish people)and in due time will get back
Our land that was taken from us all the way to Austria and down to Preveza.
You see we are not asking for anything that's not ours like lands in Russia , Check Republick or any other Slavic land
Only what's ours.Serbs as always want what's not theirs and that will not happen and as each day goes by Albania and Kosova(Dardania)are getting stronger so do not think that you are going to face unturned Civilians anymore but a strong and well armed Albanian Military that will make you think twice before you venture to another disastrous decision.

George Vladimirovich

pre 11 godina

Our brother Serbs must look at their history and keep Kosovo in their heart until the right moment will allow to have it back.
That moment will come simply because it will. It is the will of God and the will of fairness.
Never forget your bravery and never forget how your country must look like.


pre 11 godina

Crime without punishment.!you serbs are always goodin propaganda,no.?did any ofyou think that you too must be punished for the crimes you did in croatiain bosniain kosovo.?cinizm is one of your constant vertue..!


pre 11 godina

Michael Thomas,

You forget that there are well over 7 million Albanians in Balkans alone, and another 2 million
world-wide. Kosovo Albanians are not alone anymore, and will never be.


pre 11 godina

He would but Thaqi wont allow him enter Kosovo because he thinks he is macho if he prevents a man of God from entering occupied territory.
(MikeC, 17 March 2013 16:22)

As soon and he produces an affidavit from God certifying that he is one of his men, he will not have any problem to enter Kosovo or any other place in the world. In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?

@Syla, 17 March 2013 17:41

pre 11 godina

what have albo islamo-fascists got to do with Jews? Yes,they have as Jews fight islamo-fascists as every normal human should do - and albo (wannabe illyrians) will have similar defeats to come as their co-religioniosts arabs get on a daily basis in Fakenstine and other ME corners.Insha'Allah!


pre 11 godina

"In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?"
(icj1, 17 March 2013 22:15)

If your neighbor occupies your house and doesn't let you in, it is a lawless state, and the police is turning a blind eye on it or supports criminals, what can you do in such a situation?

Michael Thomas

pre 11 godina

Over the past 14 years the Kosovo Albanians have been given billions of euros and every assistance to make Kosovo a viable and attractive state. But Kosovo is a miserable failure, economically, culturally and morally. What will change over the next 14 years?

And what is the strategy for the next 100 years? Contrary to Albanian dreams, NATO and the Americans will not be around to protect them for all eternity. What will happen to the Kosovo Albanians when the Americans are gone?

The Albanian have treated Kosovo Serbs like the Nazis treated the Jews. Serbs are murdered, raped and their lands and property stolen. These are not individual crimes by nasty individuals, they are crimes of one people against another.

When the Americans are gone what will the Albanians do stop the Serbs taking their revenge? I honestly believe that when the Americans go the Albanians will go with them.


pre 11 godina

I agree all Serbs must return to Kosova.

I also agree that Department of Justice in Kosova will benefit from having all suspected War Criminals in the country and within reach during the proceeding to investigate and solve 13,000 murder cases from 1998/99.

I am sure Serbs can't wait to return to face JUSTICE.


pre 11 godina

When the Americans are gone what will the Albanians do stop the Serbs taking their revenge?
(Michael Thomas, 18 March 2013 16:41)

Albanians will have to do nothing because UNSCR 1244 is not going to change any time soon (if ever). Even Russia and Serbia (including true Serb patriots in these forums) are very strong supporters of UNSCR 1244.


pre 11 godina

Who is Patriarch Irinej targeting with his message? If he's speaking only in Serbian, to Serbs, not good enough. He should know that. His message has to be heard by NATO and Washington. Not that they care for Serbs, after bombing them in 1999. But nevertheless the Patriarch must send a clear message to a broader world.


pre 11 godina

(Syla, 17 March 2013 17:41) -

The desire to send troublesome neighbors back where they came from may be universal (the Indians in America - North, South, and Central - certainly must feel it), but ever since humans started moving out of Africa they've been looking for more space and better conditions. And after the first wave, even those coming out of Africa, not to mention first-wave settlers moving on, have encountered other groups and either learned to co-exist or fought it out. There's no way at this point of establishing a date on which every group was in its "original homeland" and its descendants should return to it in the interests of international peace and justice. We have to learn to live with our neighbors, whether their ancestors have been sharing the space with us for the past thousand years or so, or moved in last year (as they tend to do continually here in the U.S. And yes, we have tensions with "illegal aliens" - it doesn't come naturally to share your living space). It's simply that calling for the the neighbors to go away won't do you any good - it just raises the level of frustration and keeps you from focusing on real problems.


pre 11 godina

And besides, there is no safety in Kosovo. Those serbs that did return are facing albanian terror every day"

The typically Serb excuses like ever. Look on the Albanians with their civil and peaceful resistance over years against Milosevic.It is a case for endless gutlessness. When the Albanins did not allowed Nikolic to enter Kosovo, what was the Serb "reaction? A meeting with the Kosovo-president in Brussels. The Serbs NEVER demanded from Thaci to accept the returning of Serbs before signing ANY agreemnt. Not at all. Dacic made jokes with Thaci. I dont can remeber that ANY PMs during fruitless negotiations had only endless dinners with the enemy. You cannot change the Serb mentality. Bill Clintons envoy for Serbia said it very clear: the Serbs make a lot of noise. But if you show them with hard words who is the bos, they are like little dogs making no problems in accepting all.


pre 11 godina

"In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?"
(icj1, 17 March 2013 22:15)

If your neighbor occupies your house and doesn't let you in, it is a lawless state, and the police is turning a blind eye on it or supports criminals, what can you do in such a situation?
(Questioner, 18 March 2013 07:53)

So you're supporting the point of view that Kosovo is independent. Sure, we can discuss whether legally or illegally, but you're basically saying that Kosovo does what it wants, independently from Serbia.

Albanian Farmer

pre 11 godina

Religion, politics always hand in hand, squeezing every last drop of blood out of their own people.

If both kept quite then this people wouldn't have had to leave.

Lets just get the records straight here, it wasn't only Serbs who left Kosovo, but everybody who could, in search for a better life.


pre 11 godina

OK Mr Irinej,
Lets go back 1400 years when there were no Serbs or Slavs at all in Balcan peninsula and the land that was once
Called Yugoslavia was ilirya(Albania).Albanians did not forget (just like Jewish people)and in due time will get back
Our land that was taken from us all the way to Austria and down to Preveza.
You see we are not asking for anything that's not ours like lands in Russia , Check Republick or any other Slavic land
Only what's ours.Serbs as always want what's not theirs and that will not happen and as each day goes by Albania and Kosova(Dardania)are getting stronger so do not think that you are going to face unturned Civilians anymore but a strong and well armed Albanian Military that will make you think twice before you venture to another disastrous decision.


pre 11 godina

I find it very disturbing to see religious leaders stick their noses into politics like this. No wonder why the Serbian Orthodox Church is not very popular amongs non-serbs in the Balkans.


pre 11 godina

He would but Thaqi wont allow him enter Kosovo because he thinks he is macho if he prevents a man of God from entering occupied territory.
(MikeC, 17 March 2013 16:22)

As soon and he produces an affidavit from God certifying that he is one of his men, he will not have any problem to enter Kosovo or any other place in the world. In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?

George Vladimirovich

pre 11 godina

Our brother Serbs must look at their history and keep Kosovo in their heart until the right moment will allow to have it back.
That moment will come simply because it will. It is the will of God and the will of fairness.
Never forget your bravery and never forget how your country must look like.


pre 11 godina

Criminals usually don't want to go back to the scene of the crime.
(Avni, 17 March 2013 17:10)

Of course they do. 1 million Albanian criminals returned to Kosovo after being expelled. Many of them ran for office and now hold positions of power. I'm surprised you don't know this.


pre 11 godina

Crime without punishment.!you serbs are always goodin propaganda,no.?did any ofyou think that you too must be punished for the crimes you did in croatiain bosniain kosovo.?cinizm is one of your constant vertue..!


pre 11 godina

"Why doesn't the Patriarch lead by example, for once."


He would but Thaqi wont allow him enter Kosovo because he thinks he is macho if he prevents a man of God from entering occupied territory. And besides, there is no safety in Kosovo. Those serbs that did return are facing albanian terror every day.

Albanian Farmer

pre 11 godina

Religion, politics always hand in hand, squeezing every last drop of blood out of their own people.

If both kept quite then this people wouldn't have had to leave.

Lets just get the records straight here, it wasn't only Serbs who left Kosovo, but everybody who could, in search for a better life.

Michael Thomas

pre 11 godina

Over the past 14 years the Kosovo Albanians have been given billions of euros and every assistance to make Kosovo a viable and attractive state. But Kosovo is a miserable failure, economically, culturally and morally. What will change over the next 14 years?

And what is the strategy for the next 100 years? Contrary to Albanian dreams, NATO and the Americans will not be around to protect them for all eternity. What will happen to the Kosovo Albanians when the Americans are gone?

The Albanian have treated Kosovo Serbs like the Nazis treated the Jews. Serbs are murdered, raped and their lands and property stolen. These are not individual crimes by nasty individuals, they are crimes of one people against another.

When the Americans are gone what will the Albanians do stop the Serbs taking their revenge? I honestly believe that when the Americans go the Albanians will go with them.


pre 11 godina

Michael Thomas,

You forget that there are well over 7 million Albanians in Balkans alone, and another 2 million
world-wide. Kosovo Albanians are not alone anymore, and will never be.


pre 11 godina

(Syla, 17 March 2013 17:41) -

The desire to send troublesome neighbors back where they came from may be universal (the Indians in America - North, South, and Central - certainly must feel it), but ever since humans started moving out of Africa they've been looking for more space and better conditions. And after the first wave, even those coming out of Africa, not to mention first-wave settlers moving on, have encountered other groups and either learned to co-exist or fought it out. There's no way at this point of establishing a date on which every group was in its "original homeland" and its descendants should return to it in the interests of international peace and justice. We have to learn to live with our neighbors, whether their ancestors have been sharing the space with us for the past thousand years or so, or moved in last year (as they tend to do continually here in the U.S. And yes, we have tensions with "illegal aliens" - it doesn't come naturally to share your living space). It's simply that calling for the the neighbors to go away won't do you any good - it just raises the level of frustration and keeps you from focusing on real problems.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 11 godina

All fine and good but there has to be something to return to. No one voluntarily moves to Kosovo because there's no reason to do so. Even many Albanians want to leave if given the chance. What's the point in encouraging people to "return" to a place when they've not only been away for years, but actually have a better life elsewhere? It's the same with Krajina. There's nothing there to return to. Not even the cities. I wouldn't even want to move to Karlovac, let alone Knin. The entire city is practically deserted after 21:00. Hell, even Croats want out of Croatia, just like Serbs want out of Serbia! So what's the incentive to move back to some rural Kosovo village that was poor and undeveloped to begin with only to have the same conditions in the present, but now with hostile Albanian neighbors that break into your house and steal your good because they don't have anything themselves?

Make Kosovo a place people actually want to move TO instead of escaping FROM and the Serb population will triple.


pre 11 godina

I agree all Serbs must return to Kosova.

I also agree that Department of Justice in Kosova will benefit from having all suspected War Criminals in the country and within reach during the proceeding to investigate and solve 13,000 murder cases from 1998/99.

I am sure Serbs can't wait to return to face JUSTICE.

@Syla, 17 March 2013 17:41

pre 11 godina

what have albo islamo-fascists got to do with Jews? Yes,they have as Jews fight islamo-fascists as every normal human should do - and albo (wannabe illyrians) will have similar defeats to come as their co-religioniosts arabs get on a daily basis in Fakenstine and other ME corners.Insha'Allah!


pre 11 godina

And besides, there is no safety in Kosovo. Those serbs that did return are facing albanian terror every day"

The typically Serb excuses like ever. Look on the Albanians with their civil and peaceful resistance over years against Milosevic.It is a case for endless gutlessness. When the Albanins did not allowed Nikolic to enter Kosovo, what was the Serb "reaction? A meeting with the Kosovo-president in Brussels. The Serbs NEVER demanded from Thaci to accept the returning of Serbs before signing ANY agreemnt. Not at all. Dacic made jokes with Thaci. I dont can remeber that ANY PMs during fruitless negotiations had only endless dinners with the enemy. You cannot change the Serb mentality. Bill Clintons envoy for Serbia said it very clear: the Serbs make a lot of noise. But if you show them with hard words who is the bos, they are like little dogs making no problems in accepting all.


pre 11 godina

“One of the first steps and items in the talks, today and tomorrow, a condition and request we need to set is the return of a large number of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija,”

Nobody from Nikolic to Dacic has asked in the talks for this return, and the church is knowing ths...how many Serb priests in Kosovo have still applied for Kosovo-citizenship? Nobody in Belgrade will speak about it.


pre 11 godina

"In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?"
(icj1, 17 March 2013 22:15)

If your neighbor occupies your house and doesn't let you in, it is a lawless state, and the police is turning a blind eye on it or supports criminals, what can you do in such a situation?


pre 11 godina

"In addition, according to the Serb patriots in these forums, Kosovo is Serbia and what Thaci decides, is not relevant; is it ?"
(icj1, 17 March 2013 22:15)

If your neighbor occupies your house and doesn't let you in, it is a lawless state, and the police is turning a blind eye on it or supports criminals, what can you do in such a situation?
(Questioner, 18 March 2013 07:53)

So you're supporting the point of view that Kosovo is independent. Sure, we can discuss whether legally or illegally, but you're basically saying that Kosovo does what it wants, independently from Serbia.


pre 11 godina

Who is Patriarch Irinej targeting with his message? If he's speaking only in Serbian, to Serbs, not good enough. He should know that. His message has to be heard by NATO and Washington. Not that they care for Serbs, after bombing them in 1999. But nevertheless the Patriarch must send a clear message to a broader world.


pre 11 godina

When the Americans are gone what will the Albanians do stop the Serbs taking their revenge?
(Michael Thomas, 18 March 2013 16:41)

Albanians will have to do nothing because UNSCR 1244 is not going to change any time soon (if ever). Even Russia and Serbia (including true Serb patriots in these forums) are very strong supporters of UNSCR 1244.

Albanian Farmer

pre 11 godina

Religion, politics always hand in hand, squeezing every last drop of blood out of their own people.

If both kept quite then this people wouldn't have had to leave.

Lets just get the records straight here, it wasn't only Serbs who left Kosovo, but everybody who could, in search for a better life.